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[Mod Request] Enemy Health Shows Only On High Level Enemies

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Hi all, it's my first time ever requesting a mod.. I'm playing with Friendly HUD enabled and I myself really like to play with minimal hud, so I normally play with hidden enemy life, problem is sometimes I come across really high level enemies and I'd be spending a half hour on them without any way of telling if I'm doing any damage at all, recently for example I did the Bayways quest which is suggested level 22 even though my character is level 10. (I just try to isolate the ghouls and kill them one by one, the Ekimmara itself was way easier than the ghouls before) and I was only able to manage that once I had enemy healths up on them, which means that if it takes a long time for me to kill a monster I have to go back into the menu and reset the HUD to show enemy health.


Is there a way to make a mod which will detect if a creature is x levels above me (which could be configurable via Mod Menu) and then toggle ON the health indicator for said enemy.?


Since I've Enemy Upscaling turned on and I'm playing Deathmarch difficulty I'd imagine all enemies are a higher level than me, but the majority are manageable, it''s only when you get to what I'm assuming are 10 or so levels above you that things get really hard.

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