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Hm, what do you guys think of a mod that, when you're attacking a city in the Civil war quest line, when the battle begins, the camera pans up to give you a view of the battle field, like how it is for most RTS games. you'll get the Skyrim Cursor to select and move units. your character will of course be movable like all the others.


Your character would naturally be like, a vip unit but is very powerful. of course if this unit goes down its game over naturally. you can select units by mousing over them, selecting it and a white circle will appear around this unit and... hm, instead of explaining it just think of some RTS game, like Settlers, or Total war and you see what i mean.


Hm, idk, i think it would be kind of neat, instead of the dumb ai rushing in and attacking one target all while 3 archers are shooting there knees off, you can tell those dumb asses to, two guys attack him, the rest of ya, KILL those blasted archers, and tell your VIP to assist where necessary with spell or shout or what have you. would this even be possible? probably not but hey can't hurt to ask.


This is a mod request btw. :/

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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Check out Open Civil War


OCW you're just staring at a map, select some options and then the RNG takes over for whether you lose or not. i'm talking about actively controlling the Imperial Soldier/Stormcloaks as Units and view and command them from above to attack specific enemy units and take cities like an RTS. i mean theres mods that add lock on, and camera angle alterations, and UI effects, hell full functional Muntiplayer for Pete sake, i don't see why this couldn't exist.

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