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Manual activation of perk effect

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Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster (and hopefully, modder).


I am trying to either mod Idiot Savant or create a new perk that can be manually activated to achieve the same effect at a desired time (such as before a quest reward or when a Queen Mirelurk gets to 1% health).


I have gotten the Creation Kit and am playing with it, but I cannot seem to find a way to change the way the perk activates. If I have to, I am open to creating a new perk or a new level of Idiot Savant to achieve this.


Has anyone got any ideas?

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Nice one, well, how are you wanting to activate the new perk exactly?

You could make a consumable that fires a script to add the perk and then remove the perk after (x)seconds,

You could make a ring or other accessory that adds the perk when worn,

You could make a quest that will add the perk if the target is under (x) health,

You could make a certain ammo type or grenade that adds the perk on hitting the target (x) amount of times.


I think it will all depend on how you want to manually activate it ^.^

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Yep :) that's about it :)

You might want to add the perk directly rather than casting the spell/effect, but that would be an option.


(I'm on my phone right now, so I can't insert code here, but the script will look something like...)



Scriptname F1keyscript extends Quest


int F1Timer = 10

Perk Property IdiotSavant


Event OnInit()




Event OnKeyDown(int key)

If (key == 100)

If !Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(IdiotSavant)


StartTimer(10, Timer)





Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)

If aiTimerID == Timer







(and don't forget to fill properties before testing)

Edited by SandMouseAnarchy
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