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Weapon damage scaling mod?


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So, since FO4 is plagued by the whole "Enemies can scale infinitely but your weapons can't" problem, is it not possible to just add non-skilltree based perks to the game that scale off the player's level? Like, just by adding a certain percentage of the gun damage of the weapon you're holding as a flat bonus each level? I saw this one mod that tried to do that, but it was in Chinese and it didn't work. It added something like a flat 2% damage per level to your damage dealt/the base gun damage or something per level which was like +100% at level 50. I mean, theoretically it'd counter the infinite enemy scaling issue right?


I know, it seems like a silly way to fix the issue when you can just go back through and ensure enemies literally never level up or gain HP, but I always thought RPGs were about growth in an upward direction stat-wise rather than just lateral growth by picking up a slightly better gun to use. And frankly, I'm not sure I see anyone going and making a Borderlands-esque system for this game and adding in level requirements/scaling for everything.


If anyone understands what I mean and thinks it'd be something feasible, I for one would love to see it make its way into the game...

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Well, yea but that (at least to me) removes the feeling of progression from the game since levels will, essentially, take the same (if not less) effort to get for each one. Like, for instance, if any other RPG was made with the idea of "Lets keep all the damage numbers on weapons static and enemies never get any stronger" and "we'll give the player perks every level and thereby make the game progressively more trivial as things get higher level" it wouldn't be a very fun RPG, would it?


I dunno. Just my opinion I guess. Removing the scaling on npc's is the easy way out I suppose, but it just makes fallout into every other generic shooter game with unlockable abilities in it. The progression aspect is what makes it unique. Overcoming adversity and all that. Idk. The jourmey.


But, if it's possible to make a wep damage scaling mod, or implement some kind of scripted "Item level" system, it'd be a really fun take on the Fallout universe.


Any other modders with some insight into this?

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  • 1 year later...

I'm late to the party, but I agree with OP. In a game where looting is a big part of the gameplay, it's nice to look at each gun you find and compare it to those you have to know if you might want to switch for this new weapon. Otherwise, all weapons have the same base power, and the same max power when used with the same mods – In other words, if you have a 10mm Pistol that is maxed out, you don't need to bother checking any 10 mm that you find 'cause you know they'll have the exact same DMG/DPS once you max it out too.

It would be nice that all weapons had a certain randomness in their base damage (between a certain rage), so that if you have a base rifle at 65 and you know you can get it at 105, and then find a base rifle at 76 then it would be exiting. The way it is, I have at least one maxed out version of each of my favourite weapon types, and when I loot just don't bother with weapons on corpses at all.

If weapon'd scale with me, then I'd be more interested in checking all container I see, and corpses, as there would be a chance that a find a better pistol to replace the one I found at level 12 and maxed out at level 13, and still use at level 48. I don't mind health scaling and weapon scaling at the same time : it adds a progression feeling, even if it evens itself out in the end (more health, more damage), but at least it gives an incentive to keep looking for new loot instead of keeping the same weapon inventory the entire game.

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4. Uncap Outgoing Weapon damage. Whilst most player weapon damage stops with MoreDamage3 Advanced weapon receivers and level 5 weapon damage perks, some sponge mobs health keeps going up uncapped. If the player has the relevant level 5 weapon damage perk this option keeps increasing damage at ~2% per player level.

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