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What object(s) would you want removed from Sanctuary Hills?


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I just want to know what people would want removed from Sanctuary Hills. This means, objects, lights, animation points, (I'm going to check, but I think there's a random noise sound in the middle of a road, I don't know if it was somehow added by a mod on my game, but I'm going to check it in my game.), so Noises, and other things. I plan to make a mod off of what people say.


Also the only reason I made this, was that the house to the right of the entrance to Sanctuary Hills

(If you're walking into Sanctuary Hills) has a irremovable light in the living room.

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the only things bothering me are light sources which are inconveniently placed on the floor in different houses.


On the top of my head, I can think of an oil lantern somwhere, and there's one house that has candles on the floor which makes it very awkward to try to place a bed in there.

Edited by Mornedil
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That single oil lantern and one candle stick then all the ugly dead bushes that are a pain to hide or stick through floors. I actually did this already but even when I generate lods etc in the CK I still have severe FPS drops at the end of town near the river when facing towards concord and when heading back to sanctuary hills from any direction as soon as it loads. If the CK wouldn't crash past a certain value I would up the distance and regen it again but I've just given up.

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