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Teleporter Modding Help

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okay so I'm using a separate activator (power Switch) to spawn in the teleport activator so its initially disabled. I'm doing this to give the illusion that there's "power" being used. Now for the Emitter sound and effects if I make 2 versions of the emitter 1 with sounds and effects and apply your script to the power switch activator would this work?

I'm not sure i follow why would you need 2 emittors?

Adding my script to the power activator will work.

How did you do the power switch, are you just enabling/disabling the teleport activator. if so you can make it a toggle by adding an if statement that check if it is enabled to the onActivate this can then enable the activator and the effects as well as disabling everything again.

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These effects don't require power. They are actually animations inside the nif for that model wich you can play using PlayGamebryoAnimation()


you can do this by adding something like this to the activator:

ObjectReference Property EmitterRef Auto ;fill this with the reference of the emittor
EmitterRef.PlayGamebryoAnimation("stage3loop", True); place this inside the OnActivate event

There are more than just this animation in the nif, you can find them using nifscope in the animation dropdown. then you can replace stage3loop with the name of the animation you would like

This only plays the visual effects for sound effects you have to find the corresponding sound descriptor and play that at the same time as the animation using the following line:

;First add 2 more properties:
Sound Property OBJTeleporterJammerLP Auto; you should be able to auto fill this
Int Property SoundEffectIncetanceID Auto Hidden ; no need to fill this the script will do that, this will later be used to stop the sound effect
SoundEffectIncetanceID = OBJTeleporterJammerLP.Play(EmitterRef);place this below the PlayGamebryoAnimation line

Both the animation and the sound effect are looping so you'll have to stop them at some point. This can be done on a timer or using an activator when you want them to stop. To stop both use the following lines:

Sound.StopInstance(SoundEffectIncetanceID) ;stops the audio loop
EmitterRef.PlayGamebryoAnimation("stage1", True); stops the animation loop


okay so I'm using a separate activator (power Switch) to spawn in the teleport activator so its initially disabled. I'm doing this to give the illusion that there's "power" being used. Now for the Emitter sound and effects if I make 2 versions of the emitter 1 with sounds and effects and apply your script to the power switch activator would this work?



Here's the list of the references to help better understand.


00Custom_Swat715_PowerSwitch (Power Switch Activator: When activated Enables the Teleport activator and EmitterON to no longer be initially disabled. And Turns EmitterOFF to disabled.)


00Custom_Swat715_EmitterOFF ("Standard Emitter" [OFF] Initially Enabled, Disabled by Power Switch)


00Custom_Swat715_EmitterON ("Powered Emitter" [ON] Initially Disabled, Enabled By Power Switch. Will include Effects and sounds)


00CustomSwat715_Activator ("Teleporter Activator" Initially Disabled, Enabled by Power Switch)




I'm terrible at explaining things so Hopefully this helps.

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Here's the list of the references to help better understand.


00Custom_Swat715_PowerSwitch (Power Switch Activator: When activated Enables the Teleport activator and EmitterON to no longer be initially disabled. And Turns EmitterOFF to disabled.)


00Custom_Swat715_EmitterOFF ("Standard Emitter" [OFF] Initially Enabled, Disabled by Power Switch)


00Custom_Swat715_EmitterON ("Powered Emitter" [ON] Initially Disabled, Enabled By Power Switch. Will include Effects and sounds)


00CustomSwat715_Activator ("Teleporter Activator" Initially Disabled, Enabled by Power Switch)




I'm terrible at explaining things so Hopefully this helps.

There is no need to have those 2 emitters.

Instead of enabling and disabling them you can create one emitter and activate/deactivate the effects on that.

using the same activator:

ObjectReference Property ActivatorRef Auto ;objectreference of the teleporter activator
ObjectReference Property EmitterRef Auto ;objecreference of the emitter
Sound Property OBJTeleporterJammerLP Auto;sound effects
Int Property SoundEffectIncetanceID Auto Hidden ; no need to fill this the script will do that

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    If ActivatorRef.IsDisabled();if the teleporter activator is disabled enable it
        ActivatorRef.Enable();enables the teleporter activator
        EmitterRef.PlayGamebryoAnimation("stage3loop", True);starts animation stage3loop
        SoundEffectIncetanceID = OBJTeleporterJammerLP.Play(EmitterRef);starts the sound effects
    ElseIf !ActivatorRef.IsDisabled();if the teleporter activator is enabled disable it
        ActivatorRef.Disable();disables the teleporter activator
        If SoundEffectIncetanceID ; checks if there is sound playing
            EmitterRef.PlayGamebryoAnimation("stage1", True); stops the animation
            Sound.StopInstance(SoundEffectIncetanceID) ;stops the audio loop

You could add in a global variable to store the power state if you need to know in another script or as a condition for certain effects.


Edit: removed SoundEffectIncetanceID = None beacuse this won't work :facepalm:


Edited by LoneRaptor
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Here's the list of the references to help better understand.


00Custom_Swat715_PowerSwitch (Power Switch Activator: When activated Enables the Teleport activator and EmitterON to no longer be initially disabled. And Turns EmitterOFF to disabled.)


00Custom_Swat715_EmitterOFF ("Standard Emitter" [OFF] Initially Enabled, Disabled by Power Switch)


00Custom_Swat715_EmitterON ("Powered Emitter" [ON] Initially Disabled, Enabled By Power Switch. Will include Effects and sounds)


00CustomSwat715_Activator ("Teleporter Activator" Initially Disabled, Enabled by Power Switch)




I'm terrible at explaining things so Hopefully this helps.

There is no need to have those 2 emitters.

Instead of enabling and disabling them you can create one emitter and activate/deactivate the effects on that.

using the same activator:

ObjectReference Property ActivatorRef Auto ;objectreference of the teleporter activator
ObjectReference Property EmitterRef Auto ;objecreference of the emitter
Sound Property OBJTeleporterJammerLP Auto;sound effects
Int Property SoundEffectIncetanceID Auto Hidden ; no need to fill this the script will do that

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    If ActivatorRef.IsDisabled();if the teleporter activator is disabled enable it
        ActivatorRef.Disable();disables the teleporter activator
        EmitterRef.PlayGamebryoAnimation("stage3loop", True);starts animation stage3loop
        SoundEffectIncetanceID = OBJTeleporterJammerLP.Play(EmitterRef);starts the sound effects
    ElseIf !ActivatorRef.IsDisabled();if the teleporter activator is enabled disable it
        ActivatorRef.Enable();enables the teleporter activator
        If SoundEffectIncetanceID ; checks if there is sound playing
            EmitterRef.PlayGamebryoAnimation("stage1", True); stops the animation
            Sound.StopInstance(SoundEffectIncetanceID) ;stops the audio loop
            SoundEffectIncetanceID = None ; clears the inctance property so the script knows there is no sound playing

You could add in a global variable to store the power state if you need to know in another script or as a condition for certain effects.




Holy Crap Wasn't Expecting to see this that quickly lol

I tried adding the script to the Power Switch Activator Script (Blank script) and it says compilation failed? Also what do you mean by store power state?

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The compilation error is because I made a mistake in the script i posted the line: SoundEffectIncetanceID = None won't work because you can't set an int property to none. If you remove that line it should work.

with store power state i mean create a global variable that you can then reference somewhere else to check if the power is on or not (default value = 0 when powered set it to 1)

you can do this with NamOfGlobal.SetValue(1) to change it to 1. You can read the value with NameOfGlobal.GetValueInt()

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The compilation error is because I made a mistake in the script i posted the line: SoundEffectIncetanceID = None won't work because you can't set an int property to none. If you remove that line it should work.

with store power state i mean create a global variable that you can then reference somewhere else to check if the power is on or not (default value = 0 when powered set it to 1)

you can do this with NamOfGlobal.SetValue(1) to change it to 1. You can read the value with NameOfGlobal.GetValueInt()




Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(3,25): const scripts may only contain const auto properties. Property ActivatorRef cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(3,25): const scripts may not contain data, script variable ::ActivatorRef_var cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(4,25): const scripts may only contain const auto properties. Property EmitterRef cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(4,25): const scripts may not contain data, script variable ::EmitterRef_var cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(5,15): const scripts may only contain const auto properties. Property OBJTeleporterJammerLP cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(5,15): const scripts may not contain data, script variable ::OBJTeleporterJammerLP_var cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(6,13): const scripts may only contain const auto properties. Property SoundEffectIncetanceID cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(6,13): const scripts may not contain data, script variable ::SoundEffectIncetanceID_var cannot be defined


Swat715_EmitterActivator\Swat715_EmitterActivator.psc(20,0): mismatched input 'EndEvent' expecting ENDIF


No output generated for Swat715_EmitterActivator:Swat715_EmitterActivator, compilation failed.

Edited by Swat715
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These errors are because the default script adds a const flag to the end of the scriptname (first line of the script) if you remove that it should work.


Scriptname Swat715_EmitterActivator:Swat715_EmitterActivator extends ObjectReference Const ObjectReference Property ActivatorRef Auto


That one? and if so just the const or everything after?

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