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I built the halls links to the Archaeologist door, the cave linking to the tunnel, all leading to your new establishment for newbs arriving at Seyda Neen. Ah the old wizard would probably smile upon you for being so good at digging up such a Extravagant Archaeological find.
I got the green globe from assets of the VTA Teleportation service, because I was having trouble at the time figuring out how Wrye Mash, (Not Wrye Bash) worked. Most of the mod, the training and Alchemy room, master bedroom and children's bedroom I built from scratch.
The old buildings halls. I added the links to doors to places in the Morrowind GoTY versions links. Except for one,
I discovered it recently. (Move down past this read me by Dongle to see it.)
If you're interested in the Tree House modding assets:
Tree House
from dongle
A Tree House for use in Morrowind mods
A massive three-story tree-trunk hollowed out into a home. Doorways,
balconies, windows, walks, and stairways wrap all around the trunk.
An interior with matching doorways and internal stairwell is provided.
Set up with doors and markers the player will be able to access all
levels, a trapdoor at the top of the stairs will provide access to the
top of the trunk. The scale is such that from the top the surrounding
view will just be starting to disappear into the fog, at the max view
distance setting. The interior closely matches the scale of the exterior,
and three luxuriously trimmed floors are available. An arched tree-trunk
bridge with matching steps is included, as is a second tree-house trunk
without the house bits.
The original purpose was for a Druid's Guildhall. It will make an impressive
centerpiece for any island of nature loving peoples. Please do use this for
something impressive, as it is not your average model.
Model is 100% original by me.
Textures are from the stock game, with the exception of one ring texture.
You are free to use this in any Morrowind project you wish.
Asking ahead is not necessary. Giving credit is not necessary,
although you are welcome to if you wish.
If you wish to modify this in any way, ie edit the mesh or the texturing,
you may do so. Please credit yourself with the final product and not me.
Also please change the filenames to avoid conflicts with mods that use the
unaltered files. No additional usage restrictions may be added.
Please do not port for use outside of The Elder Scrolls series.
You may add these to your fan site for download.
Please keep the original .zip file intact with this ReadMe.
Steve Deffeyes (aka dongle) January 14, 2005

(HERE is the mod that wasn't in the Morrowind GoTY I rediscovered)
If you're interested in why a teleportation gem drops you on the ground..
I had a mod I found while surfing to others of Dark0ne's friends websites. I discovered I still had it on a HD after I got a USB device to connect it so I could read it. sg1-sgaileach_estate1.2 ; If you would like to add it, I found an update today I'm going to test to see if it will work
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