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Catching diseases.


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This is something that has me a bit perplexed. I play UnDead characters a lot and they usually have 100% disease resistance, but despite that they still seem to get infected from time to time. Possibly If they are careless mold might be a risk for them, - but an actual disease I don't think so. So what's going on? Is this some kind of built in game bug that can't be fixed, - or can something be done about it?

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Thanks for that ReverendFelix. That does sort of explain it, but I'm thinking of the last time it happened where my character was mobbed by rats and hey presto she got a disease. There was no hostile spell casting NPC around at the time so it was a bit of a mystery.

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Yeah, I agree with oblivionaddicted. You got any overhauls or anything changing things for more difficulty? That could be a source of the issues. I personally have so many mods installed,I'm not even sure what's in my game now! I am constantly running around going "where the he11 did that come from?". Anyway hope it helps...
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No I'm not running any mods that change difficulty levels or overhaul the game in any kind of significant way. Having been away from playing Oblivion for a while I thought I'd keep things fairly simple and just use the usual cosmetic mods to start with. Anyway it's not a big deal and it hasn't happened again since so I guess I'll just chalk it up as being just one of the odd quirks Oblivion likes to throw at you sometimes.

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Just as an FYI ... note that oft-times "cosmetic" mods will include unintended changes (an easy thing to have happen when doing anything touching races). Carefully examine all changes each of your mods make in TES4Edit to be certain.
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