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Does overwriting save file cause bugs?

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Normally overwriting file means deleting old file and replacing it with new version but I heard it is quite different in skyrim.

I heard overwriting save file in skyrim is just editing file not replacing so it can potentially cause critical error.

Can the same problem happen in fallout 3 or new vegas?

Sorry for my bad English.

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The games autosaves and quicksaves are thought to be problematic, I've never had a problem with them personally though. I use this, you can quicksave into multiple slots (up to 50 by using F4), it's handy to have multiple saves in case something goes wrong https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36730

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The games autosaves and quicksaves are thought to be problematic, I've never had a problem with them personally though. I use this, you can quicksave into multiple slots (up to 50 by using F4), it's handy to have multiple saves in case something goes wrong https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36730

I can't understand the meaning of "problematic". Because of autosave's small save slot or because autosave itself ruins save file?

Edited by rlavlfwo0911
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There are historical technical reasons due to the way files are written to disk that make it potentially risky to "overwrite" a file (i.e. "problematic"). Creating a "new" version of a file is far safer, especially with the much larger drive capacities these days as the system attempts to write it to "unused" disk space. But eventually it has to "reuse" "freed up" disk space from "deleted" files (which are not actually removed from the disk; just marked as "free space"), which gets back to those old technical issues.


There is debate within the community as to the differences between a "full save" and a "quick save". The terms themselves are strongly suggestive that one exists, and the difference in the amount of time it takes to make both saves is another. Historically with older Bethesda games it could be demonstrated that a "quick save" was not as complete. However there are players who swear they only use a quick save and have no problems.


It eventually boils down to how much risk of file corruption you are willing to tolerate. Only having a single "Save" (of whatever type) means you have no fallback position if that one file gets corrupted. And no files are immune to corruption eventually.



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