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ANIMATION: Could not find AccumRoot in animation 'Marker_error'.


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As it says on the tin. What does this mean? I also am getting red diamonds with white exclamation mark inside, even though all of my meshes are installed and I'm getting body textures stretched out on the ground as well. This is happening at Camp McCarran.

Edited by J3tAc3
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After doing some research, I think the thing is that I've exceeded my plugin limit at 131 exactly. Others may have more generous leeway in their systems, like 135-140 or so, but for me, it's 131 at max with no screw ups. If I go so much as 1 over 131, that's when the trouble begins.

I'm leaving this here for posterity's sake - if anyone else has this problem, this is what worked for me.

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In my experience it depends upon the exact mix of mods and hardware. However, once you find your "cap", it will be unusual to exceed that point safely. Once you have determined where it is (like you have found), you should try very hard to stay under it. Then it is time to learn about "merged plugins" as well as "Mator Smash" and/or "Bashed Patch". Please see the wiki "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" article.


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