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Assassin Creed Origin's : need help info regarding 3 shields


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ive been having trouble trying to find out how to get the Madu's Shield, Medjay Shield (Broken/RopesAround) and Medjay Shield (NotBroken/Clean). i searched many sources nothing. it even seems not allot a players doesnt know quite how to get them specifically. i know the Medjay Shield (Broken/RopesAround) becomes available at some point in the game at the blacksmith in Siwa but i dont know when it becomes available. i saw the Madu's Shield once in one of the blacksmiths stores but i dont remember where it sells it. i even went to pretty all the blacksmiths in Egypt and i havent seen it. the Medjay Shield (NotBroken/Clean) i have no clue how to get it anymore. some said they got while progressing in the game without noticing it was added to there inventory. some said they got but dismantled or sold it by accident. here are some link photos of the shields :


-Madu's Shield : https://acorigins.fanswiki.com/images/acoriginsImages/5/57/Madu%27s_Shield.png


-Medjay Shield (Broken/RopesAround) : https://i.redd.it/wefnf2wp8oa01.jpg


-Medjay Shield (NotBroken/Clean) : https://i.imgur.com/brJU759.jpg


if someone knows how to get these shields officially let me know so i can let other players know and include these infos into my guides. Thank You

Edited by skycreate
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I didn’t write in time, but I want to answer you about Medjay Shield (Broken). This shield is in your hands at the very BEGINNING / START of the game, in the introduction, when you fight with Hypatos, your first enemy. He will be level 1. Do not disassemble it and never sell it to blacksmiths, because they will not give it to you again;


BUT! I was interested in Madu's Shield, because he really is nowhere in the AСO (at least, it seems to me);


It, like Medjay Shield (NonBroken) can be obtained exclusively using the table of Cheat Engine, I have everything. I hope you read it, and i'm help you, friend.

Edited by TalismanYda4i
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

i stumbled upon a couple forum comments concerning the Medjay Shield (not broken). i think the reason why some people acquired the shield is when they were playing the arena gladiator missions while the game was being patched threw out the months. basically before any patches the game allowed you to keep the shield. now that the game has been patched multiple times the devs must have removed the shield while fixing bugs. i guess the only true way to get it is by using Cheat Engine. for the Madu Shield i also stumbled upon one forum comment and the person mentioned something that also happened to me while playing the game. the shield is sold by one of the blacksmiths but the person has well saw it once from a blacksmiths. it sucks because the madu shield is an item you can officially acquire in the game. even till this day many people have no idea how to get. heres the link of the person that confirmed the Madu Shield : https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/1824642-What-is-Madu-s-shield-and-how-to-get-it . heres also a video from someone that obtained 5 Madu Shield : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIRUPfjQAx0 . if ever you guys finds out how to get it after all let me know i will let others about it.

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