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Yeah so my game is crashing from time to time.

No clue whats causing it other than possibly 5 deleted navmesh from


Distinct Interiors - 1 Deleted Navmesh


Windhelm Bridge - 4 Deleted navmesh


Or another mod with "wild edits beyond ITM and UDR records and deleted navmeshes and may require additional manual cleaning to not interfere with other mods"

which is all information from LOOT.


I'll post my load order and a vague log from steam thats probably useless.

I use Vortex, LOOT, Wrye Bash and SSEEdit, "quickautoclean" most of the time.


I've watched some videos on how to clean deleted navmesh, but i'm not sure if what i'm doing is correct. So i won't take the risk of making it worse than it is.

The game doesnt crash often, it crashes mid game for almost no reason.


Last crash was in a modded area, the crash before that was in embershard mine.

And the crash before that was outside of whiterun just after fast traveling.

The thing these have in common is that they crash soon after loading into a new area.

Though it doesnt matter what area it loads into.


The load order is an attached txt file.

The "Log" that steam gave me is also here.


It would be great to get some help.

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