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Cheap fix for CBBE wrist seams (the ones where the arm seams a tiny bit bigger than the hand))


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So. you are going to do some manual installing for this. Backup original files if you need to. (I guess you could use installer but I'm not sure so.. use mod installer at your own risk)


My fix includes replacing all the 1st person textures with UNP's 1st person textures. I know, I did say it's cheap :D


1. I'm going to assume you have CBBE downloaded. If not, MANUALY download it!


2. MANUALY download UNP Female Body Renewal and UNP Body Fit Armors and Clothing.



3. Open your Skyrim Special Edition folder from your steam folder (you know the path.. steam/common/... etc)

4. Open the CBBE archive and:

  • Copy the CONTENTS of "00 Required (Slim)" into the "Data" folder
  • Copy the CONTENTS of your prefered body into the "Data" folder (Normal, NeverNude, Underwear or Underwear Revealing whichever you want. only copy ONE of them)
  • Copy the CONTENTS of any other optional things you want into the "Data" folder as well. (Face Pack, Pubic Hair, Brows, Dirt to Beauty Marks)

5. Install using a mod manager (NMM, Vortex, whatever you use) UNP Body Fit Armors and Clothing

6. Go back to the CBBE archive and copy the CONTENTS of Outfits Slim or Outfits Curvy or Outfits Vanilla depending on the body type you chose earlier. (Only copy ONE of them)

7. In your Skyrim Special Edition Folder go to "Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets"

8. Open the UNP Female Body Renewal archive and go to "00 Core Files/meshes/actors/character/character assets" and copy all the files that have "1stperson" in their name. Should be 6.

9. If you have Racemenu installed. In the CBBE archive go to "30 RaceMenu Morphs/Source/Scripts" and copy it's contents into "Data/source/scripts". (Everything else can be copied from the "30 RaceMenu Morphs" folder into the "Data folder")


If you've done everything correctly you should now be able to open Skyrim SE and play. You'll have CBBE 3rd person body you can change in racemenu and first person UNP meshes.


Have fun.

Edited by mihaifc
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