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Mountain Lion follower, cast target/touch spells?


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Okay so, i got my WIP mountain lion follower to cast self healing/buffing spells, but I am still struggling with getting him to cast target or touch spells, what may be the problem and how could I fix it? Is it the combat style, or something else?

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You should be able to use any animation for cast target or touch, the cast self for instance, or one of the attacks maybe. You only need to change the animgroup name inside the KF. I just don't recall off the top of my head what the group names are for cast target and touch. They should be easy to look up though in other cast target and touch animations' KFs. The game doesn't really care for animation files' names. They can be named completely arbitrarily, as long as the exact same name is imported as animation into the actor/creature's animation list. What makes a cast a cast and not anything else solely is the animgroup name.


Hmm, I think these should be the ones: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=AnimGroups

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