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A Script to Transfer Caps To Player


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Hello, this is my very first post :)

So, first of all, I know NOTHING about scripts hehe, but recently I wanted a mod to automatic transfer caps from a container to me. I am using a mod called "Sattlement Garage Sale" which auto sells everything I store In an especific container, so I was wondering if is it possible to create a Script to add in this cotainer to auto transfer the generated caps to me.

I tryed to creat a Script based in what I red, but no success at all and I am really lost here. Can Somebody give me a light?



This is the Script I made


Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
if akBaseItem = caps001
int index = GemList.Find(caps001)
if index = 0
DLC05WorkshopHopper05.RemoveItem(bottlecaps, 0) = Game.GetPlayer()
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Event OnInit()
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
    if akBaseItem == caps001
        int containerCaps = DLC05WorkshopHopper05.GetItemCount(caps001)
        if containerCaps > 0
            DLC05WorkshopHopper05.RemoveItem(caps001, containerCaps, false, Game.GetPlayer())

You're only looking for caps, so you don't need to iterate through a list. Also if this is on alias, change OnInit() to OnAliasInit().

Edited by Rasikko
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Event OnInit()
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
    if akBaseItem == caps001
        int containerCaps = DLC05WorkshopHopper05.GetItemCount(caps001)
        if containerCaps > 0
            DLC05WorkshopHopper05.RemoveItem(caps001, containerCaps, false, Game.GetPlayer())

You're only looking for caps, so you don't need to iterate through a list. Also if this is on alias, change OnInit() to OnAliasInit().


Hey! Tanks for helpping!


So, I copied and paste the script, but the compiler finds a feel errors like Non recognize "caps001" wich is king off weard. I Testes In game too whith booth the options you gave, but nothing :(


Maybe its becouse the source of the Bottlecaps?

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