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SweetFX = Opaque Water? (w/ ENBoost & OR)


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I'm trying to use Oblivion Reloaded, SweetFX (1.5), and ENBoost. The effects all work together, it's just when I enable proxy libraries in Enboost, even if SweetFX is applying no effect whatsoever, it makes my water completely opaque! Reflections still work, but the water looks like an odd undulating metal floor I partially clip through. For the record, I seem to have to rename the SweetFX d3d9 dll to "dxgi" to get it to run sweetfx without crashing on launch.


Also, while I'm here, if anyone notices anything amiss in my setup in general please let me know. I've been trying to get a really good "vanilla but like new" feel going, but I've not modded oblivion for ten years, and it's possible I've made some silly mistake. I know one weird unrelated little bug I am having is, if I use the "controller" function to scroll up and down menus I can only toggle between the top and bottom selection in the items menu. I can scroll the spell menu just fine. I've solved this by just using the mouse cursor, but it's really awkward for any yes / no prompts.


I am playing on the steam GotY version with all the DLC included. I play on a laptop, plugged into a monitor extending the displays, using the monitor as "primary" so the game runs through it. I also use a Playstation 4 controller and a steam preset for it, because of this I run Steam overlay and big picture mode overlay while in game. (Though I do no run big picture mode itself) No other unnecessary programs run while I play games, such as FPS display programs. (I do sometimes run those during individual tests)


System Specs:



Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 17134) (17134.rs4_release.180410-1804)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: LENOVO
System Model: 80X7
BIOS: 4MCN25WW(V1.10) (type: UEFI)
Processor: Intel® Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 16208MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 12
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Native Mode: 3840 x 2160(p) (59.997Hz)
Storage: PCI-Express SSD (1TB)


Oblivion Reloaded ini


; Keycodes. Use the "Dec" value from the list below.

; Hex Dec Button
; 0x01 1 Escape
; 0x02 2 1
; 0x03 3 2
; 0x04 4 3
; 0x05 5 4
; 0x06 6 5
; 0x07 7 6
; 0x08 8 7
; 0x09 9 8
; 0x0A 10 9
; 0x0B 11 0
; 0x0C 12 Minus
; 0x0D 13 Equals
; 0x0E 14 Backspace
; 0x0F 15 Tab
; 0x10 16 Q
; 0x11 17 W
; 0x12 18 E
; 0x13 19 R
; 0x14 20 T
; 0x15 21 Y
; 0x16 22 U
; 0x17 23 I
; 0x18 24 O
; 0x19 25 P
; 0x1A 26 Left Bracket
; 0x1B 27 Right Bracket
; 0x1C 28 Enter
; 0x1D 29 Left Control
; 0x1E 30 A
; 0x1F 31 S
; 0x20 32 D
; 0x21 33 F
; 0x22 34 G
; 0x23 35 H
; 0x24 36 J
; 0x25 37 K
; 0x26 38 L
; 0x27 39 Semicolon
; 0x28 40 Apostrophe
; 0x29 41 ~ (Console)
; 0x2A 42 Left Shift
; 0x2B 43 Back Slash
; 0x2C 44 Z
; 0x2D 45 X
; 0x2E 46 C
; 0x2F 47 V
; 0x30 48 B
; 0x31 49 N
; 0x32 50 M
; 0x33 51 Comma
; 0x34 52 Period
; 0x35 53 Forward Slash
; 0x36 54 Right Shift
; 0x37 55 NUM*
; 0x38 56 Left Alt
; 0x39 57 Spacebar
; 0x3A 58 Caps Lock
; 0x3B 59 F1
; 0x3C 60 F2
; 0x3D 61 F3
; 0x3E 62 F4
; 0x3F 63 F5
; 0x40 64 F6
; 0x41 65 F7
; 0x42 66 F8
; 0x43 67 F9
; 0x44 68 F10
; 0x45 69 Num Lock
; 0x46 70 Scroll Lock
; 0x47 71 NUM7
; 0x48 72 NUM8
; 0x49 73 NUM9
; 0x4A 74 NUM-
; 0x4B 75 NUM4
; 0x4C 76 NUM5
; 0x4D 77 NUM6
; 0x4E 78 NUM+
; 0x4F 79 NUM1
; 0x50 80 NUM2
; 0x51 81 NUM3
; 0x52 82 NUM0
; 0x53 83 NUM.
; 0x57 87 F11
; 0x58 88 F12
; 0x9C156 NUM Enter
; 0x9D157 Right Control
; 0xB5181 NUM/
; 0xB8184 Right Alt
; 0xC7199 Home
; 0xC8200 Up Arrow
; 0xC9201 PgUp
; 0xCB203 Left Arrow
; 0xCD205 Right Arrow
; 0xCF207 End
; 0xD0208 Down Arrow
; 0xD1209 PgDown
; 0xD2210 Insert
; 0xD3211 Delete
; 0x100 256 Left Mouse Button
; 0x101 257 Right Mouse Button
; 0x102 258 Middle/Wheel Mouse Button
; 0x103 259 Mouse Button 3
; 0x104 260 Mouse Button 4
; 0x105 261 Mouse Button 5
; 0x106 262 Mouse Button 6
; 0x107 263 Mouse Button 7
; 0x108 264 Mouse Wheel Up
; 0x109 265 Mouse Wheel Down
; NOTE: Mouse controls are not allowed for the Menu
FoV = 0.0
WaterReflectionMapSize= 1024
WaterManagement = 1
MemoryManagement= 1
AnisotropicFilter = 8
FarPlaneDistance= 283840.0
ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots
ScreenshotType = 1
ScreenshotKey= 87
FPSOverlay= 0
ShaderModel3 = 0
NVIDIAPatch = 0
RendererBoost= 0
CustomEffects= 0
SaveSettings = 1
Enabled= 0
HUDReticle= 2
ChasingFirst = 0
ChasingThird = 0
OffsetX= 0.0
OffsetY= 15.0
OffsetZ= 4.0
NearDistanceFirst = 3.0
NearDistanceThird = 10.0
DialogFirst = 0
DialogThird = 0
DialogOffsetX= 50.0
DialogOffsetY= -10.0
DialogOffsetZ= 10.0
Enabled= 0
ShieldOnBackPosX= -15.0
ShieldOnBackPosY= -10.0
ShieldOnBackPosZ= 0.0
ShieldOnBackRotX= 0.0
ShieldOnBackRotY= 270.0
ShieldOnBackRotZ= 30.0
WeaponOnBackPosX= 14.0
WeaponOnBackPosY= -30.0
WeaponOnBackPosZ= -2.0
WeaponOnBackRotX= 15.0
WeaponOnBackRotY= 5.0
WeaponOnBackRotZ= 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosY = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotY = -5.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
BowOnBackPosX= 0.0
BowOnBackPosY= 25.0
BowOnBackPosZ= 0.0
BowOnBackRotX= 0.0
BowOnBackRotY= 0.0
BowOnBackRotZ= 0.0
StaffOnBackPosX = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosY = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotX = 180.0
StaffOnBackRotY = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotZ = 120.0
TorchOnBeltPosX = 0.0
TorchOnBeltPosY = 0.0
TorchOnBeltPosZ = -15.0
TorchOnBeltRotX = 90.0
TorchOnBeltRotY = -15.0
TorchOnBeltRotZ = 0.0
TorchKey = 255
SleepingEquipment = 0
SwimmingEquipment = 0
CombatEquipmentKey = 0
DualBlockDelay = 0.15
Enabled= 0
Average= 33
Min = 20
Critical = 10
Gap = 3
Delay = 10
FadeStep = 1.0
FadeMinObjects = 5
FadeMinActors= 10
GridStep = 5
GridMin= 5
Enabled= 0
Enabled= 0
WeaponOnBackPosX= 14.0
WeaponOnBackPosY= -30.0
WeaponOnBackPosZ= -1.0
WeaponOnBackRotX= 30.0
WeaponOnBackRotY= 5.0
WeaponOnBackRotZ= 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosY = 4.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotX = 10.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotY = 15.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
BowOnBackPosX= 0.0
BowOnBackPosY= 0.0
BowOnBackPosZ= 0.0
BowOnBackRotX= 0.0
BowOnBackRotY= 0.0
BowOnBackRotZ= 0.0
StaffOnBackPosX = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosY = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotX = 210.0
StaffOnBackRotY = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotZ = 120.0
Enabled= 0
Rest= 0
RestMessage = You must be in a bed to rest.
Enabled= 0
CoeffNightR = 1.00
CoeffNightG = 1.00
CoeffNightB = 0.90
CoeffFogR = 1.00
CoeffFogG = 1.00
CoeffFogB = 1.00
CoeffSunR = 1.00
CoeffSunG = 0.90
CoeffSunB = 0.80
Blood = 0
Grass = 0
HDR = 0
NightEye = 0
POM = 0
Precipitations = 0
Shadows= 0
Skin= 1
Terrain= 0
Water = 1
AmbientOcclusion= 1
BloodLens = 0
Bloom = 0
Cinema = 0
Coloring = 0
DepthOfField = 0
GodRays= 0
LowHF = 0
MotionBlur= 0
Sharpening= 0
SnowAccumulation= 0
Underwater= 1
VolumetricFog= 0
WaterLens = 0
WetWorld = 0
InfoEnabled = 1
TextFont = Calibri
TextSize = 34
TextFontStatus = Courier New
TextSize = 20
TextColorNormal = 100,240,100
TextShadowColorNormal = 50,50,50
TextColorSelected = 255,255,255
TextShadowColorSelected = 50,50,50
TextColorEditing= 255,100,50
TextShadowColorEditing= 50,50,50
PositionX = 60
PositionY = 120
InfoPositionX= 480
InfoPositionY= 800
TitleColumnSize = 850
MainItemColumnSize = 100
ItemColumnSize = 300
InfoColumnSize = 960
RowSpace = 0
RowsPerPage = 30
KeyEnable = 24
KeyUp = 200
KeyDown= 208
KeyLeft= 203
KeyRight = 205
KeyPageUp = 201
KeyPageDown = 209
KeyAdd = 78
KeySubtract = 74
KeySave= 28
KeyEditing= 156
StepValue = 0.1
Decimals = 4
HealthEnabled= 0
FatigueEnabled = 0
HealthCoeff = 0.5
FatigueCoeff = 0.5
Enabled= 0
Time= 0
PurgeTextures= 1
PurgeCells= 1
Key = 3
Enabled= 0
Value = 9.6
Enabled= 0
AcrobaticsLevel = 0
DoubleTap = 1
DoubleTapTime= 0.2
Enabled= 1
ScrollMultiplier= 5.0
KeyAdd = 78
KeySubtract = 74
StepValue = 3.0
CompileShaders = 0
CompileEffects = 0

TraceShaders = 0




Oblivion ini



bCreate Maps Enable=0
uInterior Cell Buffer=30
uExterior Cell Buffer=180
SMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bik
bUse Shaders=1
iLocation Y=0
iLocation X=0
bFull Screen=1
iSize W=1600
iSize H=900
Slide Left=001EFFFF
Slide Right=0020FFFF
Ready Item=0021FFFF
Always Run=003AFFFF
Auto Move=0010FFFF
Toggle POV=001302FF
Menu Mode=000FFFFF
Quick Menu=003BFFFF
;X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6
bBackground Mouse=0
bBackground Keyboard=0
bUse Joystick=1
;Language values: 0-English, 1-German, 2-French, 3-Spanish, 4-Italian
SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
SMasterMismatchWarning=One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
SMasterMiscArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Misc.bsa
SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName2=Oblivion - Voices2.bsa
SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Voices1.bsa
SMasterSoundsArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Sounds.bsa
SMasterTexturesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa
SMasterMeshesArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa
SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa
SCopyProtectionMessage2=Insert the Oblivion Disc.
SCopyProtectionTitle2=Oblivion Disc Not Found
SCopyProtectionMessage=Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
SCopyProtectionTitle=CD-ROM Drive Not Found




Load Order



• 00 Oblivion.esm

• 01 Jog_X_Mod.esm

• 02 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.38]

• ++ GrassFix.esp

• 03 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.6]

• 04 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]

• 05 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp

• 06 DLCShiveringIsles.esp

• 07 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.9]

• 08 All Natural.esp [Version 1.38]

• 09 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.38]

• 0A BrumasNorthernLights.esp

• 0B Consistent Beggar Voices.esp

• ++ Symphony of Violence.esp

• 0C All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.38]

• 0D WindowLightingSystem.esp

• 0E AliveWaters_nofish.esp

• 0F Book Jackets Oblivion.esp

• 10 ChaseCameraMod.esp

• 11 More Effective Enchantments.esp

• 12 Enhanced Economy.esp [Version 5.4.3]

• 13 DarNifiedUI Config Addon.esp

• 14 kuerteeCleanUp.esp

• 15 OblivionReloaded.esp

• 16 UnidirectionalAttack.esp

• 17 Dynamic Map.esp [Version 2.1.1]

• 18 DLCHorseArmor.esp

• 19 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]

• 1A DLCOrrery.esp

• 1B DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]

• 1C DLCVileLair.esp

• 1D DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.11]

• 1E DLCMehrunesRazor.esp

• 1F DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]

• 20 DLCSpellTomes.esp

• ++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]

• • • Book Jackets DLC.esp

• • • GrimbotsSpellTomes.esp

• • • EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp

• ++ nu_dwarven_f_cuirass.esp

• 21 Weapons Of Morrowind.esp [Version 1.0]

• 22 DLCThievesDen.esp

• 23 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.15]

• 24 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.14]

• ++ Alluring Wine Bottles.esp

• 25 RoadLights.esp

• 26 thievery.esp

• 27 thievery - EE patch.esp [Version 4.2]

• 28 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp

• 29 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]

• 2A DLCFrostcrag.esp

• 2B DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]

• 2C Knights.esp

• 2D Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.8]

• • • EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp

• 2E More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp

• 2F ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts.esp

• 30 Better Dungeons.esp

• 31 Enemy Weapons dont drop.esp

• 32 EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp

• 33 GMArcheryRebalance.esp [Version 1.0]

• 34 Grass Overhaul.esp

• ++ Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp

• 35 KT_KhajEyeToggleNoEff.esp

• 36 Relevant Scrolls & Potions & Staves.esp

• ++ ShinySeptims_Septimus.esp

• 37 VanillaCombatEnhanced.esp

• 38 Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp [Version 5.4.3]

• 39 DKSpellEffectiveness0Min.esp

• 3A RefScope.esp [Version 2.1.2]

• 3B IThieveryRaise.esp

• 3C TimeEnough.esp

• 3D Crowded Cities Cyrodiil.esp

• 3E LD_Patrick_Stewart_Sean_Bean.esp

• 3F Ultimate Leveling.esp [Version 1.4]

• 40 Fair x2 Spawns v1.0.esp

• 41 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]

• ++ Kart Hair Replace v01.esp

• ++ NPC Hair Matches Beard.esp

• 42 PotionReplacer.esp

• ++ No Glow a go go Version 10-4987.esp

• ++ Initial Glow Redux.esp

• ++ Initial Glow Redux - Creatures.esp

• ++ GreyPrince.esp

• 43 Falling Leaves.esp [Version 1.0]

• 44 More Effective Enchantments DLC.esp

• 45 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

• 46 Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp [Version 4.9.3]




MOO ini



; ;
; This is the INI file for: Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul ;
; ;
; Edit this file to customize it to your preferences ;
; ;
; Place this in your "Data" folder ;
; ;
; Game settings ;
; By default MOO makes permanent changes to the savegame to allow placement
; of ore veins, dynamic locks, etc. Setting this option to 0 is the same as:
; set MOO.ini_ability_taming to 0
; set MOO.ini_add_veins to 0
; set MOO.ini_add_tools to 0
; set MOO.ini_add_blackwood to 0
; set MOO.ini_locks_updated to 0
; set MOO.ini_locks_key to 0
; set MOO.ini_ability_crafting to 0
; set MOO.ini_notice_questtargets to 0
; set MOO.ini_add_namedbosses to 0
; set MOO.ini_adventurer_max to 0
; set MOO.ini_add_runefragments to 0
; set MOO.ini_event_density to 0
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_savegame to 1
; By default all mapmarkers are hidden when starting a new game.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_mapmarkers to 0
; By default borders to other regions have been disabled.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_borderregions to 0
; By default the ability to fast travel remains unchanged (== -1). Set this
; option to 0 to disable fast travel.
; Suggested options: (-1), 0, 1 -> (unchanged), off, on
set MOO.ini_fasttravel to -1
; By default respawn time remains unchanged (== -1). Normally set to 72 hours.
; Suggested options: (-1), 24, 48, 72, etc. -> (unchanged), any hours
set MOO.ini_respawntime to 72
; By default the skill gain multiplier remains unchanged (== -1).
; Changing this setting will make it easier/harder to gain skills.
; Suggested options: (-1), 0.25, 0.5, 2, 3 -> (unchanged), any multiplier
set MOO.ini_skillgain to -1
; By default the need to sleep to level up remains unchanged (== -1).
; Set this to 1 to instantly level up without the need to sleep.
; Suggested options: (-1), 0, 1 -> (unchanged), off, on
set MOO.ini_instantlevelup to -1
; By default debug mode is disabled.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_debug to 0
; Difficulty settings ;
; By default game difficulty is set to advanced.
; Easy difficulty shares some settings with normal difficulty, while nightmare
; difficulty shares some settings with expert difficulty.
; Suggested options: 0, 1, (2), 3, 4 -> easy, normal, (advanced), expert, nightmare
set MOO.ini_game_difficulty to 2
; By default creature encounters are easier near cities, while harder in
; remote areas. There are 3 safety zones (closeby, outskirts and remote).
; The Imperial City has a larger range than the other cities.
; Suggested options: any distance in meters
set MOO.ini_city_border_IC_closeby to 700
set MOO.ini_city_border_IC_outskirts to 1000
set MOO.ini_city_border_other_closeby to 350
set MOO.ini_city_border_other_outskirts to 700
; Level scaling settings ;
; By default creatures spawn based on location and player character level.
; Set to 0 for creatures to spawn unrelated to player character level.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_creature_enabled to 1
; By default npcs have their level automatically overridden. The levels used
; are defined in the "Advanced level scaling settings" section.
; Set this setting to 2 to only override the level of npcs added by MOO.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> off, (on), MOO npcs only
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_overridden to 1
; By default some creatures and npcs spawn unrelated to the player character's
; level. Examples are dragons, giants, faction champions and morag tong assassins.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_special to 0
; By default many npcs have their level increased based on the difficulty
; level. Normal difficulty level keeps npc levels unchanged, while advanced
; increases this by 3 and expert by 9 levels.
; Suggested options: Any positive number
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_normal to 0
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_advanced to 0
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_expert to 0
; By default npcs can have a slightly higher or lower level than normal.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_variable to 1
; By default daedra level scaling is based on progression of the main quest.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> location based, (main quest based), always hardest
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_daedra to 1
; By default spawn group sizes are NOT reduced to 50%. Set this setting to 1
; to lower the amount of enemies you'll encounter.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_reduced to 0
; By default grunts use equipment up to level 8, bosses between level 6 and 11,
; and named bosses between 12 and 99.
; Suggested options: any positive number (equipment is usually between 1 and 22)
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_equipment_grunt_min to 1
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_equipment_grunt_max to 8
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_equipment_boss_min to 5
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_equipment_boss_max to 11
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_equipment_namedboss_min to 10
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_equipment_namedboss_max to 99
; By default named bosses spawn earlier and more often based on game difficulty
; and distance to a city (zone 1 == nearby, 2 == outskirts, 3 == remote).
; Suggested options: any percentage (0 to 100) and player character level
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone1_normal_chance to 5
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone1_normal_level to 15
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone2_normal_chance to 10
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone2_normal_level to 15
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone3_normal_chance to 33
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone3_normal_level to 1
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone1_advanced_chance to 10
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone1_advanced_level to 15
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone2_advanced_chance to 25
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone2_advanced_level to 10
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone3_advanced_chance to 33
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone3_advanced_level to 1
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone1_expert_chance to 25
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone1_expert_level to 1
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone2_expert_chance to 33
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone2_expert_level to 1
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone3_expert_chance to 50
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_boss_zone3_expert_level to 1
; By default a named boss can spawn as an extremely hard boss based on
; difficulty level and the player character's level. By default the player
; character has to be level 30 to encounter hard named bosses unrelated to location.
; Note that hard named bosses always spawn in remote areas at any level.
; Suggested options: Any positive number
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_namedboss_normal to 99
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_namedboss_advanced to 30
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_namedboss_expert to 1
; By default there's a 33% chance a named boss spawns as an extremely hard boss.
; Suggested options: 0, 25, (33), 50, 75 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_namedboss_hard to 25
; By default named bosses will only spawn as an extremely hard boss when
; there's at least 1 other hostile npc with a minimum level of 25.
; Suggested options: any level
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_namedboss_hard_minlevel to 25
; By default wanted npcs and adventurers have equipment based on their major
; skills. Any equipment requiring above 100 skill will be skipped.
; Suggested options: between 0 and 100
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_armor_quality1 to 1 ; Iron and Fur
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_armor_quality2 to 40 ; Steel and Leather
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_armor_quality3 to 55 ; Dwarven and Chainmail
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_armor_quality4 to 70 ; Orcish and Mithril
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_armor_quality5 to 100 ; Ebony and Elven
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_armor_quality6 to 999 ; Daedric and Glass (skipped)
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality1 to 1 ; Iron
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality2 to 40 ; Steel
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality3 to 50 ; Silver
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality4 to 60 ; Dwarven
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality5 to 70 ; Elven
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality6 to 100 ; Glass
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality7 to 999 ; Ebony (skipped)
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_weapon_quality8 to 999 ; Daedric (skipped)
; Ability settings ;
; By default equipment requires a minimum amount of skill to be used.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> off, (on), staves only
set MOO.ini_ability_equipment to 0
; By default the player character is able to feign death to avoid combat.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> off, (on), book added to inventory
set MOO.ini_ability_feigndeath to 1
; By default the player character is able to power attack locked containers
; and doors to force them open. This is automatically disabled when another
; mod already offers this ability.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_bashlocks to 1
; By default npcs and creatures have the ability to jump/climb.
; Suggested options: (0), (1) -> (off), (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_climb_player to 0
set MOO.ini_ability_climb_npc to 1
; By default the player character is able to mine ore using a pickaxe.
; Disabling this option will also disable placement of ore/gem/stone veins.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_mining to 1
; By default the player character is able to craft items.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_crafting to 1
; By default the player character is able to imbue items.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_imbuing to 1
; By default the player character is able to tame creatures (bears, etc.).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_taming to 1
; By default the player character is able to heal using bandages.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_healing to 1
; By default the player character is able to track followers, companions
; and pets using a magnifying glass.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_tracking to 1
; By default the player character is able to whistle to call any tamed
; creatures and owned horses. Whistling can sometimes pull nearby enemies.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> off, (on), book added to inventory
set MOO.ini_ability_whistle to 1
; By default npcs and creatures are able to heal each other.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ability_heal to 1
; By default actors are able to notice arrows/magic nearly missing them.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> off, (player character), everyone
set MOO.ini_ability_missalert to 0
; Invasion settings ;
; By default a scroll is added to the player character's inventory showing
; the rating with the various regional factions and the imperial legion.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_scroll_factioninfo to 1
; By default the scroll contains the overall strength of factions.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_scroll_factionstrength to 1
; By default regional faction npcs start in a certain region and over time
; spread to nearby regions.
; Suggested options:
; 10 Hammerfell 21 West Weald (East)
; 11 Skyrim 22 West Weald (West)
; 12 Morrowind 23 Gold Coast
; 13 Black Marsh 24 Topal Bay
; 14 Elsweyr 25 Niben Bay
; 15 Valenwood 26 Nibenay Basin
; 20 Great Forest 27 Imperial City
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_orsinium to 10
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_hammerfell to 10
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_skyrim to 11
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_morrowind to 12
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_blackmarsh to 13
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_elsweyr to 14
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_region_valenwood to 15
; By default certain factions increase faster in numbers than other factions.
; Amount in percentages. Below 100 is slower than normal. Higher than 100 is faster.
; Suggested options: 0 to 200
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_orsinium to 130
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_hammerfell to 130
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_skyrim to 90
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_morrowind to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_blackmarsh to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_elsweyr to 120
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_growth_valenwood to 110
; By default regional faction npc invasions spread through the map at a 50%
; speed. Set to 0 to disable. Set to 100 to double invasion speed.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_speed to 10
; By default different regional factions in the same region will fight each other
; at an average aggression level.
; Suggested options: 1 to 10 -> high to low
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_aggression to 7
; By default the strength of an invasion increases from 10 (min) to 20 (max)
; npcs every interval. Actual amount is based on total strength of faction and
; is adjusted by the regional growth multipliers (MOO.ini_invasion_growth_xxx).
; Suggested options: 0 to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_min to 5
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_max to 10
; By default the strength of an invasion decreases when faction npcs are killed.
; Stronger npcs lower the strength more (between 1 and 4). Disable this
; option to always lower strength by 1, unrelated to npc strength. Disabling
; this option will make it more difficult to remove factions from a region.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_kill_strength to 1
; By default killing a regional faction leader will lower the total invasion
; strength by 50%. Set to 100 to remove all npcs when killing a leader.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_leader to 50
; By default regional faction npcs started invading Cyrodiil 1 game day
; before the player character enters the game. This is automatically updated
; when an older savegame is used.
; Suggested options: any positive number (100 == max)
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_days to 1
; By default regional scouts spawn when a faction has less than 30 npcs in
; a region.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_scout to 30
; By default regional champions spawn when a faction has at least 80 npcs in
; a region and either have a total of 200 npcs, or the player character
; progressed far enough through the main quest.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100; 0+; 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_champion to 80
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_champion_total to 200
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_champion_mainquest to 1
; By default the wilderness and dungeons can be invaded by special npcs when
; a related regional faction has at least 60 members in a region. Examples of
; special npcs are wild orcs and cannibals.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_wilderness to 60
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_dungeon to 60
; By default normal regional faction npcs can take control over dungeons.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_npc_invasion_dungeon_factions to 1
; By default the player character is able to join a regional faction when
; his/her rating with this faction is at least 500. Rating increases by killing
; hostile faction npcs and decreases by killing friendly faction npcs.
; There are 5 possible ranks (associate, grunt, sergeant, champion and warlord).
; Suggested options: 100+
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_rating_rank0 to 500
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_rating_rank1 to 1500
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_rating_rank2 to 5000
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_rating_rank3 to 15000
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_rating_rank4 to 50000
; By default the player character can ask friendly regional faction npcs
; to follow. The amount of followers is based on his/her faction rank.
; Suggested options: 0-10
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_followers_rank0 to 1
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_followers_rank1 to 2
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_followers_rank2 to 3
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_followers_rank3 to 4
set MOO.ini_pc_invasion_followers_rank4 to 5
; By default the player character is not able to join the imperial
; legion when in an evil faction.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_join_evil to 0
; By default the player character is able to join the imperial legion
; when his/her rating with this faction is at least 1000.
; There are 7 possible ranks (recruit, private, sergeant, lieutenant
; captain, commander and general).
; Suggested options: 100+
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank0 to 1000
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank1 to 3000
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank2 to 10000
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank3 to 30000
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank4 to 100000
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank5 to 300000
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_rating_rank6 to 1000000
; By default the player character can ask imperial legion recruits
; to follow. The amount of followers is based on his/her faction rank.
; Suggested options: 0-10
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank0 to 1
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank1 to 2
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank2 to 3
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank3 to 4
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank4 to 5
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank5 to 6
set MOO.ini_pc_legion_followers_rank6 to 7
; By default actions will increase or decrease your rank with
; the imperial legion and/or regional faction(s). This includes committing
; a crime, which lowers your rating by 1 for every 1 bounty.
; Suggested options: any value
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_kill_evil_npc_easy to 1
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_kill_evil_npc_average to 2
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_kill_evil_npc_hard to 3
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_kill_evil_creature_easy to 1
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_kill_evil_creature_average to 2
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_kill_evil_creature_hard to 3
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_crime_bounty to -1
set MOO.ini_rating_legion_close_gate to 100
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_enemy_scout to 1
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_enemy_grunt to 2
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_enemy_boss to 3
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_enemy_champion to 4
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_enemy_leader to 100
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_friendly_army to -100
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_friendly_leader to -2500
set MOO.ini_rating_invasion_kill_guard to 5
; By default harder to kill actors will increase your rating faster. An average
; actor starts at level 12 and provides 2 rating, while any actor with a level
; of at least 32 is considered hard and provides 3 rating.
; Suggested options: any level
set MOO.ini_rating_level_npc_average to 6
set MOO.ini_rating_level_npc_hard to 16
set MOO.ini_rating_level_creature_average to 6
set MOO.ini_rating_level_creature_hard to 16
; By default there's a 6% chance a day for a creature type (Goblins, etc.) to
; invade a region. Invading creatures have an 18% chance to leave a region.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_start to 6
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_stop to 18
; By default Daedra, Goblins, Undead and Trees can invade a region.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_daedra to 1
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_goblins to 1
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_zombies to 1
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_skeletons to 1
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_trees to 1
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_harpies to 1
; By default creature invasions do NOT use creatures added by other mods.
; Enable this option if you would like to see invasions which include
; creatures added by other mods (like OOO, MMM and Francescos)
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_mods to 0
; By default the amount of Oblivion gates open in a region affects the
; type of invasion in that region.
; Suggested options:
; 1 Beast Daedra in small quantities
; 2 Beast Daedra and Dremora in average quantities
; 3 All Daedra and Dremora in large quantities (default)
set MOO.ini_creature_invasion_difficulty to 3
; Morag Tong settings ;
; By default the player character is able to join the Morag Tong
; after successfully completing Mephala's quest (Start a feud between
; two prominent families). There are 10 possible ranks (associate to grandmaster).
; Suggested options: 100+
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank0 to 0
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank1 to 1500
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank2 to 7500
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank3 to 15000
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank4 to 25000
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank5 to 50000
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank6 to 125000
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank7 to 250000
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank8 to 500000
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_rating_rank9 to 1000000
; By default the player character is rewarded gold for completing writs of
; exectution. The actual reward is the level of the target multiplied by 50.
; This gold reward is also the rating received for gaining rank.
; Suggested options: 10, 25, (50), 75, 100
set MOO.ini_pc_moragtong_writ_gold to 50
; By default being in the Dark Brotherhood will result in Morag Tong assassins
; attacking the player character at certain intervals. This happens at 75%
; chance when advancing in rank and 25% every day. This is also true for
; joining a regional faction.
; Suggested options: 0, (25), 50, (75), 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_npc_moragtong_rank to 50
set MOO.ini_npc_moragtong_random to 10
set MOO.ini_npc_moragtong_regional to 10
; By default killing a Morag Tong Grandmaster will stop any assassins attacking
; for 7 game days.
; Suggested options: any days
set MOO.ini_npc_moragtong_paused to 3
; Event settings ;
; By default additional events (campsites, dungeons, actors, etc.) are placed
; randomly throughout the map (including outside the borders). Events are
; placed in any worldspaces (including those added by other mods) as defined
; in the worldspaces ini file.
; Events are added at 50% density. Increasing this value will increase the
; total amount of events on the map.
; Please note that the amount of events are placed when entering the worldspace
; and can from then onwards no longer be changed. Set to 0 to disable.
; Suggested options: any percentage between 0 and 100
set MOO.ini_event_density to 50
; By default events have a certain chance to be placed. By default actors have
; the highest chance to be placed. Setting MOO.ini_event_other_mushrooms to 0
; will result in normal flora being placed instead.
; Every event group (land, remote and water) can have a combined total of 100 max.
; Setting the combined total to less than 100 will result in less events being
; placed for a certain event group.
; Suggested options: any percentage between 0 and 100 (total group == 100 max)
set MOO.ini_event_land_actor to 12
set MOO.ini_event_land_harpynest to 5
set MOO.ini_event_land_dungeon to 8
set MOO.ini_event_remote_actor to 30
set MOO.ini_event_remote_campsite to 18
set MOO.ini_event_remote_harpynest to 4
set MOO.ini_event_remote_dungeon to 4
set MOO.ini_event_remote_house to 4
set MOO.ini_event_water_actor to 24
set MOO.ini_event_water_treasure to 12
set MOO.ini_event_water_shipwreck to 12
set MOO.ini_event_other_flora to 24
set MOO.ini_event_other_mushrooms to 32
; By default events that can't be placed (usually because of landscape issues)
; have the chance of the next placement increased by 1% for every failed attempt.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2, 3, 4
set MOO.ini_event_fail_bonus to 1
; By default dungeons and shipwrecks require to be a certain distance away
; from each other.
; Suggested options: any positive value in meters
set MOO.ini_event_distance_outpost to 500
set MOO.ini_event_distance_shipwreck to 250
; By default events are NOT placed in empty areas (no trees, rocks, etc.).
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_event_placement_empty to 0
; By default actors can spawn as (stronger) region based actors 15% of the time.
; Suggested options: any percentage between 0 and 100
set MOO.ini_event_region_actor to 15
; By default actor and campsite events have a 60% chance to contain actors
; from other mods. These actors are added through the spawns ini file.
; Suggested options: any percentage between 0 and 100
set MOO.ini_event_mod_actor to 60
; Actor settings ;
; By default additional MOO creatures are added when another overhaul mod is
; detected. This is useful when MOO creatures don't spawn very often otherwise.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_MOOcreatures to 1
; By default Goblins added by other mods (like OOO and MMM) are NOT
; overwritten by MOO's regional Goblins.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_MOOgoblins to 0
; By default Minotaurs added by other mods (like OOO and MMM) are NOT
; overwritten by MOO's Minotaurs.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_MOOminotaurs to 0
; By default Bandits and Marauders added by other mods are NOT overwritten
; by MOO's regional Bandits and Marauders.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_MOObandits to 0
set MOO.ini_MOOmarauders to 0
; By default a grunt can spawn as a boss when the player character is atleast
; level 5. Set to 0 to disable.
; Suggested options: 0, 3, (5), 7, 10
set MOO.ini_add_bosses to 5
; By default named bosses have a small chance to spawn. Stronger named bosses
; spawn in more remote areas.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_namedbosses to 1
; By default the creatures and npcs below have been added/altered.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_ancientlich to 1
set MOO.ini_add_ayleidghosts to 1
set MOO.ini_add_bats to 1
set MOO.ini_add_beasts to 1
set MOO.ini_add_beetles to 1
set MOO.ini_add_birds to 1
set MOO.ini_add_bonelords to 1
set MOO.ini_add_caribou to 1
set MOO.ini_add_corprus to 1
set MOO.ini_add_cats to 1
set MOO.ini_add_daedra to 1
set MOO.ini_add_daedriclord to 1
set MOO.ini_add_dragons to 1
set MOO.ini_add_dremora to 1
set MOO.ini_add_dogs to 1
set MOO.ini_add_draugr to 1
set MOO.ini_add_dwemerspiders to 1
set MOO.ini_add_durzog to 1
set MOO.ini_add_elephants to 1
set MOO.ini_add_farmanimals to 1
set MOO.ini_add_foxes to 1
set MOO.ini_add_frostgiants to 1
set MOO.ini_add_gargoyles to 1
set MOO.ini_add_giants to 1
set MOO.ini_add_ghouls to 1
set MOO.ini_add_gnarls to 1
set MOO.ini_add_goblins to 1
set MOO.ini_add_guars to 1
set MOO.ini_add_harpies to 1
set MOO.ini_add_hungers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_lizard to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mammoths to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mimics to 1
set MOO.ini_add_minotaurs to 1
set MOO.ini_add_monkey to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mudcrabs to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mummies to 1
set MOO.ini_add_muntjac to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mythicalcreatures to 1
set MOO.ini_add_ooze to 1
set MOO.ini_add_oreatronachs to 1
set MOO.ini_add_pahmars to 1
set MOO.ini_add_pheasants to 1
set MOO.ini_add_puppies to 1
set MOO.ini_add_rabbits to 1
set MOO.ini_add_rats to 1
set MOO.ini_add_redpanda to 1
set MOO.ini_add_scorpions to 1
set MOO.ini_add_seagulls to 1
set MOO.ini_add_skeletons to 1
set MOO.ini_add_slaughterfish to 1
set MOO.ini_add_snowbears to 1
set MOO.ini_add_snowleopards to 1
set MOO.ini_add_spriggans to 1
set MOO.ini_add_spiders to 1
set MOO.ini_add_tapir to 1
set MOO.ini_add_unicorns to 1
set MOO.ini_add_vultures to 1
set MOO.ini_add_wasps to 1
set MOO.ini_add_waterdragons to 1
set MOO.ini_add_wisps to 0
set MOO.ini_add_wolves to 1
set MOO.ini_add_wraiths to 1
set MOO.ini_add_xivilailords to 1
set MOO.ini_add_zombies to 1
set MOO.ini_add_bandits to 1
set MOO.ini_add_conjurers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_necromancers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_marauders to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mythicdawn to 1
set MOO.ini_add_vampires to 1
set MOO.ini_add_ancientvampires to 1
set MOO.ini_add_outlaws to 1
set MOO.ini_add_plunderers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_plaguebringers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_planesummoners to 1
set MOO.ini_add_cannibals to 1
set MOO.ini_add_fanatics to 1
set MOO.ini_add_frostwitches to 1
set MOO.ini_add_graverobbers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_heroes to 1
set MOO.ini_add_mercenaries to 1
set MOO.ini_add_poachers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_slavers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_smugglers to 1
set MOO.ini_add_wildorcs to 1
set MOO.ini_add_moragtong to 1
set MOO.ini_add_legionsergeants to 1
set MOO.ini_add_adventurers to 1
; By default encounters on roads and in the wilderness are as normal (100%).
; Lowering the chance will lower the chance of encounters on roads/wilderness.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_spawn_roads to 100
set MOO.ini_spawn_wilderness to 100
; By default MOO npcs, undead, mythical creatures, beasts, goblins and daedra
; spawn as normal (100%). Lowering the chance will make them spawn less often.
; Set to 50% to have similar to vanilla sized spawns. 50+ is recommended.
; MOO.ini_levelscaling_reduced requires to be set to 0 to change these settings.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_spawn_npcs to 75
set MOO.ini_spawn_undead to 100
set MOO.ini_spawn_mythical to 100
set MOO.ini_spawn_beasts to 100
set MOO.ini_spawn_daedra to 100
set MOO.ini_spawn_goblins to 100
; By default mushrooms spawn a mushroom creature at a 15% chance.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_spawn_mushrooms to 15
; By default dragons have a certain amount of chance to spawn.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_spawn_dragon_fire to 67
set MOO.ini_spawn_dragon_frost to 100
set MOO.ini_spawn_dragon_sea to 67
set MOO.ini_spawn_dragon_shadow to 75
set MOO.ini_spawn_dragon_swamp to 100
; Notice Board settings ;
; By default Notice Boards are added to cities with their own world space.
; This setting is compatible with vanilla Oblivion and Closed Better Cities.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards to 1
; By default Notice Boards are NOT added to cities transfered into the Tamriel
; worldspace. Open Cities Classic, Open Cities Reborn and Better Cities are
; however automatically supported through the compatibility ini file.
; Suggested options:
; 0 no Open Cities support (default)
; 1 Open Better Cities
; 2 Open Cities Reborn
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_opencities to 0
; By default Notice Boards are added to the following cities:
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_anvil to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_bravil to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_bruma to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_cheydinhal to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_chorrol to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_ic to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_leyawiin to 1
set MOO.ini_add_noticeboards_skingrad to 1
; By default the Shivering Isles introduction message is replaced by
; a notice on the Bravil Notice Board (only when SE is installed).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_notice_SE to 1
; By default there's a 50% chance a region contains a wanted npc, stolen item,
; or lost item. This will be displayed on any nearby notice board.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_notice_questtargets to 50
; By default a tip is added on the location of an npc/item after a certain
; event takes place. This will make it easier to locate the npc/item.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_notice_tip to 1
; By default wanted npcs have a 50 gold bounty for every level. A level 20
; wanted npc will therefore have a 1000 gold bounty.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_reward_npc to 50
; By default returning a stolen/lost item will provide 1.5 times the value of
; the item as reward.
; Suggested options: 1, (1.5), 2, 2.5, 3
set MOO.ini_reward_item to 1.5
; By default returning smuggled goods will provide 100 gold each.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_reward_smuggledgoods to 100
; By default there's a 50% chance a missing pet can be found in a dynamically
; generated dungeon extension. Returning a pet will provide 500 gold each.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_notice_missingpet to 50
set MOO.ini_reward_missingpet to 500
; By default wanted npcs can travel between dungeons.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_wantednpc_travel to 1
; Lock settings ;
; By default locks on containers and doors are based on location, quality
; and the player character's level (see advanced lock settings for more info).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_locks_updated to 1
; By default locked containers will sometimes require a key to be unlocked.
; This key is hidden on a nearby actor.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_locks_key to 1
; Body/Armor settings ;
; By default female armor spawns for the original body type only.
; Suggested options:
; 1 Original body type
; 2 HGEC C-Cup
; 3 HGEC E-Cup
; 4 HGEC H-Cup
; 5 DMRA
; 6 Mixture of HGEC C, E and H-Cup
; 7 TGND
; Note that some body shapes require Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons
; to be installed.
set MOO.ini_body_female to 1
; By default female Dremora have a DMRA body shape. The armor they drop
; is for the original body shape (change above).
; Suggested options: see above
set MOO.ini_body_dremora_female to 1
; By default Lich King armor protects the whole body (realistic).
; Note that the original body only comes in a realistic version.
; Suggested options: 0, 1 -> skimpy, (realistic)
set MOO.ini_armor_lichking to 1
; By default Silverlight armor covers limited amount of the body (skimpy).
; Note that the original female body only comes in a realistic version.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (skimpy), realistic
set MOO.ini_armor_silverlight to 1
; Weapon and damage settings ;
; By default all combat damage (weapons, creatures and spells) is doubled (x2).
; Change this setting to -1 to keep combat damage unchanged.
; Suggested options: -1, 1.5, (2), 2.5, 3
set MOO.ini_damage_combat to 2
; By default weapons do additional damage to actors and locks (containers
; and doors) based on the material of the weapon (like silver to undead).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_weapon_slayer to 1
; By default combat damage has NOT been adjusted to be faster and more balanced.
; The exact amount is configurable in the advanced damage section below.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_damage_flat to 1
; By default sneak damage takes into account the type of weapon (daggers
; have higher sneak multipliers) and wearing shrouded armor doubles all sneak
; attack damage. See "Advanced health and damage settings" for more settings.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_damage_sneak to 1
; Ammo settings ;
; By default arrow speed is based on the quality of the bow/arrows and the
; player character's agility/marksman skill.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_ammo_speed to 1
; By default arrows have a minimum speed multiplier of 0.5 and maximum speed
; multiplier of 2. This means that arrows can fly slower/faster based on the
; quality and speed of the bow/arrows and the character's agility/marksman skill.
; Suggested options: 0.5 to 3 -> minimum should be lower than maximum
set MOO.ini_ammo_speed_min to 0.5
set MOO.ini_ammo_speed_max to 2
; By default character ability contributes 50% to the speed of arrows.
; Suggested options: any percentage -> best around 50%
set MOO.ini_ammo_speed_character to 50
; By default the chance an arrow that struck a target will be added to the
; target's inventory remains unchanged (50% of the time).
; Suggested options: -1 (unchanged) or 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_IArrowInventoryChance to -1
; Treasure map settings ;
; By default creatures and npcs have a chance to drop treasure maps.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_treasure_map to 1
; By default you can find treasure up to 2 meters away from its position.
; Suggested options: 0, 1, (2), 3, 4
set MOO.ini_treasure_range to 2
; By default treasure maps have a number added to their name to make them
; easier to identify.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_treasure_number to 1
; By default treasure chests contains a maximum value of items (exluding gold,
; scrolls and gems).
; Suggested options: any gold value
set MOO.ini_treasure_value_plainly to 4000
set MOO.ini_treasure_value_expertly to 8000
set MOO.ini_treasure_value_adeptly to 12000
set MOO.ini_treasure_value_cleverly to 16000
set MOO.ini_treasure_value_deviously to 32000
; By default treasure chests have a maximum amount of guardians based on
; the value of items in the chest.
; Suggested options: 1+
set MOO.ini_treasure_guardians_plainly to 1
set MOO.ini_treasure_guardians_expertly to 2
set MOO.ini_treasure_guardians_adeptly to 3
set MOO.ini_treasure_guardians_cleverly to 4
set MOO.ini_treasure_guardians_deviously to 5
; Crafting settings ;
; By default trees grow back their branches after 3 game days.
; Suggested options: any days
set MOO.ini_lumberjacking_respawn to 3
; By default you can only place crafting tools (anvils, forges, etc.) inside
; or nearby any building your character or faction owns. Set to 0 to place
; crafting tools anywhere.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_crafting_placement to 1
; By default an ore atronach can spawn when mining for ore. The percentage
; is 5, 10 or 20% depending on the type of ore being mined.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_mining_atronach_normal to 5
set MOO.ini_mining_atronach_welkynd to 10
set MOO.ini_mining_atronach_varla to 20
; By default pickaxes can mine ore and other items at a certain chance.
; Normal pickaxes are slowest, while dwemer pickaxes can mine the fastest.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_mining_pickaxe_normal to 10
set MOO.ini_mining_pickaxe_dwemer to 20
set MOO.ini_mining_pickaxe_gargoyle to 15
; By default gargoyle's pickaxes can mine gems and regional ore from common
; iron ore veins at a 15% chance.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_mining_pickaxe_gargoyle_special to 15
; By default mining will at a 15% chance reveal other items, like lichen,
; which could be used for crafting, etc.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_mining_pickaxe_all_other to 15
; By default placing a house will clear nearby area of rocks, trees and flora.
; Suggested options: any meters; set 0 to disable
set MOO.ini_crafting_house_range to 10
; By default smelting items (using a forge) will be able to recover 50% of
; it's original resources used to craft them.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_smelting_recovery to 50
; By default the weight of an item being smelted is not used to determine
; the amount of resources that can be recovered.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_smelting_weight to 0
; Disease settings ;
; By default diseases are divided into 3 groups (mild, serious and acute).
; More serious diseases require more (restoration/alchemy) skill to cure.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_disease_groups to 1
; By default scrolls can cure all diseases without skill requirements.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_disease_scroll to 1
; By default npcs will NOT be able to cure all diseases, unless they have
; enough restoration skill. Set to 1 to make npcs always cure all diseases.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_disease_npc_cure to 0
; By default serious and acute diseases are NOT stronger than normal.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_disease_stronger to 0
; By default creatures can sometimes carry an additional random disease.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_disease_creatures to 1
; By default an additional disease can be spread through the air.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne to 1
; By default creatures with an airborne disease have a shader showing the
; disease group.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_disease_shader to 1
; By default essential actors can not receive additional/airborne diseases.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_disease_essential to 0
; By default the maximum distance to contract an airborne disease is 7 meters.
; Suggested options: any distance in meters
set MOO.ini_disease_distance to 7
; By default there's a 3% chance for a creature outdoors to carry an airborne
; disease. In dungeons this is 6%.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne_outdoors to 3
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne_dungeon to 6
; By default there's a maximum of 33% chance once every 30 seconds to contract
; an airborne disease when near a diseased creature. For creatures this is 10%.
; This is based on disease resistance and distance to the diseased creature.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 50
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne_player to 33
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne_creature to 10
; By default creatures in the PlayerFaction and HorsePC faction are less
; likely to catch a disease than normal creatures (35%). Vermin, like rats,
; have a 500% chance (5 times normal).
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 1000
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne_pcfaction to 35
set MOO.ini_disease_airborne_vermin to 500
; AI settings ;
; By default npcs and creatures are more mobile and can be found outside their
; normal spawn location.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_unpredictable_spawns to 0
; By default actors are more aware of combat in their area. This prevents
; being able to pull one opponent at a time when more are in the area.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_actors_awareness to 1
; By default actors are able to flee when feeling in danger. Check advanced AI
; settings to edit fleeing settings in more detail, including for companions.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_actors_flee to 1
; By default Oblivion's own fleeing code can be adjusted/disabled by editing
; the base and confidence multiplier. Set to -1 to disable.
; Flee calculation: 30 + (Confidence * -0.5) + (unknown health factor * 10)
; Suggested options: -1, any base value.
set MOO.ini_FAIFleeConfBase to -1
set MOO.ini_FAIFleeConfMult to -1
; By default fleeing actors will hide for 5 seconds before returning to normal.
; Suggested options: -1, (5), 30, 120 -> unchanged, (MOO), MMM, Vanilla
set MOO.ini_actors_flee_timeout to 5
; By default up to 10 actors are able to follow the player character at any time
; and 6 are able to follow through doors.
; Suggested options: 2, 4, (6), 8, 10
set MOO.ini_actors_follow to 10
set MOO.ini_actors_door to 6
; By default 30 actors can be given full AI processing and enter combat.
; Suggested options: between 30 and 50
set MOO.ini_actors_AI to 30
set MOO.ini_actors_combat to 30
; By default the player character can be ambushed while sleeping or waiting at
; a 10% chance. An ambush consists out of 25% of any nearby actors of a certain type.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 100 (percent)
set MOO.ini_actors_ambush_waiting to 10
set MOO.ini_actors_ambush_sleeping to 10
set MOO.ini_actors_ambush_size to 25
; By default the player character can be ambushed while fast traveling. This is
; done by any nearby actors of a certain type at a 10% chance.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 100 (percent)
set MOO.ini_actors_ambush_traveling to 10
; By default ambushing vampires have a 50% chance to bite the player character
; when sleeping, rather than attacking. An ambushing thief has a 50% chance
; to steal from the player character when sleeping.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 100 (percent)
set MOO.ini_vampires_ambush_bite to 50
set MOO.ini_thieves_ambush_steal to 50
; By default npcs can ambush the player character when they're no more than 75
; meters away from the player character. Creatures need to be no more than 50
; meters away.
; Suggested options: between 10 and 200 meters
set MOO.ini_actors_ambush_distance_npc to 75
set MOO.ini_actors_ambush_distance_creature to 50
; By default the player character has a confidence of 100 (maximum). This
; value is used to determine how opponents see the player character in combat.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 100 (-1 to keep unchanged)
set MOO.ini_player_confidence to 100
; By default gaurds and npcs with 100 responsibility will allow friendly hits
; in combat, while allowing 3 hits outside combat.
set MOO.ini_actors_friendlyhits to 1
; Magic settings ;
; By default casting Summon Zombie (including headless) will summon a Zombie
; based on the player character's location.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_magic_summonzombie to 1
; By default casting Summon Skeleton (all types) will summon a Skeleton based
; on the player character's location.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_magic_summonskeleton to 1
; By default casting Summon Dremora and Dremora Lord will summon a Dremora
; wearing updated equipment. Both male and female Dremora can be summoned.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_magic_summondremora to 1
; By default casting Summon Scamp, Clannfear and Daedroth summon a creature
; with updated looks.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_magic_summonscamp to 1
set MOO.ini_magic_summonclannfear to 1
set MOO.ini_magic_summondaedroth to 1
; By default casting Summon Bear will summon a Bear based on the player
; character's location.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_magic_summonbear to 1
; By default actors cast healing spells on friendly undead creatures.
; Disable this option for mods doing damage when casting healing on undead.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_magic_healing_undead to 1
; Spell/scroll settings ;
; By default the Remedial Touch spell (Cure Disease on touch) is added to
; various spell merchants. Scrolls are automatically added to merchants/loot.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_remedialtouch to 1
; Light settings ;
; By default ambient light in dungeons is lower and slightly variable in color.
; Set this option to -1 to keep dungeon light unchanged, 0 to disable ambient
; light, or 1 for low ambient light. Set to 2 for strong colored ambient light.
; Suggested options:
; -1 Lighting remains unchanged
; 0 No ambient light (darkest)
; 1 Some ambient light
; 2 Minimal ambient light, low color (default)
; 3 Minimal ambient light, strong color
set MOO.ini_dungeon_light to 1
; By default fog light in dungeon is enabled (like normal). Set to 0 to stop
; fog from emitting light (only useful when ambient light is lowered).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_dungeon_fog to 0
; By default ambient light in other interiors remain unchanged.
; Suggested options: see dungeon light setting
set MOO.ini_otherinterior_light to -1
; By default light outdoors at night is set to 50% (lower is darker).
; This is automatically skipped when another mod changes outdoor lighting.
; Change these settings to 100 to keep nights unchanged.
; Suggested options: 0 to 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_outdoors_ambientlight to 25
set MOO.ini_outdoors_moonlight to 25
set MOO.ini_outdoors_scenerylight to 25
; By default light outdoors at night is not changed when another mod
; changing outdoor lighting is detected.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_outdoors_light_forced to 0
; By default npcs have a 66% chance to carry a torch in a dungeon.
; Suggested options: 0, 33, 50, (66), 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_dungeon_torch to 66
; By default npcs have a 33% chance to carry a torch outdoors.
; Suggested options: 0, (33), 50, 66, 100 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_outdoors_torch to 33
; By default some npcs (in cities, etc.) carry a lantern, rather than a torch.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_add_lanterns to 1
; By default npcs use a torch based on the brightness of their surroundings.
; A lower value makes npcs use torches less quickly.
; Suggested options: 0, 0.2, 0.4, (0.6), 0.8 -> vanilla == 0.8
set MOO.ini_torch_usage to 0.6
; By default the light spell has its color changed from green to a torch like
; light. Set this to 0 for the default green color, or 2 for the color used in
; Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (mint).
; Suggested options: -1, 0, (1), 2, 3, 4, 5 -> unchanged, green, (torch), mint, white, blue, red
set MOO.ini_spell_light to 1
; By default the brightness of torches, wisp torches and lanterns are set
; lower than normal torches (768).
; Suggested options: -1, (256), (368), (512), 768 -> any value between 0 and 1000; set to -1 to keep unchanged
set MOO.ini_torch_brightness to 512
set MOO.ini_wisptorch_brightness to 368
set MOO.ini_lantern_brightness to 256
; By default the brightness of street lights is not increased. Increasing
; street lights could be useful when light outdoors is lowered.
; Note that this setting INCREASES the existing brightness rather than replace it.
; Suggested options: (0), 256, 368, 512, 768
set MOO.ini_streetlight_brightness to 0
; Potion settings ;
; By default healing, fatigue and magicka potions remain unchanged and
; therefore work instantly when drunk. Set this option to 0 to make potions
; work over time (like OOO).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_potions_instant to 1
; By default all created potions have the same weight as a Potion of Healing.
; This is by default set to 0.5.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_potions_weight to 1
; Item settings ;
; By default locked containers can be trapped, but are automatically disabled
; when another mod already has its own traps.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_traps to 0
; By default traps are placed in containers at a normal chance (100%).
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_trap_chance to 100
; By default disarming a trap successfully has a 50% chance to give a free
; poison potion. Set to 0 to disable.
; Suggested options: 0, 25, (50), 75, 100
set MOO.ini_trap_poison to 50
; By default npcs have a chance to carry environment based loot (when a
; iron vein is nearby the npc could carry iron ore, etc.)
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_environmentitems to 1
; By default npcs and containers have a chance to contain spellbooks.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_spellbook to 1
; By default npcs and containers have a chance to contain food and drinks.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_food to 1
; By default certain npcs and containers have a chance to contain rune skulls.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_runeskulls to 1
; By default certain npcs and containers have a chance to contain rune fragments.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_runefragments to 1
; By default items are NOT unleveled. Enable this option for items to appear
; independent of the player character's level. This excludes npc and
; merchant equipment.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_unlevel_items to 0
; By default items sold by merchants are NOT unleveled.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_unlevel_merchant to 0
; By default lockpicks and repair hammers have their weight updated.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_update_clutter to 1
; By default equipment made from rare material is harder to find as loot.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_update_loot to 1
; By default better loot can be found in more remote regions (further from town).
; Suggested options: 0, 1, 3, (5), 7, 9 -> higher == more loot; 0 to disable
set MOO.ini_add_loot_remote to 5
; By default grunts have only low quality equipment, while bosses have only
; high quality equipment. This option is automatically disabled when another
; mod already changes equipment (like TIE).
; Suggested options: 0, 1 -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_update_equipment to 1
; By default equipment on bosses has a 10% chance to be magical. This does
; not include weapons for named bosses.
; Suggested options: any percentage from 0 to 100 in steps of 5%
set MOO.ini_update_equipment_boss_magical to 10
; By default equipment on normal named bosses is dynamically determined.
; Suggested options: 0, 1 -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_update_equipment_namedbosses to 1
; By default Daedric equipment can be found on Dremora and wanted npcs.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_daedric_dremora to 1
set MOO.ini_daedric_wanted to 1
; By default Dremora weapons and ammo require below 100 skill to use.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_dremora_equipment to 1
; By default magic items can now drop from npcs who didn't have magic items
; before (like magic armor on normal bandits).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_magicitems to 1
; By default new common items have been added to npcs and containers.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_commonitems to 1
; By default backpacks are added to merchants, npcs and loot.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_backpacks to 1
; By default any npcs in the adventurer faction will have a 100% chance to carry
; a backpack. This is also true for dynamic adventurers which can be recruited
; as companions.
; Suggested options: any percentage from 0 to 100
set MOO.ini_add_backpacks_adventurers to 100
set MOO.ini_add_backpacks_companions to 100
; By default the player character receives leveled quest rewards. They can be
; upgraded by using an Imbuement Tool. Setting this to non-leveled will automatically
; disable the imbuement tool (would not be necessary).
; Suggested options:
; 0 Quest reward quality is based on the player character's level (like normal)
; 1 Quest reward quality is always the best available
; 2 Quest reward quality is based on the item's material
set MOO.ini_update_questrewards to 0
; By default gold quest rewards remain unchanged. Set to 1 to always receive the
; highest gold reward available, unrelated to level.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_update_questgold to 0
; By default sigil stones remain unchanged.
; Suggested options:
; 0 Sigil Stones are based on the player character's level (like normal)
; 1 Sigil Stones are completely unleveled (all magnitudes)
; 2 Sigil Stones are always the best available
set MOO.ini_update_sigilstones to 0
; By default the weight of various items is configurable.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_weight_repairhammer to 3
set MOO.ini_weight_lockpick to 0.2
set MOO.ini_weight_skeletonkey to 0.4
set MOO.ini_weight_handscythe to 3
set MOO.ini_weight_herderscrook to 10
set MOO.ini_weight_magnifyingglass to 0.3
set MOO.ini_weight_pickaxe to 8
set MOO.ini_weight_blacksmithshammer to 3
set MOO.ini_weight_fletchingjig to 1
set MOO.ini_weight_graingrinder to 3
set MOO.ini_weight_rollingpin to 1
set MOO.ini_weight_scissors to 1
set MOO.ini_weight_sewingkit to 3
set MOO.ini_weight_skillet to 2
set MOO.ini_weight_skinningknife to 3
set MOO.ini_weight_tinkerstools to 3
set MOO.ini_gold_backpack_tiny to 35
set MOO.ini_gold_backpack_small to 90
set MOO.ini_gold_backpack_medium to 225
set MOO.ini_gold_backpack_large to 600
set MOO.ini_gold_backpack_huge to 1800
; Adventurer and companion settings ;
; By default 10 dynamically generated named adventurers are placed into the
; game world at any time. Note that having a very large amount of adventurers
; could affect game performance.
; Suggested options: any positive value (recommended to not exceed 500)
set MOO.ini_adventurer_max to 5
; By default there's a 5% chance an adventurer can spawn as a hero.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_adventurer_hero to 5
; By default equipment worn by adventurers has a 60% chance to be from other mods.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_adventurer_equipment_mods to 60
; By default an adventurer can be asked to join the player character's party
; when it has at least 75 disposition to the player character. This is further
; increased based on the level difference and any other companions the player
; character might already have.
; Suggested options: 0 - 100
set MOO.ini_companion_disposition_min to 75
; By default a companion requires 5 more dispostion for every level it's
; higher than the player character. Also, every additional companion requires
; 10 more disposition.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_level to 5
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_total to 10
; By default a companion requires less disposition to join a party when being
; less confident.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_confidence_verylow to -15
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_confidence_low to -10
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_confidence_average to -5
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_confidence_high to 0
set MOO.ini_companion_penalty_confidence_veryhigh to 5
; By default companions have a confidence between 40 and 60 and an additional
; 2 for every level.
; Suggested options: between 0 and 100
set MOO.ini_companion_confidence_min to 40
set MOO.ini_companion_confidence_max to 60
set MOO.ini_companion_confidence_level to 2
; By default companions are essential (can not die).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_companion_essential to 1
; By default companions only show unequipped items when asked to show items.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_companion_showitems_equipped to 0
; By default companions can be busy for 3 seconds when doing a single action,
; like trading, eating/drinking, repairing, recharing, crafting potions, etc.
; Suggested options: 2 - 10
set MOO.ini_companion_busy_action to 3
; By default companions can be busy (finding items, etc.) for no more than
; 30 seconds at a time. Another action can be started when busy for no more
; than 20 seconds.
; Suggested options: any amount of seconds; min < max
set MOO.ini_companion_busy_min to 20
set MOO.ini_companion_busy_max to 30
; By default companions can find items at a maximum distance of 75 meters.
; Suggested options: 10+
set MOO.ini_companion_busy_distance to 75
; By default companions are considered lost when following the player character
; with a distance of at least x meters. A lost companion is automatically moved
; to the player character (some exceptions).
; Suggested options: 100+, or set to 0 to disable.
set MOO.ini_companion_lost_distance to 0
; By default companions can sell items at 30% and buy items at 200% item value.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_companion_sell to 30
set MOO.ini_companion_buy to 200
; By default companions will eat/drink after 4 hours indoors and 8 hours
; outdoors (including dungeons), to a maximum of 24 hours.
; Suggested options: any hours
set MOO.ini_companion_needs_indoors to 4
set MOO.ini_companion_needs_outdoors to 8
set MOO.ini_companion_needs_max to 24
; By default eating 1 weight in food lowers hunger by 4 hours, while drinking
; 1 weight lowers thirst by 6 hours. Food without weight is set to 0.5 weight.
; Suggested options: any hours
set MOO.ini_companion_needs_food to 4
set MOO.ini_companion_needs_drink to 6
; By default companions have their sleep lowered by 4 hours for every hour the
; player character sleeps.
; Suggested options: any hours
set MOO.ini_companion_needs_sleep to 4
; By default companions with armorer skill are able to repair their own
; equipment when below 50% health. Equipment of other companions will have to
; be below 25%, while equipment of the player character has to be broken (0%).
; Any targets (including the player character) with a repair hammer are skipped.
; Set percentage to -1 to skip repairing.
; Suggested options: any percentage or -1 to skip
set MOO.ini_companion_repair_self to 50
set MOO.ini_companion_repair_others to 25
set MOO.ini_companion_repair_player to 0
; By default companions will have a certain amount of items in their inventory
; based on their associated major skills. For example, companions with armorer
; as major skill will try to always have at least 10 repair hammers, but will
; sell any above 35. Additionally, at 100 skill they will only need 1 hammer.
; Suggested options: any amount, but min lower than max value
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_lockpicks_min to 10
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_lockpicks_max to 50
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_repairhammers_min to 10
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_repairhammers_max to 35
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_potions_min to 5
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_potions_max to 40
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_ingredients_min to 10
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_ingredients_max to 250
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_food_min to 20
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_food_max to 50
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_drink_min to 10
set MOO.ini_companion_loot_drink_max to 25
; By default a message is shown when a companion takes an item from a dead
; body, container or the ground.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_companion_message_loot to 1
; Follower settings ;
; By default tamed creatures are essential (can not die).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_follower_essential to 1
; By default the the player character can control up to 5 tamed creatures
; at once. This is based on his/her speechcraft skill.
; Suggested options: 1 to 5
set MOO.ini_follower_control_novice to 1
set MOO.ini_follower_control_apprentice to 2
set MOO.ini_follower_control_journeyman to 3
set MOO.ini_follower_control_expert to 4
set MOO.ini_follower_control_master to 5
; By default pets follow at a certain distance based on their size.
; Suggested options: 1 to 5 meters
set MOO.ini_follower_distance_small to 1.5
set MOO.ini_follower_distance_average to 3
set MOO.ini_follower_distance_large to 4.5
; By default using a Herder's Crook on a tamed creature offers an info
; option providing more detailed information about your pet.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_follower_info to 1
; By default pets gain experience/levels at normal speed (1). Set this setting
; to 2 to double the speed pets level up. Set to 0.5 to take twice as long.
; Suggested options: 0.25, 0.5, (1), 2, 3 -> any multiplier
set MOO.ini_follower_skillgain to 1
; By default pets require more experience to gain levels based on the amount
; of already gained levels. Set to 0 to disable this penalty.
; Suggested options: 0, 3, 5, (10), 20
set MOO.ini_follower_levelup_penalty to 10
; By default pets gain health, magicka and fatigue when gaining a level at
; a normal rate (100%). Pets also have their attack damage increased by 2.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_follower_levelup_stats to 100
; By default pets gain health, magicka and fatigue when gaining a level at
; a normal rate (100%). Pets also have their attack damage increased by 2.
; Suggested options: 1, 1.5, (2), 2.5, 3
set MOO.ini_follower_levelup_attackdamage to 2
; By default pets can gain 10% indirect experience when the player character
; kills an enemy while being nearby (less than 14 meters).
; Note that pets can only gain indirect experience when guarding.
; Suggested options: 0, 5, (10), 25, 50 -> any percentage
set MOO.ini_follower_indirectXP to 10
; By default some pets are given a shader (fire, frost, etc.) based on
; their abilities/spells and amount of times leveling up.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_follower_shader to 1
; By default pets gain health based on their happiness/hunger level. Set
; this setting to 2 to double the speed pets gain health.
; Suggested options: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 -> any multiplier
set MOO.ini_follower_healthgain to 1
; By default mimics are able to carry 200 weight at level 1, which is
; increased by 10 for every gained level. This means a level 5 mimic is
; able to carry 240 weight.
; Suggested options: 100+ and 5+
set MOO.ini_follower_encumbrance_max to 200
set MOO.ini_follower_encumbrance_level to 10
; By default pet names can consist out of a maximum of 20 characters.
; Suggested options: 20+
set MOO.ini_follower_name to 20
; By default pets with a size of no more than 50 can be picked up and carried
; using a (craftable) pet carrier.
; Suggested options: any value (50 is considered small size like cats and rabbits)
set MOO.ini_follower_petcarrier to 50
; By default any creatures being able to be ridden can't go through doors.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_follower_door_horse to 0
; Dynamic dungeons ;
; By default dungeons can have random extensions.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_dungeon_extensions to 1
; By default a dungeon cell has a 25% maximum chance of a dynamic dungeon extension.
; Suggested options: 0 - 100
set MOO.ini_dungeon_extensions_max to 25
; By default a dungeon cell has a 50% chance to be a boss room. Boss rooms
; can contain hard enemies and possible treasure.
; Suggested options: 0 - 100
set MOO.ini_dungeon_extensions_boss to 50
; By default an outpost can be up to 4 levels deep.
; Suggested options: 1+
set MOO.ini_outpost_levels_max to 4
; By default a level consist out of 50 to 250 tiles.
; Suggested options: any value
set MOO.ini_outpost_tiles_total_min to 50
set MOO.ini_outpost_tiles_total_max to 250
; By default a newly created tunnel can be extended by 10 tiles when the
; maximum amount of tiles is reached (250).
; Suggested options: 0 to 20
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_new_extended to 10
; By default tunnels will not have any rooms or split for at least 5 tiles.
; Suggested options: 1+
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_default_min to 5
; By default tunnels have a 25% chance to link to a room or split into 2 or
; more tunnels.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_room to 25
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_split to 25
; By default a tunnel can be a corner, stairs, gate with lever or an alcove
; at a certain % of the time.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_corner to 15
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_stairs to 25
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_gate to 15
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_alcove to 20
; By default tunnels are relatively long (1).
; Suggested options: (1), 2, 3, 4, 5 -> higher is shorter
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_distance to 1
; By default a tunnel can link to a room 50% of the time.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_outpost_tunnel_end_room to 50
; By default lights and decorational items are added at a certain percentage.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_outpost_light_on to 75
set MOO.ini_outpost_light_off to 15
set MOO.ini_outpost_light_empty to 10
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_metal to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_well to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_skeleton to 10
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_tapestry to 10
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_cobweb_tunnel to 20
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_cobweb_tunnel_corner to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_cobweb_tunnel_alcove to 60
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_cobweb_room to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_cobweb_room_corner to 50
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_clutter_alcove to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_clutter_room_table to 50
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_clutter_treasure to 50
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_tunnel_corner to 7
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_room_1 to 20
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_corner_1 to 30
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_corner_2 to 20
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_wall_1 to 20
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_wall_2 to 10
set MOO.ini_outpost_deco_crates_wall_3 to 10
; By default outpost are divided into 3 difficulties, each having a certain
; type of enemies.
; Suggested options: Any percentage (each type having 100 total)
set MOO.ini_outpost_easy_iron to 50
set MOO.ini_outpost_easy_bronze to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_easy_silver to 15
set MOO.ini_outpost_easy_gold to 0
set MOO.ini_outpost_normal_iron to 25
set MOO.ini_outpost_normal_bronze to 25
set MOO.ini_outpost_normal_silver to 25
set MOO.ini_outpost_normal_gold to 25
set MOO.ini_outpost_hard_iron to 0
set MOO.ini_outpost_hard_bronze to 15
set MOO.ini_outpost_hard_silver to 35
set MOO.ini_outpost_hard_gold to 50
; By default the total amount of enemies is based on the difficulty of the
; room (iron, bronze, silver and gold).
; Suggested options: 1+ where max value is larger than min value
set MOO.ini_outpost_iron_enemies_min to 3
set MOO.ini_outpost_iron_enemies_max to 5
set MOO.ini_outpost_bronze_enemies_min to 3
set MOO.ini_outpost_bronze_enemies_max to 6
set MOO.ini_outpost_silver_enemies_min to 3
set MOO.ini_outpost_silver_enemies_max to 7
set MOO.ini_outpost_gold_enemies_min to 3
set MOO.ini_outpost_gold_enemies_max to 8
; Advanced Health and Damage settings ;
; By default the npc health multiplier is changed from 0.5 to 1, resulting in
; npcs having similar health to the player character. Change any of these
; game settings to -1 to keep them unchanged.
; The following gamesettings can be changed:
; Normal MOO OOO
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; fDamageWeaponMult 0.5 0.66 0.65
; fCreatureCalcDamage 1 1.33 1.35
; fHandHealthMin 1.0 -- --
; fHandHealthMax 15.0 -- 17.0
; fHandDamageSkillMult 1.0 -- --
; fHandFatigueDamageBase 1.0 -- 2.5
; fHandFatigueDamageMult 0.5 -- 0.8
; fNPCAttributeHealthMult 0.5 1 0.5
; iNPCBasePerLevelHealthMult 4 4 5
; iLowLevelNPCMaxLevel 4 -- 1
; fLowLevelNPCBaseHealthMult 0.4 -- 0.7
; fDamageToArmorPercentage 9 6 3
; fDamageToWeaponPercentage 0.06 0.04 0.03
; fDamageSkillBase 0.2 -- --
; fDamageSkillMult 1.5 -- --
; fDamageStrengthBase 0.75 -- --
; fDamageStrengthMult 0.5 -- --
; fDamageWeaponConditionBase 0.5 -- --
; fDamageWeaponConditionMult 0.5 -- --
; fPCBaseHealthMult 2 -- 1.5
; fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanNoviceMult 2 2 2
; fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanApprenticeMult 3 3 3
; fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanJourneymanMult 3 3 3.5
; fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanExpertMult 3 3 4
; fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanMasterMult 3 3 4
; fPerkSneakAttackMeleeNoviceMult 4 4 4
; fPerkSneakAttackMeleeApprenticeMult 6 6 6
; fPerkSneakAttackMeleeJourneymanMult 6 6 7
; fPerkSneakAttackMeleeExpertMult 6 6 8
; fPerkSneakAttackMeleeMasterMult 6 6 8
; fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedNoviceMult -- 2 --
; fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedApprenticeMult -- 2 --
; fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedJourneymanMult -- 2 --
; fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedExpertMult -- 2 --
; fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedMasterMult -- 2 --
; fPerkSneakAttackDaggerNoviceMult -- 4 --
; fPerkSneakAttackDaggerApprenticeMult -- 6 --
; fPerkSneakAttackDaggerJourneymanMult -- 8 --
; fPerkSneakAttackDaggerExpertMult -- 10 --
; fPerkSneakAttackDaggerMasterMult -- 12 --
; Set to -1 to keep unchanged. Sneak settings can't individually be set
; to -1. To disable sneak damage changes set MOO.ini_damage_sneak to 0.
; OOO users please check the compatibility ini file to change some settings.
set MOO.ini_fDamageWeaponMult to 0.66
set MOO.ini_fCreatureCalcDamage to 1.33
set MOO.ini_fHandHealthMin to -1
set MOO.ini_fHandHealthMax to -1
set MOO.ini_fHandDamageSkillMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fHandFatigueDamageBase to -1
set MOO.ini_fHandFatigueDamageMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fNPCAttributeHealthMult to 1
set MOO.ini_iNPCBasePerLevelHealthMult to 4
set MOO.ini_iLowLevelNPCMaxLevel to -1
set MOO.ini_fLowLevelNPCBaseHealthMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fPCBaseHealthMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fDamageToArmorPercentage to 6
set MOO.ini_fDamageToWeaponPercentage to 0.04
set MOO.ini_fDamageSkillBase to -1
set MOO.ini_fDamageSkillMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fDamageStrengthBase to -1
set MOO.ini_fDamageStrengthMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fDamageWeaponConditionBase to -1
set MOO.ini_fDamageWeaponConditionMult to -1
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanNoviceMult to 2
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanApprenticeMult to 3
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanJourneymanMult to 3
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanExpertMult to 3
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMarksmanMasterMult to 3
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMeleeNoviceMult to 4
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMeleeApprenticeMult to 6
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMeleeJourneymanMult to 6
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMeleeExpertMult to 6
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackMeleeMasterMult to 6
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedNoviceMult to 2
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedApprenticeMult to 2
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedJourneymanMult to 2
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedExpertMult to 2
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackUnarmedMasterMult to 2
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackDaggerNoviceMult to 4
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackDaggerApprenticeMult to 6
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackDaggerJourneymanMult to 8
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackDaggerExpertMult to 10
set MOO.ini_fPerkSneakAttackDaggerMasterMult to 12
; By default wearing the Shrouded Armor (both items) will double sneak damage.
; Suggested options: 1, 1.5, (2), 2.5, 3
set MOO.ini_shroudedarmor_marksman to 2
set MOO.ini_shroudedarmor_melee to 2
; By default a target will take 10% additional damage when hit, but no higher
; than the maximum (20) and no less than the minimum (5). The exception is
; when the damage would exceed 25% of the target's health. These settings are
; disabled until setting MOO.ini_damage_flat to 1.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_perc_weapon_min to 10
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_perc_weapon_max to 25
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_perc_creature_min to 10
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_perc_creature_max to 25
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_perc_magic_min to 5
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_perc_magic_max to 10
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_base_weapon_min to 5
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_base_weapon_max to 20
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_base_creature_min to 5
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_base_creature_max to 20
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_base_magic_min to 5
set MOO.ini_damage_flat_base_magic_max to 20
; Walking, running and jumping settings ;
; By default the base amount of damage taken per second of falling remains
; unchanged (-1). This setting is normally set to 80.
; Suggested options: (-1), 40, 60, 80, 100
set MOO.ini_fJumpFallTimeMult to -1
; By default the minimum and maxmimum walking/running speed remains unchanged.
; These settings are normally set to 90 and 130.
; Suggested options: (-1), 50+
set MOO.ini_fMoveCharWalkMin to -1
set MOO.ini_fMoveCharWalkMax to -1
; By default the minimum and maximum jumping height remains unchanged.
; These settings are normally set to 64 and 164.
; Suggested options: (-1), 30+
set MOO.ini_FJumpHeightMin to -1
set MOO.ini_FJumpHeightMax to -1
; Advanced magic settings ;
; By default magicka multipliers (the amount intelligence affects magicka)
; remain unchanged (-1). This is 1.5 for npcs and 1 for the player character.
; Suggested options: (-1), 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3
set MOO.ini_FNPCBaseMagickaMult to -1
set MOO.ini_FPCBaseMagickaMult to -1
; Advanced weapon settings ;
; By default weapons do an additional x% base damage to certain npcs and/or
; creatures, based on the material of the weapon (like silver to undead).
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 200
set MOO.ini_weapon_silver_health to 80
set MOO.ini_weapon_dwarven_health to 75
set MOO.ini_weapon_chitin_health to 35
set MOO.ini_weapon_elven_health to 70
set MOO.ini_weapon_ayleid_health to 65
set MOO.ini_weapon_glass_health to 50
set MOO.ini_weapon_ebony_health to 50
set MOO.ini_weapon_daedric_health to 35
set MOO.ini_weapon_daedric_magicka to 65
set MOO.ini_weapon_orcish_health to 35
; By default the additional damage is further increased based on the target's
; health/magicka. This is useful at high levels for creatures with high health
; multipliers.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_weapon_damage_target to 1
; By default Dwemer weapons are 50% more effective in breaking locks on
; containers and doors.
; Suggested options: 0 30 (50) 70 100
set MOO.ini_weapon_dwemer_locks to 50
; By default an actor taking additional damage will have a white glow for a
; short period of time.
; Suggested options: 0, (1), 2 -> off, (shader 1), shader 2
set MOO.ini_weapon_material_shader to 1
; Advanced lock settings ;
; By default lock difficulty is based on quality, location and if the
; container/door is owned by anyone.
; Suggested options: any value (== level modifier)
set MOO.ini_locks_low to 1
set MOO.ini_locks_average to 21
set MOO.ini_locks_high to 41
set MOO.ini_locks_nearcity to 0
set MOO.ini_locks_outskirts to 7
set MOO.ini_locks_remote to 20
set MOO.ini_locks_owned to 15
; By default a random value is used to slightly randomize lock difficulty.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_locks_variable to 1
; World object settings ;
; By default a small (player) house is placed in Blackwood swamp.
; Please note that this house is saved into the savegame.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_blackwood to 1
; By default ore, gem and stone veins are placed randomly in dungeons.
; These veins are saved into the savegame.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_veins to 1
; By default rocks and rubble piles in dungeons added by other mods are
; automatically converted into veins.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_convert_rocks_mods to 1
set MOO.ini_convert_rubble_mods to 1
; By default ore, gem and stone veins are NOT different for every new game.
; Enabling/disabling this feature will require starting a new game.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_veins_random to 0
; By default crafting tools (forges, anvils, wells, etc.) are converted to
; usable objects. They can also be purchased from merchants as deeds.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_add_tools to 1
; Spawn point settings ;
; By default regional spawn points are automatically disabled when a
; conflicting mod is loaded. Set to 0 to disable.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_01 to 1 ; (-14504, 143570)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_02 to 1 ; (-12310, 148951)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_03 to 1 ; (-1883, 150746)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_04 to 1 ; (24323, 156570)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_05 to 1 ; (22778, 163452)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_06 to 1 ; (37328, 155938)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_07 to 1 ; (41437, 161828)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_08 to 1 ; (72626, 162193)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_09 to 1 ; (671, 151119)
set MOO.ini_spawn_skyrim_10 to 1 ; (37587, 144664)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_01 to 1 ; (82477, -160794)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_02 to 1 ; (74868, -142303)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_03 to 1 ; (72766, -107499)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_04 to 1 ; (73658, -98468)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_05 to 1 ; (79957, -91155)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_06 to 1 ; (78601, -68932)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_07 to 1 ; (64436, -56701)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_08 to 1 ; (20421, -26576)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_09 to 1 ; (4882, -25109)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_10 to 1 ; (-17618, -24377)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_11 to 1 ; (-29519, -11899)
set MOO.ini_spawn_elsweyr_12 to 1 ; (-37154, -14033)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_01 to 1 ; (-96631, -92510)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_02 to 1 ; (-110916, -16643)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_03 to 1 ; (-121766, -22028)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_04 to 1 ; (-131868, -28609)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_05 to 1 ; (-141059, -34960)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_06 to 1 ; (-152514, -43956)
set MOO.ini_spawn_valenwood_07 to 1 ; (-158883, -41915)
set MOO.ini_spawn_goldcoast01 to 1 ; (-210657, 14844)
set MOO.ini_spawn_goldcoast02 to 1 ; (-218058, 7646)
set MOO.ini_spawn_goldcoast03 to 1 ; (-217965, -14815)
set MOO.ini_spawn_goldcoast04 to 1 ; (-169343, -53271)
set MOO.ini_spawn_goldcoast05 to 1 ; (-165110, -52294)
set MOO.ini_spawn_topalbay_01 to 1 ; (77627, -165430)
set MOO.ini_spawn_topalbay_02 to 1 ; (83523, -161597)
set MOO.ini_spawn_topalbay_03 to 1 ; (102935, -163236)
set MOO.ini_spawn_topalbay_04 to 1 ; (117272, -171092)
set MOO.ini_spawn_topalbay_05 to 1 ; (133414, -172801)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_01 to 1 ; (-92624, 85308)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_02 to 1 ; (-105385, 72821)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_03 to 1 ; (-129547, 58120)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_04 to 1 ; (-141756, 43857)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_05 to 1 ; (-159493, 33055)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_06 to 1 ; (-165411, 24955)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_07 to 1 ; (-187500, 19983)
set MOO.ini_spawn_hammerfell_08 to 1 ; (-195588, 23949)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_01 to 1 ; (181368, -19922)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_02 to 1 ; (192661, -18064)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_03 to 1 ; (210324, -12268)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_04 to 1 ; (211759, -1099)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_05 to 1 ; (201551, 15641)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_06 to 1 ; (192556, 369)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_07 to 1 ; (173984, -8223)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_08 to 1 ; (185409, 24207)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_09 to 1 ; (157244, 34252)
set MOO.ini_spawn_morrowind_10 to 1 ; (135490, 128636)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_01 to 1 ; (115356, -126544)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_02 to 1 ; (116587, -122377)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_03 to 1 ; (117994, -119057)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_04 to 1 ; (119913, -114732)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_05 to 1 ; (120169, -110134)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_06 to 1 ; (123654, -108332)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_07 to 1 ; (126362, -108649)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_08 to 1 ; (128935, -107070)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_09 to 1 ; (132214, -106495)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_10 to 1 ; (137541, -110078)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_11 to 1 ; (136130, -116195)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_12 to 1 ; (127149, -119326)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_13 to 1 ; (122509, -122766)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_14 to 1 ; (122248, -119122)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_15 to 1 ; (119510, -117283)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_16 to 1 ; (123219, -114634)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_17 to 1 ; (128666, -116256)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_18 to 1 ; (128694, -111712)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_19 to 1 ; (131847, -110052)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_20 to 1 ; (132708, -116608)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_21 to 1 ; (124253, -119333)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_22 to 1 ; (125758, -105934)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_23 to 1 ; (134456, -100611)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_24 to 1 ; (137380, -104274)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_25 to 1 ; (142072, -102577)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_26 to 1 ; (151447, -102894)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_27 to 1 ; (145031, -100233)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_28 to 1 ; (140009, -101189)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_29 to 1 ; (138895, -99388)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_30 to 1 ; (138782, -94801)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_31 to 1 ; (142704, -96106)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_32 to 1 ; (147460, -99558)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_33 to 1 ; (147847, -103759)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_34 to 1 ; (141655, -108771)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_35 to 1 ; (134618, -112679)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_36 to 1 ; (130866, -114288)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_37 to 1 ; (125872, -121947)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_38 to 1 ; (119772, -125404)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_39 to 1 ; (126092, -126446)
set MOO.ini_spawn_blackmarsh_40 to 1 ; (127173, -113835)
; Advanced ability settings ;
; By default feign death will always be succesful when atleast 30 meters away
; from any attackers.
; Suggested options: 0, 15, (30), 45, 60
set MOO.ini_feigndeath_distance to 30
; By default feign death has a minimum chance of 10% to fail when in combat.
; Suggested options: 0, 5, (10), 15, 20, 25
set MOO.ini_feigndeath_fail to 10
; By default actors can be alerted when a nearby projectiles (arrows and spells)
; passes them by. Projectiles traveling closer by are easier detected. Any
; projectile more than 5 meters away will not be detected.
; Suggested options: 3, 4, (5), 8, 10, 15
set MOO.ini_missalert_distance to 5
; By default actors will call for healing when below 50% health and in combat.
; A target will heal itself 50% of the time and others 100% of the time.
; Additionally, actors will always call for healing when hurt and out of combat.
; Suggested options: Any percentage
set MOO.ini_callhealing_combat to 50
set MOO.ini_callhealing_self to 50
set MOO.ini_callhealing_target to 100
; By default spells are easier detected than arrows. Change these values
; to make projectiles easier/harder to detect.
; Suggested options: between 50 and 300
set MOO.ini_missalert_arrows to 50
set MOO.ini_missalert_spells to 150
; By default it takes 15 seconds to apply a bandage to yourself and 5 seconds
; to someone else.
; Suggested options: any amount of seconds
set MOO.ini_healing_time_player to 15
set MOO.ini_healing_time_other to 5
; By default healing with bandages will recover up to 65% health.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_healing_max to 65
; By default getting hit while healing will recover 50% less health for every
; hit taken.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_healing_damage to 50
; By default feeding a tamed creature will recover 10% health.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_healing_food to 10
; By default NO shader is added for targets being healed.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_healing_shader to 0
; By default whistling can be heard for 40 meters. Set to -1 to always be heard.
; Suggested options: -1, 20, (40), 50, 60
set MOO.ini_whistle_distance to 40
; By default whistling has a 25% chance to alert enemies of your presence.
; Suggested options: 0, 10, (25), 33, 50
set MOO.ini_whistle_enemies to 25
; By default whistling does NOT summon creatures to the player character.
; Suggested options: (0), 1, 2 -> (none), magic users, all creatures
set MOO.ini_whistle_summon to 0
; By default whistling can also summon companions.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_whistle_companions to 1
; By default pets can teleport to the player character through summoning
; for 10 meters. Enable summoning by editing MOO.ini_Whistle_summon.
; Set to -1 to always summon pets unrelated to distance.
; Suggested options: -1, 5, (10), 20, 30
set MOO.ini_summon_distance to 10
; By default the player character talks when attempting to tame a creature.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_taming_speech to 1
; By default using a hand scythe can harvest flora at a range of 5 meters.
; Suggested options: 2, 3, (5), 7, 10
set MOO.ini_harvestflora_distance to 5
; Advanced game settings ;
; By default the icon for the script effect has been updated to look
; differently.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_update_scripteffect_icon to 1
; Advanced AI settings ;
; By default npcs and creatures are more mobile and can be found outside their
; normal spawn location. When enabled, their range (in meters) is as follows:
set MOO.ini_npc_interior_melee to 100
set MOO.ini_npc_interior_missile to 75
set MOO.ini_npc_interior_boss to 50
set MOO.ini_npc_exterior_melee to 50
set MOO.ini_npc_exterior_missile to 33
set MOO.ini_npc_exterior_boss to 15
set MOO.ini_creature_interior_melee to 50
set MOO.ini_creature_interior_allowfalls to 25
set MOO.ini_creature_interior_swims to 15
set MOO.ini_creature_exterior_melee to 100
set MOO.ini_creature_exterior_allowfalls to 50
set MOO.ini_creature_exterior_swims to 25
; By default actors are able to flee when low on health, diseased or see an
; ally die in combat. Weak npcs can decide to flee, rather than enter combat.
;When fleeing it's possible to pull allies into fleeing.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_actors_flee_lowhealth to 1
set MOO.ini_actors_flee_diseased to 1
set MOO.ini_actors_flee_deathfriendly to 1
set MOO.ini_actors_flee_pullallies to 1
set MOO.ini_actors_flee_weaknpc to 1
; By default actors in the player faction have their combat rating increased
; by 5 levels. A higher combat rating makes actors more confident in combat.
; Increase this setting if you find that companions flee too easily.
; Suggested options: any positive number
set MOO.ini_actors_combat_pcfaction to 5
; By default actors in the player faction have their combat further adjusted
; based on the difficulty setting (+3 for advanced difficulty).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_actors_combat_difficulty to 1
; Advanced item settings ;
; By default locked containers have a 5% chance to contain a small treasure.
; Suggested options: 0, 3, (5), 7, 10
set MOO.ini_random_treasure to 5
; By default the chance for locked containers to contain a small treasure is
; increased by an additional 20% based on the quality of the lock.
; Suggested options: 0, 10, 15, (20), 25
set MOO.ini_lock_treasure to 20
; By default the chance to find treasure is modified based on the difficulty
; of reaching the treasure. This means that there will be more treasure in
; remote areas and where the player is not allowed to visit.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_treasure_remote to 1
; By default teddybear backpacks can be found as treasure in houses (not dungeons).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_treasure_teddybears to 0
; By default bashing trapped containers has a 30% chance to destroy any items
; inside it. Quest and scripted items will never be destroyed.
; Suggested options: 0, (30), 50, 70, 100
set MOO.ini_trap_destroy to 30
; By default poison of poison traps can reach 5 meters.
; Suggested options: 3, 4, (5), 6, 7
set MOO.ini_poison_distance to 5
; By default exploding traps on containers can be heard for 50 meters.
; Suggested options: 0, 25, 40, (50), 75
set MOO.ini_trap_distance to 50
; By default equipment made from rare material is harder to find as loot.
; This is further adjusted based on the distance to any cities.
; These settings can be disabled by setting MOO.ini_update_loot to 0.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 100 (percent)
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_fur to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_iron to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_leather to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_steel to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_chainmail to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_silver to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_mithril to 33
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_dwarven to 33
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_elven to 25
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_orcish to 25
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_glass to 10
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_ebony to 10
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_daedric to 10
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_fur to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_iron to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_leather to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_steel to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_chainmail to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_silver to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_mithril to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_dwarven to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_elven to 33
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_orcish to 33
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_glass to 25
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_ebony to 25
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_daedric to 25
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_fur to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_iron to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_leather to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_steel to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_chainmail to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_silver to 100
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_mithril to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_dwarven to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_elven to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_orcish to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_glass to 33
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_ebony to 33
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_daedric to 33
; By default magic equipment is harder to find based on location.
; Suggested options: any value between 0 and 100 (percent)
set MOO.ini_loot_nearby_magic to 50
set MOO.ini_loot_outskirts_magic to 75
set MOO.ini_loot_remote_magic to 100
; Advanced actor settings ;
; By default non-scripted creatures are resized slightly to add variation.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_creature_resize to 1
; By default npcs from other regions are hostile towards bandits and marauders.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_npc_region_hostile to 1
; By default Elsweyr Thieves are successful stealing items 33% of the time.
; Suggested options: 0, 25, (33), 66, 100
set MOO.ini_thief_steal to 33
; By default Elsweyr Thieves can steal equipped arrows.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_thief_steal_ammo to 1
; By default Vampires take 2% damage a second when being outdoors during the
; day in full day light.
; Suggested options: 0, 1, (2), 4, 8
set MOO.ini_vampire_sundamage to 2
; By default vampires recover 4% health a second when not taking sun damage.
; Suggested options: 0, 1, 2, (4), 8
set MOO.ini_vampire_healthregeneration to 0
; By default vampires that are pulled outdoors into direct sunlight will return
; back indoors when their health drops below 50%.
; Suggested options: any percentage
set MOO.ini_vampire_health_sunlight to 50
; By default vampires do not regenerate health for 8 seconds after being hit
; by a silver weapon. Ancient vampires are only affected for 2 seconds.
; Suggested options: any seconds; set to 0 to disable
set MOO.ini_vampire_silvertime to 8
set MOO.ini_vampire_ancient_silvertime to 2
; By default original skeletons have their shaders restored.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_skeleton_shaders to 1
; By default zombies and mummies don't die, but get back up 70% of the time.
; Suggested options: 0, 33, (70), 85, 100
set MOO.ini_zombie_resurrect to 70
set MOO.ini_mummy_resurrect to 70
; By default a zombie can be killed permanently when taking their brain
; from their inventory.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_zombie_brain to 1
; By default a mummy can NOT be killed permanently when taking their
; wrappings from their inventory.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_mummy_wrappings to 1
; By default a spriggan can NOT be killed permanently when taking their
; Taproot from their inventory.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_spriggan_taproot to 1
; By default liches are friendly towards eachother.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> hostile, (friendly)
set MOO.ini_lich_relationship to 1
; By default dremora are friendly towards conjurers.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> hostile, (friendly)
set MOO.ini_dremora_relationship to 1
; By default mythic dawn is friendly to conjurers, daedra and dremora.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> hostile, (friendly)
set MOO.ini_mythicdawn_relationship to 1
; By default arena npcs are put into an evil faction to avoid being
; able to give murder counts.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_arena_evil to 1
; By default vultures fly over dead bodies 20% of the time.
; Suggested options: 0, (20), 30, 40, 50
set MOO.ini_vulture_circle to 20
; By default seagulls fly over fish in water 50% of the time.
; Suggested options: 0, 33, (50), 67, 100
set MOO.ini_seagull_circle to 50
; By default Mud Crabs have a 5% chance to grab the player character's
; (and npc's) weapon and a 10% chance to damage his/her armor.
set MOO.ini_mudcrab_grab to 5
set MOO.ini_mudcrab_break to 10
; By default Giants power attacking with a Giant Club will make it's
; target fly for several meters. Set to 0 to disable.
; Suggested options: 0, (100), 250, 500, 750 -> higher is further
set MOO.ini_giant_club to 100
; By default npcs can can be heard for 14 meters.
; Suggested options: 0, 5, 10, (14), 20
set MOO.ini_npc_distance to 14
; By default dogs barking can be heard for 40 meters.
; Suggested options: 0, 25, (40), 50, 75
set MOO.ini_dog_distance to 40
; By default mammoths can be heard for 60 meters.
; Suggested options: 0, 30, (60), 75, 100
set MOO.ini_mammoth_distance to 60
; By default the first Young Shalk Beetle found in the starting dungeon
; has a random name (player character's pet).
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_beetle_name to 1
; By default mythical creatures spawn with more variation.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_mythicalcreatures_diverse to 1
; Advanced level scaling settings ;
; By default vanilla actors (creatures and npcs) are replaced by MOO creature
; leveled lists. Set this to 0 to stop MOO from adding actors to vanilla lists.
; Suggested options: 0, (1) -> off, (on)
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_actors to 1
; By default creatures up to 100 levels below the player character's can spawn.
; This insures that items/creatures do not stop spawning. For Oblivion this
; is normally set to 8.
; Suggested options: 8+
set MOO.ini_iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax to 100
set MOO.ini_iLevCreaLevelDifferenceMax to 100
; By default npcs will spawn with slightly variable levels. This range is
; from -1.9 to +2.4.
; Suggested options: any value near 0, where min value is lower than max value
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_variable_min to -1.9
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_npc_variable_max to 2.4
; By default npcs have a minimum level, maximum level and a modifier level.
; The difficulty level modifies the minimum level of npcs (+3 for advanced).
; levelmin == minimum level of npc
; levelmax == maximum level of npc (set to 0 to have no maximum)
; levelmod == amount of levels higher/lower than player character
; Guards and Soldiers (Imperial Legion and other cities)
set MOO.ini_levelmin_guard_recruit to 12
set MOO.ini_levelmax_guard_recruit to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_guard_recruit to 4
set MOO.ini_levelmin_guard_IC to 20
set MOO.ini_levelmax_guard_IC to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_guard_IC to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmin_captain_IC to 40
set MOO.ini_levelmax_captain_IC to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_captain_IC to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmin_guard_other to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmax_guard_other to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_guard_other to 4
set MOO.ini_levelmin_captain_other to 25
set MOO.ini_levelmax_captain_other to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_captain_other to 8
; Vampires
set MOO.ini_levelmin_vampire_grunt to 14
set MOO.ini_levelmax_vampire_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_vampire_grunt to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_vampire_boss to 9
set MOO.ini_levelmax_vampire_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_vampire_boss to 4
set MOO.ini_levelmin_vampire_ancient_grunt to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmax_vampire_ancient_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_vampire_ancient_grunt to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmin_vampire_ancient_boss to 40
set MOO.ini_levelmax_vampire_ancient_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_vampire_ancient_boss to 15
; Bandits and Marauders
set MOO.ini_levelmin_bandit_highwayman to 5
set MOO.ini_levelmax_bandit_highwayman to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_bandit_highwayman to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_bandit_grunt to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmax_bandit_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_bandit_grunt to -2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_bandit_boss to 13
set MOO.ini_levelmax_bandit_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_bandit_boss to 8
set MOO.ini_levelmin_bandit_hard_grunt to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmax_bandit_hard_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_bandit_hard_grunt to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmin_bandit_hard_boss to 25
set MOO.ini_levelmax_bandit_hard_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_bandit_hard_boss to 12
set MOO.ini_levelmin_marauder_grunt to 1
set MOO.ini_levelmax_marauder_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_marauder_grunt to -3
set MOO.ini_levelmin_marauder_boss to 12
set MOO.ini_levelmax_marauder_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_marauder_boss to 7
set MOO.ini_levelmin_marauder_hard_grunt to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmax_marauder_hard_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_marauder_hard_grunt to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmin_marauder_hard_boss to 25
set MOO.ini_levelmax_marauder_hard_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_marauder_hard_boss to 12
; Necromancers and Conjurers (also for region casters)
set MOO.ini_levelmin_necromancer_grunt to 5
set MOO.ini_levelmax_necromancer_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_necromancer_grunt to 1
set MOO.ini_levelmin_necromancer_boss to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmax_necromancer_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_necromancer_boss to 4
set MOO.ini_levelmin_necromancer_hard_grunt to 20
set MOO.ini_levelmax_necromancer_hard_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_necromancer_hard_grunt to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmin_necromancer_hard_boss to 30
set MOO.ini_levelmax_necromancer_hard_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_necromancer_hard_boss to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmin_conjurer_grunt to 4
set MOO.ini_levelmax_conjurer_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_conjurer_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmin_conjurer_boss to 9
set MOO.ini_levelmax_conjurer_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_conjurer_boss to 3
set MOO.ini_levelmin_conjurer_hard_grunt to 20
set MOO.ini_levelmax_conjurer_hard_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_conjurer_hard_grunt to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmin_conjurer_hard_boss to 30
set MOO.ini_levelmax_conjurer_hard_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_conjurer_hard_boss to 15
; Adventurers and Heroes
set MOO.ini_levelmin_adventurer to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmax_adventurer to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_adventurer to 3
set MOO.ini_levelmin_hero to 14
set MOO.ini_levelmax_hero to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_hero to 9
; Morag Tong Assassins
set MOO.ini_levelmin_moragtong_grunt to 12
set MOO.ini_levelmax_moragtong_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_moragtong_grunt to 8
set MOO.ini_levelmin_moragtong_boss to 30
set MOO.ini_levelmax_moragtong_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_moragtong_boss to 15
; Regional fighters (ranks: 0 Scout, 1 Grunt, 2 Boss, 3 Champion, 4 Leader)
; These settings are also used for associated regional npcs, like smugglers,
; cannibals, mercenaries, etc.
set MOO.ini_levelmin_region_rank0 to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmax_region_rank0 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_region_rank0 to -2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_region_rank1 to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmax_region_rank1 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_region_rank1 to 3
set MOO.ini_levelmin_region_rank2 to 14
set MOO.ini_levelmax_region_rank2 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_region_rank2 to 9
set MOO.ini_levelmin_region_rank3 to 20
set MOO.ini_levelmax_region_rank3 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_region_rank3 to 15
set MOO.ini_levelmin_region_rank4 to 50
set MOO.ini_levelmax_region_rank4 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_region_rank4 to 20
; Poachers
set MOO.ini_levelmin_poacher to 1
set MOO.ini_levelmax_poacher to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_poacher to -1
; Pirates
set MOO.ini_levelmin_pirate_grunt to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmax_pirate_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_pirate_grunt to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_pirate_boss to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmax_pirate_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_pirate_boss to 4
; Black Bow Bandits
set MOO.ini_levelmin_blackbow_grunt to 4
set MOO.ini_levelmax_blackbow_grunt to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_blackbow_grunt to 1
set MOO.ini_levelmin_blackbow_boss to 12
set MOO.ini_levelmax_blackbow_boss to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_blackbow_boss to 5
; Dremora (rank 6 is Daedric Lords)
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank0 to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank0 to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank0 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank1 to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank1 to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank1 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank2 to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank2 to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank2 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank3 to 14
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank3 to 14
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank3 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank4 to 18
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank4 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank4 to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank5 to 23
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank5 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank5 to 6
set MOO.ini_levelmin_dremora_rank6 to 50
set MOO.ini_levelmax_dremora_rank6 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_dremora_rank6 to 15
; Mythic Dawn
set MOO.ini_levelmin_mythicdawn_rank0 to 5
set MOO.ini_levelmax_mythicdawn_rank0 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_mythicdawn_rank0 to 2
set MOO.ini_levelmin_mythicdawn_rank1 to 11
set MOO.ini_levelmax_mythicdawn_rank1 to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_mythicdawn_rank1 to 5
; Named npc bosses (up to 10 levels is added for randomization)
set MOO.ini_levelmin_named_boss_normal to 30
set MOO.ini_levelmax_named_boss_normal to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_named_boss_normal to 12
set MOO.ini_levelmin_named_boss_hard to 60
set MOO.ini_levelmax_named_boss_hard to 0
set MOO.ini_levelmod_named_boss_hard to 24
; Wanted npcs (not linked to player character level)
set MOO.ini_levelmin_wanted_random to 10
set MOO.ini_levelmax_wanted_random to 50
set MOO.ini_levelmin_wanted_vampire to 20
set MOO.ini_levelmax_wanted_vampire to 50
; Named adventurers and heroes
set MOO.ini_levelmin_adventurer_random to 8
set MOO.ini_levelmax_adventurer_random to 25
set MOO.ini_levelmin_hero_random to 16
set MOO.ini_levelmax_hero_random to 50
; By default the above npcs have their level further increased by 10 when
; defined as being legendary.
set MOO.ini_levelscaling_legendary to 10
; Advanced Notice Board settings ;
; By default notices are refreshed after x game days. The exact time is
; based on their status (created/placed in-game/found/killed).
; Suggested options: any positive number (creation time should be high-ish)
set MOO.ini_notice_item_create_min to 21
set MOO.ini_notice_item_create_max to 28
set MOO.ini_notice_item_place_min to 3
set MOO.ini_notice_item_place_max to 7
set MOO.ini_notice_item_found_min to 1
set MOO.ini_notice_item_found_max to 3
set MOO.ini_notice_npc_create_min to 21
set MOO.ini_notice_npc_create_max to 28
set MOO.ini_notice_npc_kill_min to 1
set MOO.ini_notice_npc_kill_max to 3
set MOO.ini_notice_none_wait_min to 1
set MOO.ini_notice_none_wait_max to 14
; By default a tip is added to a notice concerning the location of a wanted
; npc when 24 days are left before the notice expires.
; Suggested options: any positive number, but less than MOO.ini_notice_npc_create_min
set MOO.ini_notice_npc_tip to 24
; By default notice boards are placed in different locations based on the
; mods loaded (vanilla, Better Cities or Open Cities Reborn).
; Suggested options: any valid x, y and z position
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_xpos_vanilla to -190465
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_ypos_vanilla to -28680
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_zpos_vanilla to 393
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_xpos_vanilla to 65832
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_ypos_vanilla to -33875
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_zpos_vanilla to 550
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_xpos_vanilla to 24603
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_ypos_vanilla to 146531
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_zpos_vanilla to 26118
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_xpos_vanilla to 118220
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_ypos_vanilla to 88110
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_zpos_vanilla to 7089
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_xpos_vanilla to -65413
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_ypos_vanilla to 94123
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_zpos_vanilla to 14320
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_xpos_vanilla to 31952
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_ypos_vanilla to 70341
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_zpos_vanilla to 3600
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_xpos_vanilla to 85750
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_ypos_vanilla to -139143
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_zpos_vanilla to 340
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_xpos_vanilla to -68030
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_ypos_vanilla to 1092
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_zpos_vanilla to 6784
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_xpos_BC to -190430
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_ypos_BC to -28680
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_zpos_BC to 393
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_xpos_BC to 65832
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_ypos_BC to -33875
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_zpos_BC to 550
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_xpos_BC to 24603
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_ypos_BC to 146531
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_zpos_BC to 26118
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_xpos_BC to 118220
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_ypos_BC to 88110
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_zpos_BC to 7089
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_xpos_BC to -65413
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_ypos_BC to 94123
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_zpos_BC to 14320
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_xpos_BC to 0 ; skipped
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_ypos_BC to 0
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_zpos_BC to 0
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_xpos_BC to 85750
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_ypos_BC to -139143
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_zpos_BC to 340
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_xpos_BC to -68030
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_ypos_BC to 1092
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_zpos_BC to 6784
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_xpos_OCR to -190465
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_ypos_OCR to -28680
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_anvil_zpos_OCR to 335
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_xpos_OCR to 65832
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_ypos_OCR to -33875
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bravil_zpos_OCR to 550
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_xpos_OCR to 26660
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_ypos_OCR to 147050
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_bruma_zpos_OCR to 25673
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_xpos_OCR to 118220
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_ypos_OCR to 88110
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_cheydinhal_zpos_OCR to 7089
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_xpos_OCR to -60920
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_ypos_OCR to 95815.5
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_chorrol_zpos_OCR to 14935
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_xpos_OCR to 0 ; skipped
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_ypos_OCR to 0
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_ic_zpos_OCR to 0
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_xpos_OCR to 87400
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_ypos_OCR to -142346
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_leyawiin_zpos_OCR to 1489
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_xpos_OCR to -68030
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_ypos_OCR to 1092
set MOO.ini_noticeboard_skingrad_zpos_OCR to 6784
; Compatibility settings ;
; By default it's required to hit the ground with a pickaxe to find treasure.
; Set this setting to 1 to disable the need to hit the ground. This is useful
; for mods changing the reach of weapons.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_compatibility_pickaxe to 0
; By default all tools (like pickaxes and shovels) are automatically converted
; to usable items. Set this to 1 to only convert 1 of each item at a time.
; This could be useful for some quest mods.
; Suggested options: (0), 1 -> (off), on
set MOO.ini_compatibility_tools_convert to 0
; Oblivion XP settings ;
; By default taming a creature increases xp by 10 x creature level.
; Suggested options: 1, 5, (10), 15
set MOO.ini_XP_tame_creature to 10
; By default crafting an item increases xp by 0.1 x gold value.
; Suggested options: 0.02, 0.05, (0.1), 0.2, 0.3
set MOO.ini_XP_craft_item to 0.1
; By default crafting an item increases xp by a value between 1 and 1000.
set MOO.ini_XP_craft_item_min to 1
set MOO.ini_XP_craft_item_max to 1000
; By default smeling items increases xp by 0.2 x gold value of resources.
; Suggested options: 0.05, 0.1, (0.2), 0.3, 0.4
set MOO.ini_XP_smelt_item to 0.2
; By default finding a treasure chests increases xp based on the difficulty
; of the treasure map.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_XP_find_treasure_plain to 100
set MOO.ini_XP_find_treasure_expert to 150
set MOO.ini_XP_find_treasure_adept to 200
set MOO.ini_XP_find_treasure_clever to 250
set MOO.ini_XP_find_treasure_devious to 300
; By default bashing locks increases xp based on the lock's difficulty.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_XP_bash_lock_veryeasy to 10
set MOO.ini_XP_bash_lock_easy to 15
set MOO.ini_XP_bash_lock_average to 20
set MOO.ini_XP_bash_lock_hard to 25
set MOO.ini_XP_bash_lock_veryhard to 30
; By default disarming a trap increases xp based on the trap's difficulty.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_XP_disarm_trap_weak to 10
set MOO.ini_XP_disarm_trap_average to 15
set MOO.ini_XP_disarm_trap_hard to 20
set MOO.ini_XP_disarm_trap_leathal to 25
; By default returning a missing pet increases xp by 50, smuggled goods by 12
; and a missing item by 200. Wanted npcs increases xp by their bounty x 0.1.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_XP_return_missingpet to 50
set MOO.ini_XP_return_wantednpc to 0.1
set MOO.ini_XP_return_missingitem to 200
set MOO.ini_XP_return_smuggledgoods to 12
; By default opening a lock inside an outpost increases xp based on the
; difficulty of the lock.
; Suggested options: any positive value
set MOO.ini_XP_open_lock_iron to 15
set MOO.ini_XP_open_lock_bronze to 20
set MOO.ini_XP_open_lock_silver to 25
set MOO.ini_XP_open_lock_gold to 30
; Read-only settings ;
set MOO.ini_version to 493




If I've missed any information you need, please let me know. I feel like I got it all! :U

Edited by ArtMurder
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