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Noob in need - Scripting


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Hi! I'm working on a simple mod which just adds some new NPCs in the game.


I'm trying to make them act realistically to guards by making them flee when a guard hits them or enters combat with them.


I was trying to do this by using the -Begin OnHit- thing, and then say something like "if attacker.IsGuard ==1 then forceav confidence 0", something simple like that.


My problem is that I don't know how to extract any information from the OnHit block. How to I get the reference of the attacker? I know that you can say "Begin OnHit Player" if you only want the block to run when a player attacks the object, but I want to do this in a versatile way, so that my custom NPC can react differently depending on properties that it extracts from the attacker.

Edited by cjhorberg
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