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timed event

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So im trying to figure out quests and what i can really do, one of the things is timed events, for instance......i want to have a town burning but only after a certain point, how do you go about doing this, i know its possible since it happens in skyrim, i just cant figure out how to do these events...i may be wording this wrong, but this is the goal....You meet a person they say there town was attacked you go there and its burning, if you pass the town before this event of meeting the person its a normal town, how do you set this up, any help would be amazing.



I am new to the quest and scripting part, ive been working on the land and interiors so quest is the next step, i understand how to make basic dialogues and such from youtube and do a simple fetch quest, but more advanced stuff with scripting im not sure about any help would be amazing, im trying hard to make my Valenwood mod great, but being a solo modder its hard to find good resources.

Edited by Colemanallen1987
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Place in the render window all the fires and destruction that you want to be present. Link all of those items to an xMarker that you place in the cell. The xMarker should be flagged as the enable state parent for each of the aforementioned items. Set both the xMarker and the items as initially disabled. Also link any of the non-destruction stuff that needs to be hidden, but these should be flagged as opposite of the enable state parent (i.e. the xMarker).


Now when the player speaks with the NPC and they say that the town is in trouble, have the NPC's dialogue set a stage on your quest. The script fragment for that stage will enable the xMarker which will in turn enable all of the linked destruction stuff and disable any necessary non-destruction stuff.


This is a similar process to how the various rooms are furnished in the player houses. To get an idea how to set it up, check out the steward's dialog and then the associated player house interior.

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In theory, yes. Never actually tried with NPCs. At worse, you can still use an XMarker reference, then a simple script to spawn them at said XMarker when the quest stage is set, such as

ScriptName NpcSpawn Extends ObjectReference

Quest Property QuestProp Auto
ObjectReference Property Marker1 Auto
ObjectReference Property Marker2 Auto
Actor Property NPC1 Auto
Actor Property NPC2 Auto

Event OnInit()
    If QuestProp.GetStage() == 10 ;;Whatever stage for spawns

Event OnUpdate()
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