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How to disable hotkeys in mcm ?


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  • 2 years later...

Edit : nevermind I found it thanks



For anyone that finds this page on their quest to disable a hotkey, hover over the hotkey menu option and press 't'. Do not click on the menu option. If not 't', you can see the "unmap" key at the bottom of the screen.

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  • 11 months later...

For anyone that finds this page on their quest to disable a hotkey, hover over the hotkey menu option and press 't'. Do not click on the menu option. If not 't', you can see the "unmap" key at the bottom of the screen.

sorry for necro, people yell when you make new threads for the same thing.


i wanted to add something to this. lots of the mods i am using do not have the option to unbind keys once set. however, i found that through the mod mcm recorder (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61719) i could create a recording to set the key back to unbound.


* make a recording of you binding all the keys you want to any key it does not matter what you choose.

* open the recording json file found in [skyrim install location] > data > mcm recorder > [recording folder]. if you are unbinding keys from multiple mods then you will see multiple files in the folder and you will need to edit each of them.

* set the "shortcut" value to -1 ("shortcut": -1)

* save the changes to the json file(s) and play the recording in the game

* keys unbound, even if they do not allow being unbound by player normally through method described above; profit.


i did find that some mods resist even this manipulation, at least for some of their keys. but did work for the vast majority of mcm keybinds i am working with.

Edited by maechinations
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