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FO4 Slow loading times


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Recently got back into FO4 and downloaded a bunch of mods using the relatively new AAF Framework. The mods work fine but, I've noticed excruciatingly LONG load times going from interior cells to exterior. Anywhere from 2 - 5 minutes. I know mods have come a long way and probably use more memory. Could it be I need more RAM? Or is this an FPS thing?

Any help or insight would be appreciated. Thanks.


My rig uses;

Windows 8.1 (64 bit)

AMD FX 6300 Six-core 3.5 GHz with

16.0 GB RAM

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Long load times are a Fallout 4 engine software issue that normally can't be fixed even having the fastest ssd on the planet , that said with mods you can fix anything , turns out load time are tied to your fps :O

The vanilla game is capped at 60 by default so you have to break that to make load times faster like 8 seconds at max or so

Things you need: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283 this is a load accelerator , you need also enb ( core ) files to make it work http://enbdev.com/download_mod_fallout4.htm and lots of tinkering to set it up ,

You don't need to have enb installed just the main files , there are instructions how to install this loader on the Load accelerator page ( its a pain but not too hard )

and when you do set it up make sure your pc can handle it , my older GPU made really nasty coil whine while loading areas at 350+ fps so i would recommend limiting the load time fps to about 200 at max so you don't cook your GPU by accident because its a huge spike in the load and those can be nasty

mod author also warned about this issue so don't get too crazy ;) but yes if this mod works for you and you take your time to set it up you no longer have long load screens :) cheers !

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Thanks Vexi89. The "Load Accelerator" is basically for SSD drives. I still have an HDD drive so it wouldn't do much.

Your link DID point me in the right direction and the YouTube link at the bottom of that mod was VERY helpful. I'll add it here in case somebody else could use it. When I checked performance in Task Manager, my cache was already at 8.5 GB. I did some serious cleaning and tweaking and things have improved immensely. So, thanks again for your help.


Link to YouTube vid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnKDPLjbg_I

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Using Load Accelerator without any of that ENB stuff and it's working wonders for me. Works best on my computer with a SSD but I also have an older machine without a SSD and I saw improvements as soon as I used it. Mind you the improvement wasn't really outstanding (on the older HD) but I could no longer go dump the coffee pot, make a new one then take a shower every time I loaded from interior -> exterior or vice versa.

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