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How to make activators move


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OK so I'm trying to get something animated to "move" To be specific, Nuka World has these nukaracers that constantly move, in-game in KiddyKingdom they do move. But when I try to put one of those in my mod they just stand static. What magic moves those in KiddyKingdom?

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I figured I can script it using basic Translate script but I got a problem, I can make a trigger animate the thing just until thefirst spot, but I cant get it to enter the other states and thus loop. Any suggestions?



Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
goToState ("toOne")
Event OnTranslationFailed()
goToState ("toOne")

State toOne
Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
goToState ("toTwo")
Event OnTranslationFailed()
goToState ("toTwo")

State toTwo
Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
goToState ("toThree")
Event OnTranslationFailed()
goToState ("toThree")

State toThree
Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
goToState ("toOne")
Event OnTranslationFailed()
goToState ("toOne")

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OK so I'm trying to get something animated to "move" To be specific, Nuka World has these nukaracers that constantly move, in-game in KiddyKingdom they do move. But when I try to put one of those in my mod they just stand static. What magic moves those in KiddyKingdom?


Galejro, those cars actually have animations embedded in the NIF themselves (CarTrack01 and CarTrack02). I've just had a look, and the script is only triggering "Play01" animation on them as the cell gets loaded. If I remember correctly, the Nuka Galaxy ride uses an embedded animation, also. If you are not using the exact track layouts as the originals, using these assets won't work.


As for looping - I am not that great at scripting, so I can't be much of a help. :-/ I think TranslateToRef with Xmarkerheading would be a simpler solution, though, because instead on using a bunch of numbers, you can just place markers in exact position/rotation to mark destinations. It's much easier to be able to see where things are supposed to go in editor.


...I wonder if you can use the nukaracer nif as a base for an Actor and use chained patrol markers to make it run around?

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The scripting method and I did what you did and it works great... Only up until the car reaches the first xmarker heading and then stoops dead. That's the issue now.

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