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Blood in the Snow (A Skyrim Roleplay)


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Username: thehopoman


Character name: Alwin Oakenbow


Gender: Male


Race: Bosmer


Age: 48


Appearance: Short, small framed one-eyed Bosmer, a lot of facial hair and an upward gray pony tail, although old, he is very fit and tough


Personality: Serious, intelligent, with poor social skills, alcoholic, he's traumatized by the great war and hates everything that has to do with the empire or the dominion and he's afraid to swim.


History:Alwin came to skyrim by boat looking for peace and quite, he tought the mointains would let him live in seclusion and away from contact with other people, his age and experience have made him an old wise warrior who's running away from his past and drinking himself to death.


With only 18 he joined the army of the aldmery dominion, used his skill with the bow to kill hundreds of enemies, as a scout/ranger he stayed behind enemy lines for months gathering info and surviving out of the land, killing silently with his bow and his blades; because sometimes he was ambushed by small parties he developed close quarters combat techniques that were amazingly useful in the forests and jungle environment...he dual wields elven ebony knives handcrafted by his great grandfather and passed down from generation to generation..The same goes for his oak recurved bow, hence his family name Oakenbow, this bow named deathdealer, has an infinite amount of kills and you can see it by the notches al over its wood


Now a day, he drowns his sorrows in any type of alcohol he can get his hands on...drinking by night, hunting by day, he makes his living as a hopless wanderer selling pelts to traveling merchants and fro time to time going into cities for some suplies. Alwin doesn't look like an imposing being, a one eyed old bosmer could look like an easy prey for bandits, which again have fallen by the bow and blades, trying to take advantage of Alwin, because...although old, he still has the accuracy of a modern day sniper rifle and the hand speed of a lazer gun.


Alwin spends his days so trying to forget the horrible things he went through as a young elf...One in particular, the face of his first kill...a young imperial boy who was trying to be a hero...closed in on Alwin, with hatred in his eyes...swiftly Alwin avoided the strike and slit the young warriors throat with one of his blades...until this day he can taste the blood of that unfortunate soul...and drinks to take the taste away


Faction: Neutral.


Other: He usually avoids conflict, but doesn't hesitate to take a life if he feels threatened.

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Username: thehopoman


Character name: Alwin Oakenbow


Gender: Male


Race: Bosmer


Age: 48


Appearance: Short, small framed one-eyed Bosmer, a lot of facial hair and an upward gray pony tail, although old, he is very fit and tough


Personality: Serious, intelligent, with poor social skills, alcoholic, he's traumatized by the great war and hates everything that has to do with the empire or the dominion and he's afraid to swim.


History:Alwin came to skyrim by boat looking for peace and quite, he tought the mointains would let him live in seclusion and away from contact with other people, his age and experience have made him an old wise warrior who's running away from his past and drinking himself to death.


With only 18 he joined the army of the aldmery dominion, used his skill with the bow to kill hundreds of enemies, as a scout/ranger he stayed behind enemy lines for months gathering info and surviving out of the land, killing silently with his bow and his blades; because sometimes he was ambushed by small parties he developed close quarters combat techniques that were amazingly useful in the forests and jungle environment...he dual wields elven ebony knives handcrafted by his great grandfather and passed down from generation to generation..The same goes for his oak recurved bow, hence his family name Oakenbow, this bow named deathdealer, has an infinite amount of kills and you can see it by the notches al over its wood


Now a day, he drowns his sorrows in any type of alcohol he can get his hands on...drinking by night, hunting by day, he makes his living as a hopless wanderer selling pelts to traveling merchants and fro time to time going into cities for some suplies. Alwin doesn't look like an imposing being, a one eyed old bosmer could look like an easy prey for bandits, which again have fallen by the bow and blades, trying to take advantage of Alwin, because...although old, he still has the accuracy of a modern day sniper rifle and the hand speed of a lazer gun.


Alwin spends his days so trying to forget the horrible things he went through as a young elf...One in particular, the face of his first kill...a young imperial boy who was trying to be a hero...closed in on Alwin, with hatred in his eyes...swiftly Alwin avoided the strike and slit the young warriors throat with one of his blades...until this day he can taste the blood of that unfortunate soul...and drinks to take the taste away


Faction: Neutral.


Other: He usually avoids conflict, but doesn't hesitate to take a life if he feels threatened.

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Username: Arkyna


Character Name: Raiyza High-Winter


Race: Nord/Dunmer mix


Age: 50


Appearance: About, a hair's width taller then a Dunmer, but built like a Nord(muscle mass wise), Scars mar the left side of his face, and the upper portion of his chest and back, with enough beard to keep the cold winter's breath off of his face.


Personality: Untrusting(a quality he inherited from his Dunmer mother), Loyal(to those he knows), Somewhat of a wise cracker, Alcoholic, Deep hatred for all High Elves and anyone who allies with them(from having fought in the great war.)


History: Born in Solstheim but went to Skyrim on a hunting trip with his Father,And upon his death at the hands of their pray honored his father's dying wish, which was for his son to make a living here in his ancestor's homeland.



On his own, Raiyza built a small cabin half a day's ride from Riften, near Forehost. There he made a name for himself selling various meat and pelts from the beasts to the local hold Riften. Adept with the bow, and having heard word of a guild called The Companions, great warriors who were well respected throughout all nine holds, he set out to Whiterun to learn more about surviving this harsh alien land then just hunting and selling his kills. There he learned the art of Hand to Hand combat, and that of Combat with a two handed weapon. During the great war, he met Skjor who later became an old war companion, but more importantly he acquired an Aldmeri officers weapon of frost damage.


When he returned home to Whiterun he was a changed man, but he still had things he had to do. Remembering an old favor the Jarl owed him, he requisitioned himself a War hammer, in which to utilize the Thalmor's enchanted sword. Farengar was more than willing to enchant his hammer, naming it Northern Winter in memory of his birth land of Solstheim and the great Skaal people in which he grew up with.


Assisting the Stormcloaks during their Reclaiming of the Rift, he returned home to his cabin, now larger to accommodate his trophies, a present from Jarl Ulfric, which he named High Winter Lodge, which has been on occasion temporary home of the Dragonborn and his companions during their trip to Fort Dawnguard. He now lives in relative solitude with his raised from a pup wolf Mournhowl. On occasion, he does have the waking nightmare, where he remembers his first hunting trip, where his client a Imperial noble was killed by what he deemed a harmless creature.


Faction: Companion, and short stint as a Stormcloak Pathfinder.


Other: He occasionally gets a request from the Dragonborn to adventure with him, but other then that, his only work is contracts sent to him form Aela or Vilkas, and any hunting the local Jarl needs to feed her court. His armor is unique, as he crafted it himself from the hides of bears,wolves, and deer that he killed, and steel that Balimund crafted with the rekindled forge.

Edited by Arkyna
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  • 8 months later...

alright, so this is my first time doing something like this


username: DOVAHKI1N


Character Name: Elira


Race: Khajiit/Werewolf


Age: 20


Appearance: Fur almost completely black, piercing blue eyes, petite feline figure, a white-patterned Warpaint, still healing scars to the face


Personality: mistrusting, cautious, friendly, special connection to nature and animals (especially dragons, rabbits, wolves, cats and horses), likes to help people out, dislikes violence although she will fight if she has to (especially to protect others) can't stand injustice (although the definition of 'injustice' may differ from general view)


her views on JUSTICE


1) Children are to be protected, you do not hurt children

2) Robbing is fine, as long as it's from rich people and as long as it's without killing

3) Racial discrimination, or discrimination of any kind is WRONG

4) Live and let live

5) Do not prolong someones suffering needlessly



DON'T MAKE HER CHOOSE BETWEEN THE STORMCLOAKS AND THE EMPIRE- the real enemy here are the High Elves! (And ONLY the Thalmor, she will even befriend a High Elf, providing he or she does not subscribe to the "Talos worship is bad"-doctrine)


FACTION: Skyrim and freedom of choice



Born in Skyrim to a werewolf couple (werewolf gene inherited), has faced racial discrimination from a young age. When she was sixteen, a good friend of her family betrayed them for money, causing her parents to get murdered and herself to escape by a hairs breath. Ever since then, she has kept away from civilization, prefering to camp out in the wilds, although she does venture into cities, selling game and potions.

She wants to help fellow werewolves to learn control over their "curse" and to convince people that werewolves are just that, people, with an affliction that is not of their choosing. (Being a werewolf is no crime- as long as you do not attack innocents) Also, she wants the Thalmor gone and that Beast Races are accepted.





Hunters Armor with a thick warm fur cloak

versatile- can use both bows/crossbows and swords

magic: currently only basic spells (healing and flame), but interested in learning more



Bow (feels most comfortable)

Sword (prefers one-on-one fights)

claws (Khajiit :wink:)

her own wit

stealth (great at sneaking)

Werewolf form


LOCATION: The wilds of Skyrim, here and there. Currently near Whiterun

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  • 4 months later...


Character Name:Voo



Race: Redguard

Age: 28

Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e9/6b/4f/e96b4f5bef4fb2ef3e4494ee394e0086.jpg

Personality: Insane, creepy, Strange

History:Voo was a redguard in hammerfall who play the drums he was crossing the border to skyrim were he was arrested



Other: He loves undead women

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