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How to change default armors for NPC's


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My tutorial on that subject > How to change DAO NPC equipment - including items added by mods! - without the toolset


The link to pyGFF, one of the needed tools, is broken, but it can be found on the Nexus, here.


As far as I know, that's the only way to replace NPC gear with items from mods. Base-game item swaps can be made using the toolset, or with tlkedit.

Edited by theskymoves
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Thank you so much! I've been trying to find the pyGFF editor tool for a long time!..............How do I install it? I've got a zip a thing with a ton of folders in it but nothing with any instructions.... :'O

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There's no installer; just unpack the editor archive and place the 'gff4editor-1.0' folder wherever you like... I always stuck it in my regular Program Files or in a dedicated modding utilities folder. Then I would create a shortcut for the editor.exe executable, so I could run it from the desktop or Windows toolbar. (It might need to run as as administrator... not sure about that. :-/)


The info I saved re the fnvdump archive is: 'List of filenames... To allow gffeditor to recognize more filenames in V3.0 ERFs, import fnvdump-20110527.filelist in this archive into the editor through Tools > Import strings, choose Filenames, and select fnvdump-20110527.filelist.'.


And you don't need the source code archive.

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  • 2 months later...

OK So Question since I don't know If I took a .MSH I was happy with from DAO or DAII and just copied all the data over into another MSH of the same type would that work?


Do you want to change the gear on an NPC, or change the global default appearance of an item? If the latter, you should probably start a new topic (with a better explanation of what you want to do.)


Oh, I meant to add that that DA2 meshes/models can't be used in DAO without 'porting' them first... I'm not a 3D person, though, so that's the extent of my knowledge on that subject. *shrug*

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Change the gear but also like with NBAIO the different meshes for different things. I want to play around with it and see what I can do but also if I design my own Armor knowing global Positions for different pieces would be very good.

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