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Armory Build advice please.


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Hello one and all. I am looking for some tips or advice on my current build for The Castle.

As everyone may know,,,, The Castle is not an "easy" place to build in. The 5 walls have a odd angle making linked buildings a REAL pain. But with the use of a few building mods, (pier walkways in the GM2, and the BOS pod in I believe the P&T) I have built 5 buildings atop the 5 walls of the castle.

The issue I currently face with this build is my armory building. It is a two story BOS pod building, one floor for crafting stations, the other is the weapons storage area. Decorating the weapons storage area is easy,,,, what I WANT to do is have it manned much like the one on the Prydwen. ARE there any mods for having a settler manning the windowed security fence?

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