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As of 2019, what is the best way to import/create/export custom meshes for Fallout 4?


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The Niftools Dev's have covered subjects such as that (for instance removing the .obj import support) Because as it stands currently, they can skirt around the edges of completely reverse engineering a proprietary (and copyrighted) 3D format without attracting the ire of "the men is suits".


They have stated quite categorically that they dont not want to make mesh editing and porting "too easy" for the average peon. Hence the "hoops" you need to jump through to create content.

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AFAIK, to add 'custom' collision data (and/or animations) you need 3DS 2013 with the .nif importer, plus a copy of the Havok Tools plugin (which requires a purchasable license.)

You may create custom collision with NifSkope 2.0 Dev 7 (I think, that's the first release (and the last? Who knows...)) Though, it's still not easy and it's still not perfekt. NifSkope does not support bhkMoppBvTreeShape which is a special structure to speedup collision detection. Thus a bad collision may cause the 3D performance to drop dramatically. Anyway, it's the only way to avoid 3DSMax :thumbsup:

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So I looked around and found a few videos/tutorials about the OS method. It seems okay but is still dicey for any mesh which is not similar to a vanilla mesh.


However, if you look at this website (https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=3ds_Max_-_NifTools_Plugin) which refers to the updated NifTools for 3ds 2016-2018, it vaguely describes how to add collision. I have tried to follow what it is saying but cannot seem to get any results. Does anyone have any ideas?

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You may create custom collision with NifSkope 2.0 Dev 7 (I think, that's the first release (and the last? Who knows...)) Though, it's still not easy and it's still not perfekt. NifSkope does not support bhkMoppBvTreeShape which is a special structure to speedup collision detection. Thus a bad collision may cause the 3D performance to drop dramatically. Anyway, it's the only way to avoid 3DSMax :thumbsup:

Do you have any more info on this? I worked with Dev 7 for a while now and still haven't figured out (or even found a hint) how to create collisions. I'm not even able to display existing collisions.
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No, there doesn't seem to be any documentation on this topic. Unfortunately the NifSkope discord channel has been closed by the turn of the year and also niftools.org vanished. Seems that jonwd7 completely dropped the development of NifTools/NifSkope.


Actually there are two approaches to create a colission mesh. First, you can create a collision "inline". That is:

- delete the bhkNPCollisionObject node, it any.

- right click on a BSTriShape node

- select "Havok" / "Create Convex Shape"

- click "Ok"

-> now you should have a node bhkCollisionObject with sub nodes bhkRigidBody -> bhkConvexVerticesShape

- you can see the collision mesh by enabling the "Show Collision" gadget in the tool bar

- save the Nif

- process it with elric

- DONE :thumbsup:


The second way is to import an object-file (.obj) as a collision.

- delete the bhkNPCollisionObject node, it any.

- click/activate the NiNode you wish to add the collision to

- select "Import" -> "Import OBJ as collision" from the "File" menu

- import your collision object

- click "Ok"

-> now you should have a node bhkCollisionObject with sub nodes bhkRigidBody -> bhkNiTriStripsShape

- you can see the collision mesh by enabling the "Show Collision" gadget in the tool bar

- save the Nif

- process it with elric

- DONE :thumbsup:


The later method is the preferred method if you need complex collision objects.


Some tips:

- reduce the number of vertices to an absolute minimum. Complex collisions will need more time to process ingame.

-> keep in mind that NifSkope can not optimize the collision mesh - for legal reasons it can not create a bhkMoppBvTreeShape

- be patient

- read the README.txt for elric (....\Fallout 4\Tools\Elric\README.txt) - try to understand it - follow the instructions

- disable "Remove unneccessary extra data" from the elric "Options" menu. This option will cause a crash (most of the time)

- be patient

- you may combine two or more collision objects for different NiNodes or BSTriShape. You will see...

- be patient - oh, i already said that :laugh: I'm pretty sure you will need some time an several attempts before you have your first working custom Nif with collision. Good luck!

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