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I'm thinking of downloading these mods for some extra immersion;







They're all made by the exact same guy (Thanks by the way, ff7doudstrife) and so before I do, I wanted to make sure if they're compatible with the following mods that alter a bit the equipment modification


Can you put legendary modifications on these new weapons with the following mod?



AND, can you craft them on weaponsmith workbenches provided by THIS mod?




ALSO, of those gun mods I'm considering, it says that two of them can only be spawned by console commands, and I sorta only want weapon mods that can also be used by hostile NPC's. So, can they still only be acquired that way? And one last question, is it safe to equip your companions with these weapons?

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The first, second, and fourh can only be spawned in via console. As such no they are not affected by workbench mods such as weaponsmith and the above mod. Also doubt it will work with the modification mod
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