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Weird Graphics Glitch


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I suddenly got a weird visual glitch yesterday and I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen since I've had no luck searching for it. I suddenly had some object appear stuck in my character's head and have no idea how or what it is. Best I can describe it is it looks like an upside down mustard container from a diner. It's yellow and cylindrical and as a squiggly yellow string coming from the bottom. Sometimes it's semi-see through like a bottle and sometime's it's deep yellow. It partially sticks out of the top of my character's head and when she runs, it will move out the back of her head so that you can see the entire object. It isn't there all of the time. It seems to come and go almost randomly and usually doesn't stay for long stretches. It disappeared long enough that I thought I had fixed it, then it cam back. If it's from a mod, I have no clue as to which one since it suddenly appeared and I haven't installed anything new in awhile. Has anyone seen anything similar or have any idea how to make it go away?

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I'll see if I can get a picture. It comes and goes and I may have gotten rid of it finally. Unfortunately, while moving around my mod order I screwed up some other things and may end up having to just delete the entire save.

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