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[LE] Is it possible to change textures on conditions?


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Yes it can be done with SKSE NetImmerse Script.

SetNodeTextureSet(ObjectReference ref, String node, TextureSet tSet, Bool firstPerson)

Your script should look something like this, example :

Int Property CurrentTexture = 1 Auto Hidden

ObjectReference Property MeshTC Auto
{The mesh to changed the textureset}

String Property NodeName Auto
{The mesh's node name to change}

TextureSet Property TexSet_01 Auto
{First texture sets in the cycle}

TextureSet Property TexSet_02 Auto
{Second texture sets in the cycle}

Event OnCellLoad()

Event ... some event
If ... some condition

If CurrentTexture == 1
NetImmerse.SetNodeTextureSet(MeshTC, NodeName, TexSet_02, True)


Function TexturesOnLoad()
CurrentTexture == 1
NetImmerse.SetNodeTextureSet(MeshTC, NodeName, TexSet_01, True)

Edited by maxarturo
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This was just an example of how the script should be, i posted it because there is nothing online to explain how SKSE NetImmerse Script should be written, or work.

I had to experiment a lot with my script to get it to do what i wanted to.

" This only changes a single mesh does it not? "

It changes the texture set of the Mesh's NODE that the script is targeting.

" I would like to replace all fire textures only when the condition is met. "

This is entirely up to you and how you will make your script, what condition you'll make and when the Mesh Node texture set change should fire.

* Again, this was just an example, so you can work on it an make your own script from it.

Edited by maxarturo
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