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Fusion Girl Unique Companions


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I hope this is the right forum for this. If not, I apologize. I also hope this isn't too dumb a set of questions to ask. I've watched a lot of "how to" videos and guides, but to no avail.


Here's what I'm trying to do:


I attempting to create different body morphs for each of my companions.


The mods and tools I've been using are:


Bodyslide and Outfit Studio

HiRes DLC Blackface Fix

Looks Menu


Other Tools (not really used here):




Other Mods I have loaded:


Assault Rifle Renamed to Machine Gun

Combat Rifle rechambered to 5.56

Defense Gun

Handmade Rifle Renamed


I'm running all of this on a Windows 7 64 Desktop PC.


Thanks you for reading, even if you don't reply :smile:

Edited by T3R3
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