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Changing Actor Collison String

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I've recently tried out the Playable Deathclaw mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10215], and it was fairly good for a mod that seemed to be entirely done in FOedit. The only issue I have so far is that even the mini deathclaw option that came with it shared the same collison as a regular sized Deathclaw, which makes a full playthrough absolutely impossible without noclip.


I attempted to swap about the Deathclaw's skeleton.nif collisions with that of a normal human NPC by exporting their collision string and then importing it to the Deathclaw, and it seemed to work great. I could walk through doors and do everything just fine, but after a few minutes the game simply CTDs. It will CTD every single time. This is my first foray into trying to get a mod working outside of FOEdit, so any tips and advice would be fantastic.

Edited by Redneckbricksmith
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Can't say anything useful, just interested as well in a ESP-only solution. Except maybe a fact, that some NPC do scale their collision, if changed by SetScale at runtime - e.g. Turrets, don't remember which else. Also when a regular human Player is scaled down - still can't walk under tables etc., extremely disappointing. Would be great to know what those misterious keywords mean and what's the proper use.

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Well, the proper use for the keyword Iâve mentioned is exactly the above, to have the character controller on the skeleton scale with the scale of the actor record/object in CK.

Can find an example of it in use in a few of our mods and on the vanilla dlc gulper.

Now, I will say that I doubt this would help with Command Console scaling, but know for sure it works on most actors scaled in their actor record in CK/xEdit.

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Aha, it's not used in base game, so looked like one more abandoned, although one from rare kw having desc - A race with this keyword on it will set its character controller to be scalable as the character scales. And DFOB - Actors with this keyword will scale their custom character controller shape. I saw it, not a word about collision, and have no idea what is Char controller, so abandoned on my turn. Also quite strange then, it wasn't by default on every race, but is actually working and useful.


Said to be on Race first, but also DFOB says "Actor" - will this be enough (attach to actor) and what to expect as success? Walking under any low floor etc.? If not, is there a way to inject a keyword into a Race form dynamically?, partial form maybe or else (like it can be done with Additive subgraph data).


PS. Hm, hmmm, does it resolve movement speed issue as well? "Controller" sounds related then. Great if so.

Edited by hereami
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I gave adding ScaleCustomCharacterController a try to the Races in FO4Edit but the result still seems to be the same. The Deathclaw's collision box is still much bigger than its actual body.

I really thought changing the bhkPhysics system in Nifskope on the skeleton and swapping them out for that of a regular human NPC seem like such a solid fix for the problem. It works perfectly until it just flat out CTDs, and I'm still unsure why it does that at all.


note: I'm also really sorry if some of this goes over my head. I'm very new to this.

Edited by Redneckbricksmith
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I really thought changing the bhkPhysics system in Nifskope on the skeleton and swapping them out for that of a regular human NPC seem like such a solid fix for the problem. It works perfectly until it just flat out CTDs, and I'm still unsure why it does that at all.

Basically, have even less idea about all that, but since there is ability to access and edit the model, why not resize/rescale the corresponding skeleton (or whatever is responsible for collision geometry) instead of applying some thing, designed for a completely different race, which is always potentially troublesome.


So, yes, keyword doesn't have any dramatic effect - the player still can't go underneath anything (Height set 0.21 in Player form). I started new game just to check out, if the race must be "initialized" (?) with kw present. Although it seems to introduce some corrections - i resized Dogmeat to 2x (SetScale) and if keyword is on his race, i can't step "inside" him, unlike with kw absent. Also strange, rescaling him to 2x by SetScale does affect the collision no matter what - he stops walking under a low floor.


PS. Well, it works for a Behemoth of Height 0.6 - he can walk inside Home Plate normally now. But kw on an Actor has no effect, very sad, patching a Race for a single kw is never a good deal.

Edited by hereami
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