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Request: BDA from IA modification


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I personally love the original design for the Blood Dragon Armor (red glow aside). Its stats, however, are totally useless. The Improved Atmosphere mod solves this problem without making it OP; however, it also changes the model for the armor, matching it to the Champion armor from DA2.
Nexus has several mods which change BDA's appearance, but since none of them uses the UTI file format none of them is able to override the files from IA.

So here's my request: could someone create some "simple" UTI files to override the appearance change that comes with IA? Or create an all new mod which restores the Blood Dragon Armor 1.0 version for PC users?


Edited by DeyaRen
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Request filled and uploaded here; it might take a while for the file to become available.


Note that if you already have the items in-game, you'll probably need to obtain new copies via the dev console to see the changes.


And you lucked out! It was quicker to just make the edit than to write a complete explanation of how to do it (some basic info is here)... in fact, it took more time to download the IA files, look up the Bioware model info, and write the documentation than it did to actually make the changes. :facepalm:

Edited by theskymoves
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Request filled and uploaded here; it might take a while for the file to become available.


Note that if you already have the items in-game, you'll probably need to obtain new copies via the dev console to see the changes.


And you lucked out! It was quicker to just make the edit than to write a complete explanation of how to do it (some basic info is here)... in fact, it took more time to download the IA files, look up the Bioware model info, and write the documentation than it did to actually make the changes. :facepalm:

It doesn't work (not completely), for a very simple reason. The "Global folder" from IA only contains the stats changes for the chest piece. To keep the changes applied to the other pieces of the armor, you would need to edit the files contained in the "Extras folder" as well. If you could edit those as well than your mod would be perfect.

In any case, thank you. Your files are already a better version than the one from Bioware.

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Hmmm. I'll take a look at that and see if I can figure out what the 'other' changes are and how to retain them... I've never used IA - I don't like overhaul-type mods, because they don't play nice with smaller mods - so I'm not sure what I'll be looking for... :confused:


Sorry for the screw up... and my punishment is that I have download IA AGAIN, because I already deleted the files. :sad:


ETA that I read through the IA ReadMe and I think I understand how the files work... I've just uploaded a new version of my edits, using the files from the 'Extras' folder, which all have edits to the stats. Fingers crossed they work properly, and again, I apologize for the flawed first attempt... that's what happens when I don't take my own perpetual advice to 'Read the ReadMe!!!' :facepalm:

Edited by theskymoves
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Among the overhaul type of mod IA is the best, 'cause every change is contained in a freely deletable pack. So getting it to work with other mods sometimes can be tiresome, but not impossible. I've installed around 50 mods over it and it all works extremely well (though I had to sweat quite a lot to make it work on a few occasions).

In our case, the global folder changes the materials by which the blood dragon armor is composed of (thereby changing its properties), while the extras folder overrides the files from the global folder to add ulterior changes to the armor's properties. Global is file A, Extras is B, and they both contain the appearance change. What you need to do (I think) is create a file named Z (which overrides them both) which reiterates the changes to bda's properties from both A and B (or maybe only from B. Chest file might very well be the same) but doesn't contain the appearance change. IA is built in numbered folders precisely to allow these kind of modifications.

Edited by DeyaRen
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In other words, doing the same thing you did before may very well be the solution. The only difference is that you have to disregard the files from A and work on the files contained in B. Copy the new ones in folder 8 and it should work.

Edited by DeyaRen
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The second set of files I uploaded are based off of the files in the IA 'extras' folder, so they should have both the stat changes on all pieces and the reverted appearance. Just be sure to only have one set of the four UTIs in override, to avoid any conflicts.

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