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The Most Disgusting NPC to you


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Lately I picked up this game again, and play it seriously, put myself into the character. I found the most disgusting people are in Vault 81. They don't show you any respect :steamsalty: Such as the Miranda, Officer Edward and the doctor.

Let's go through it 1 by 1, [1] Miranda I did no harm to the vault to the people, I gave them energy core, without any thanks, she will directly give you a S**TY face1f612.png?v=2.2.7, and not welcome at all. No matter how you choose the selection of the conversation.

[2] Officer Edward the first person who talk to the player in Vault 81. In a extremely arrogant attitude, no matter before or after you get in the Vault. "I will keep an eye on you" "Don't want any trouble report"
F**K this S**T, I came in friendly from another vault in you goddamned system, how dare you say so! and my character is much richer and hardworking than this Parasite1f624.png?v=2.2.7

[3] The Doc As players, we sacrifice ourselves, take the life risk to do the rescue mission, to save that Naive little A-hole, we take the bite we infected the disease. After we got the cure, the Doc won't ask your injury, he will just ask for the cure treat you like a robot tool. When I asked: "May I have half of the cure? " He gets mad, he will virulently judge the player: "You can't be such selfish, give me that cure!" Excuse me?! you MotherF**Ker I just asking, ASKING! and I sacrifice my life my health to get it! As an OUTSIDER!! I took the risk to do the thing that All you 100s of cowards in the Vault who didn't dare to do!!! Am I Selfish ??!

I been walk so many places,see so many faces the Vault 81's people is much disgusting than Allen in FarHarbour. Just like the disgusting person in real life.1f621.png?v=2.2.7

Edited by usmclee1
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Father, random settlers in your settlements and that creep from the pillars of the ... God I have forget their name. That guy that try to lure you into his "cult" just so, that you give him all your stuff?


I guess the most know now which person I mean.


-Father because he justifys everything the Institute does and sees not even the inhumanity in it. Also his words to his dead mother... Sadly for the good F4 ending you can't shoot him right where he stays, so you need to be patient :|.


-The creep... Guess I have already write enough about him.


-The settlers in your settlements... Sometimes they come up with something like that: "You work then you can eat" and I just thinking then "Guy/gurrl, just because of me you are still alive. Just because of me, you have water, food, a job, a community you can life in, a house and a feeled thousand other things that the wastelander out there in the wastes has not. Stfu!".


I was more as one time near the point to just shot the first one who says that :/. Sometimes they are really ungrateful:(.

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I dislike that scam artist in South Boston who tries to sell you a credit card that is 200 years out of date.


Also that orange colored ghoul hanging out in the Glowing Sea, who keeps saying he knows the best words and claiming he is smart. He is always bragging about his accomplishments. Who cares if he was the first ghoul?


It was only by accident when his staff threw him in the reactor at the Lawrence Livermore laboratories that he became a ghoul. His staff thought they would be rid of his deranged tantrums and constant pathological lies, little realizing he would begin the ghoulification process and outlive all of them. He is so vain that when his hair started to fall out, he had a skeever surgically grafted to his bald scalp. Now he sits alone by himself and insults the deathclaws and radscorpions passing by his bunker, telling them they are all losers who should go back to their EXPLETIVE countries.

Edited by Moksha8088
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I dislike that scam artist in South Boston who tries to sell you a credit card that is 200 years out of date.


Also that orange colored ghoul hanging out in the Glowing Sea, who keeps saying he knows the best words and claiming he is smart. He is always bragging about his accomplishments. Who cares if he was the first ghoul?


It was only by accident when his staff threw him in the reactor at the Lawrence Livermore laboratories that he became a ghoul. His staff thought they would be rid of his deranged tantrums and constant pathological lies, little realizing he would begin the ghoulification process and outlive all of them. He is so vain that when his hair started to fall out, he had a skeever surgically grafted to his bald scalp. Now he sits alone by himself and insults the deathclaws and radscorpions passing by his bunker, telling them they are all losers who should go back to their EXPLETIVE countries.


:D Actually that credit card can be used in Far harbour. and the rest I totally agree with ya

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Not sure if "disgusting" is the right word, but I have a few that I rank as "aggressively stupid", for lack of a better word. You know, the kind that aren't just content to be retarded, but have to get all in your face stupid.


- The first would be MacCready. I can sort of dig his attitude that stealing is good, being nasty is good, etc, in the beginning. But even when you get to the point where he hasn't been killed by gunners and his kid has a cure, only because the PC wasn't a flaming ass hole, he still hasn't learned anything. He'll still be in your face if, gods forbid, you ever do anything nice for anyone. And intelligence being a measure of the ability to learn and apply what one learned, that makes him stupid.


- The second would be Cait, and for largely the same reason. Going out of your way to help her, not only doesn't do anything to get the idea that that works better than being the lone ass hole through her thick head, but actually makes her MORE annoying. Now she'll throw a tantrum and call me a hypocrite if I ever take any drugs to survive a tough fight. Look, I'm not the one who wanted to quit because she was coughing up blood. If it were MY opinion on it, when she told me she's doing drugs behind my back, I'd have just asked her for her dealer. 'Cause I could swear that Wolfgang is cutting my jet with chalk, the cheap barstard. Quitting was HER choice, not something I preached or anything. But anyway, all that helping her did was add another topic to her list of stuff to be aggressively stupid about, without removing any of the existing ones.


- Preston Garvey. No, I'm not even talking about his ordering the "general" around without even asking. I'm talking about the whole Quincy business, and the death march from there.


That traitor didn't create the vulnerability at Quincy. He just gave up and joined the gunners when nobody took it seriously, and just expected him to die pointlessly in an untenable position.


Look, an army has more options than "let's all die in an undefendable position". You can retreat to a better position, you can then counter-attack, etc. And when it comes to protecting civilians you can always evacuate them if you can't defend them. Just dying is easy. It's coming up with a viable strategy that is hard.


Or to quote General George Patton, "No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country."


And if colonel Hollis and Preston were just ready to throw their own lives away, sure, I won't stop anyone from earning a Darwin Award. But they lied to the people of Quincy too, to make them stay in that undefendable position. IF the people of Quincy had known that no more reinforcements are coming and the town defensese are inadequate, they might have decided to evacuate after all. But no, Hollis kept telling them comforting lies that kept them there. Essentially they were prepared to take every living soul in Quincy with them, when they get their death in a blaze of glory.


Fast forward to the death march from Quincy, and later you find out that Preston was disillusioned and essentially trying to get himself killed. But that's an irresponsible attitude when he has a bunch of people in his care.


How much of his decisions for the route of that march were just a case of his looking for another place to die with glory? Well, if you look at where Quincy is and where he ended up, yeah, it kinda makes a point that that's what he's been doing: just continuing the Quincy trend of trying to die with glory. There are settlements along any road he took, both of the underpopulated kind, and good places to settle that he later sends you to clear. Hell, Diamond City and Bunker Hill are both in the way. You'd think even if they don't let the refugees in, settling on their outskirts would at least offer SOME protection. Yet he bypasses all of those somehow, and ends up in the worst possible places.

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Cait's lifestyle generally disgusts me. Strong is easy to forgive because he's a moron by default. I wish when a companion disapproves of some action a dialog tree could be opened to argue for an action or to agree with them. The lack of dialog with all of them gets old fast so those two and Cosworth are the only companions I have had so far.

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Cait's lifestyle generally disgusts me. Strong is easy to forgive because he's a moron by default. I wish when a companion disapproves of some action a dialog tree could be opened to argue for an action or to agree with them. The lack of dialog with all of them gets old fast so those two and Cosworth are the only companions I have had so far.

Like most of their disapproving stabs everytime I'm looting junk for crafting. I so want to tell them "stfu I'm looting this on PURPOSE". Its why I exiled Deacon and his constant lecturing ass.

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