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Solid Project Sprinting Animation Not Working!


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After I installed Writable Log, and the required UI mod and the UI Hud mod or whatever I also installed Adjustable hud, but also groovatron in which during another while in tfc i tried exciting via pip boy and screened showed nothing got game working again and noticed that part of the item discription stuff was missing! And every time a i quit the game it'd come back little by little but then I noticed the animation for sprinting that'd show your hands wasn't there! I tried quiting the game to see if that'd work and deleted all the stuff of UI except for Writable log and it's required UI. Should I completely delete all my mods and retry on new game? or what!

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UI related files are XML extensions located under "Data\Menus". Much like meshes and textures, there can only be one with a given name and if one mod overwrites the vanilla file, then removing the mod (depending upon your mod manager) it may not be restored. Some mods insert lines to use their own XML files, while others replace the vanilla ones. It sounds like you want "Writable Log" over other UI features, so first you need to determine which XML files "Writable Log" is replacing or modifying. The vanilla files are located in the "Fallout - Misc.BSA" file; under the "menus" folder in that file. You should just be able to delete any "loose" files that are also in the BSA and toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" to get the game to use the originals again. Then you can re-install (AND TEST) your UI mods again.


The only "Writable Log" I found was "Writable Logbook - patched DUST TTW DarnUI and Groovatron". Despite the indication in the title, apparently you do NOT need DarnifiedUI as your primary UI. It simply allows the use of the smaller fonts associated with that mod. But I am only going by the description page and the included docs may indicate that it is required. I have no idea if DarnUI is compatible with "Solid Project" as that mod has been taken down.


While it does not even mention "Writable Log", you might want to take a look at the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article to get a better idea of the potential issues.


You shouldn't need to delete all your mods (only the UI-HUD-Menu ones) or completely re-install the game. But "verifying local files" might be needed to get back to a proper "vanilla" state. You should then be able to continue from your current save game (or possibly one before the current save). (UI stuff is not normally saved in the game files.)



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