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NIF Help: Strange display problems.

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I've been trying to do some simple edits to vanilla and DLC meshes to add a little variety to the game. Mostly, I've just been deleting sections to make them more flexible. Currently, I've deleted the mask on the Disciples cowl to make it more of a normal cowl. That seemed simple enough.


My problem is that, after editing it, the model now disappears at random angles in the Creation Kit. It also seems to act as if it's a lot closer to the camera than it really is, and disappears when you get too close to it. I know I've had this problem before, and I'm sure this has to be a common, simple thing, but I'm stumped here. I don't know why this is happening.


Has anyone seen this kind of problem before?

Edited by PAPVAFS11
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I think I've found the problem. I did some research into people with similar problems, and it was mentioned that this sort of thing usually happened when a bone was present in the NIF that didn't have any vertices weighted to it. I didn't think that was my issue, since I verified that everything was being utilized, and I was also using the "Remove Extra Bones" option in the exporter.


I did some digging, and it seems that very small weightings are ignored, and a bone is considered unweighted. I finally got a NIF to work by deleting a bone that had only a single vertex weighted to it at around 0.015%. I don't know if this is the exact problem, or if this solution is a complete accident, but that's what worked for me.




No, I don't think that works. I tried it a second time on the NIF I attached, and it's not working now. I have no idea what's going on.



Edit #2:

I got it working!


...I still have no idea how.


I imported the original version of the cowl, and it looks like all of the bone weightings in the file I was working with had gone screwy. The original had clean, smooth stuff, the file I had all had solid masses of 100% weights, and I'd never touched them. I don't know how that happened, but I have to guess that it was related to my problem. Fingers crossed that this wasn't a fluke this time.

Edited by PAPVAFS11
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