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[LE] Code for menu on a dropped item

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I can use menus and displays what I'm needing is the script to bring up a menu when you click on a dropped item like the camping thing does when you drop the camp bag then you click on the bag on the ground then you get a menu etc
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OnActivate is the event you would use. But depending upon the object you are talking about it could possibly be picked back up at the same time. Some mods that do this sort of thing replace the dropped object with an activator object, in some cases even using the same NIF model.


Best thing to do is to find a mod that does similar to what you want and then look at how it is handled within that mod. If said mod does not have PSC files to examine, you can decompile the PEX with Champollion. Do note that the results will be human readable and able to be recompiled they just won't look the same as they did when first compiled. i.e. all comment marks will be gone and all events will be marked as functions.

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Thx I got my pex files I tried using that program but it looked like gibberish I'll give it another go thanks.. this was basically a item once you dropped it it acted like a activator which wouldn't pick it up it would simply display a menu once you did it had a menu option to pick up basically if I remember if you selected it it deleted itself and then used the additem to put it in inventory maybe the decompiler will help
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