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All robes look the same


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So, whenever I use the CBBE body, all of the robes have the same textures, and it's the brown one. Whenever I switch to Touched By Dibella outfits, the problem is gone.


Now, I first tried to just single out the one robe that I use, the green robes, but I couldn't find the outfit in bodyslide. I know that batch building manages to find it, but manually tracking down the specific robe is impossible.


Now, I only use bodyslide for the sliders. I have no idea how to use the meshes, and I can't use the creation engine to fish around in the code to fix the problem myself because I have no idea how it works.


I don't even care if CBBE is fixed, because I'm using a slooty clothing replacer that alters the green robes to something that doesn't match the aesthetic I wanted to make for my character. I just want to single out the green robes file so I can be the only modest person in all of Skyrim.



Note: I'm going to try singling out the monk robes to see if the green robes are somehow connected, since they share similar models.


Edit: I just confirmed my suspicions. The monk robes are connected to all the other robes, and for some reason CBBE doesn't recognize the other textures.

Edited by The1TrueEcho
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