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Why does my character look like only her head was stuck in the sun and how can I fix it?

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Please help. I use OCOv2, Seamless OCOv2 by junkacc, all of Seamless's requirements, OCOv2 Seamless Head Replacer by kartoffels, and HGEC body. The seam between head and body is gone from what I can tell, but... her head looks like it was stuck in the sun too long in comparison to the rest of her.


The long subject to this post and impromptu screenshot attached to it says it all. How can I fix this weird coloration mistake while also properly blending the seam away? I want character customization setting pointers, mod suggestions, black magic of the most accursed sort (game programming and console commands), anything which can help my desert rose (female Redguard) bloom a more uniform color, like the rest of her (preferably a terra-cotta brown skin tone from top to bottom).

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First off, the game has trouble with extreme limits used on any of the sliders (e.g. colour tone or age, though I expect others as well). If you have used any slider extremes try bringing them back a little at a time to look for a suitable compromise.


I still see a neckseam in your picture. In my experience the lighting of the scene affects how visible a neckseam is and overcast seems to be the most "neckseam friendly" (console fw 38eec).


Face geometry settings can also affect the neckseam, so small changes in chin, jaw and neck setting can sometime help, sometimes make it worse.


I personally find the CharGen method of changing your characters face too imprecise. My method is to create an NPC in the Construction Set who I place just outside the tutorial sewer exit. Working from a save from just before exiting the tutorial I can then make adjustments to the NPC's face in the CS and then exit the sewers and examine the NPC in various lighting.


The advantage that using the CS offers is it has digital readouts of all slider positions, making it easy to test different settings and then revert if they aren't successful (you don't need to move the sliders but can just enter the settings in the digital readout box).


I then use Wrye Bash to transfer that NPC's face to my character.

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