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[LE] Custom races with ears and tails?

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So there's like a million mods out there that make humanoid races with animal ears and tails, but I could never find one with wolf parts, so I'm trying to make my own. I followed the guide for using Race Compatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard to make sure the race would be compatible with other mods and I set up all of the stats, abilities, and data for the race I'm working on, but any time I try to add the ears and tail they turn out glitchy in game. Well, they look the same in game as they do in the Creation Kit for the most part. I've found tutorials for adding a Khajiit tail to custom races and they helped me figure out most of what I need to do, but I can't get things to look right. I even tried different sets of ears and tails. Everything always looks right when I import the model in CK, but then when I apply it to the character it looks different. I've had textures get misaligned, models become a couple of thin flat squares, and some other more complicated issues. The one time I got a tail to show up that didn't appear as a a pure white spiral the tail didn't have a texture despite me assigning one to it, was not positioned the same as in the CK (actually a good thing because in CK it was vertical and by the feet), and it wasn't attached to the body so it didn't animate and wouldn't move when I crouched. If anyone has a tutorial they can send me or some advice I would really appreciate it. I've been at this for hours and I can't find anything or figure it out.

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