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Question of probability


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Back to RV repairs, the way four repairs appear randomly in each level like (1 repair in Scenario 1, 2 repairs in Scenario 2, 3 repairs in Scenario 3 and then all repairs in other scenarios), which is definitely controlled by Sandbox.RVRepair.Total,


Does 25% probability assigned creates randomness?

Edited by pasmon79
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Yes, it does, but not in the way it would appear at first.


The format for both types of lists is basically the same, but the effect changes based on the value after AltOdds.


If it is 100, there is no randomness. It just checks the conditions until it meets one successfully.


If it is lower than 100, it does act as a random, and the value at that step is equal to the value, ie. AltOdds="25" is a 25% chance AT THAT STEP.


However, because it processes the list from top down, the actual chance of it happening is equal to the AltOdds value and the chance that any previous random steps failed.


Go back and look at the post from September 2nd. I was trying to explain that there. If it doesn't make sense, let me know.

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I have understood the assignment of "Sandbox.RVRepair.Total" but all the repairs use unit "1" value as input as in


instance the definition of "SelectFuel" etc. <Check InputAmount="1" InputFlags="" InputId="Sandbox.RVRepair.Total" />,


which is clearly tied to the Breakdown 0th level.


But what about other levels that are set at "4" or higher than "4".

Edited by pasmon79
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I mentioned that in the same post. It gets set in enclaves based on the current Breakdown level. It will never be greater than 4.


In enclaves.xml, see Action ActionFlags="WaitForNoMission" ActionId="CheckScenario". It appears twice, same code, but for different enclave status types.


It is a conditional list.

If scenario count is 3 or more, sets the total to 4.

So, first level is 1, second is 2, third is 3, fourth and above is 4.

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This is indeed defined agian in "Sandbox_LoneWolf_Initialize"


I looked closely at one of conditions given by

          <Alt AltId="SetTotal_4" AltOdds="100.0" />
          <Alt AltId="SetTotal_Failsafe" AltOdds="100.0" />

Also the Ist conditional check given by

<Alt AltId="SetTotal_4" AltOdds="100.0" /> 

sets the value of repairs for scenario number "3" only and not more than it as instructed by

<Check InputAmount="3" InputFlags="" InputId="Sandbox.ScenarioCount" />
<RTSStat_Set DurationCancellable="" OutputAmount="4" OutputDuration="" OutputId="Sandbox.RVRepair.Total" PauseWhenOffline="" />

Is SetTotal_Failsafe responsible for setting the RV repairs for Scenario more than 3rd(above Breakdown Level 4) but it generates the same number as Ist Breakdown Level?




Edited by pasmon79
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You are misinterpreting the code line. It means "Is the InputID variable at least InputAmount?"


<Check InputAmount="3" InputFlags="" InputId="Sandbox.ScenarioCount" />


That means, is scenario count at least 3.


A similar example would be any facility action that requires labor to be available.


<Check InputAmount="1" InputFlags="" InputId="Capacity.Labor" />


That will be true as long as you have at least one labor available, but won't fail if you have more than one.

Edited by qmjs
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Thanks for clarifying this. this explains the presence of line

 <RTSStat_Add DurationCancellable="" OutputAmount="-1" OutputDuration="" OutputId="Sandbox.RVRepair.Total" Pause

Let me sum it up. "Select Fuel-Engine" decrements the RVRepair value one by one thus bringing it to zero, which triggers "SelectFinished" and causing a loop over upon failure

Does Action ID="NewLoop" aid a loop of re-checking the RV repairs?

Edited by pasmon79
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The action that sets the needed totals runs once at the beginning of each level.

<Action ActionFlags="WaitForNoMission" ActionId="CheckScenario" ActionType="Action.Passive"


Actions that can run more than once will include ActionFlags="Repeats"


The Newloop action repeats

<Action ActionFlags="Repeats, WaitForNoMission" ActionId="NewLoop"


until the conditional

<Alt AltId="SelectFinished" AltOdds="100" />


conditions are met with:


<Check InputAmount="<1" InputFlags="" InputId="Sandbox.RVRepair.Total" />


Which means "Is variable Sandbox.RvRepair.Total Less than 1"?, ie. 0, no needed repairs remaining.

Edited by qmjs
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In the search.xml, we have
<Prop PropId="WallShelf">
<Resources Max="2" Min="1" Name="" Odds="0" RoomRestriction="" />
<WantListReference Id="Find.HomeMaintenance" />
<WantListReference Id="Find.LabSupplies" />
<Items Max="2" Min="1" Name="" RoomRestriction="">
<ItemList Id="Suppressor" />
<ItemList Id="Ammo.Common" />

As i understand that "Odds=0" here means nothing will be spawned here for sure.

But why does it contain an "item list" and "wantlist"?

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