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I just want to launch NPCs into space. (and off cliffs) Thats all I ask....


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I know its a little late in the game to be requesting mods, but if anyone is out there who knows how to create a mod for this, you will be fulfilling a lifetime dream. I just want to be able to throw things fast and hard. As for how far: i don't care, as long a I can sit back and enjoy a random person falling from obscene heights at comical whimsy, my life will be complete. (It would also be fun to chuck items really fast into peoples faces, but i don't need it) I run regular old Skyrim with no dlc, but I do have a lot of mods. :/


And I'll be darned... I think I came up with a new mod idea just now... Rubber Bouncy Ball Items and NPC's. (Perhaps set the physics to a hotkey to toggle the effects? I'll save that for another post if i make one...)



Priorities first though, details about what I would like to see (I know modding can be a difficult process so I'm not too picky):


- I just want to see the effects of my ensued chaos (even if people turn hostile, i'll deal with it)


- I'd like to be able to do it at the push of a button if possible (rapid succession would be lovely, but I'm not picky)


- I'd like it to function solely on the NPC I choose (but if you can't, like i said, "I'll deal with it")


- I'm thinking perhaps a Super Duper FUS RO DAH or the effect of The Real Falcon Punch mod but twice as powerful (and no annoying "falcon punch" sounds please) [Link here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11813?tab=posts&BH=0]


Immense thanks to the noble hero who takes on this cause!

Edited by z4pper
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