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Toreador Skin


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Hi guys, I recently updated my game and installed some mods, including character reskins. I'm very unhappy with the male Toreador reskin though and I want to change it back. I forgot to create a backup (stupid, I know) and I don't want to reinstall everything.

I searched around if I could find the original Toreador models anywhere, but so far I haven't had any luck. So if any of you know where I can find them or if you could somehow send them to me, I would be infernally grateful. :devil:



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If you remove the modded files (you could extract the mod archive file in a separate folder in order to see exactly which files were included, or inspect the "file contents" on the mod page) the game should "revert" to using the vanilla files packed in the game .vpk archives.


If the modded torrie reskin files didn't "replace/overwrite" any thing upon installation, there shouldn't be any issue with removing them. If you have the Unofficial Patch installed, you might lose a couple of texture fixes or something.


I don't see any male toreador files in my Unofficial Patch (10.3) install.


"Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines\Unofficial_Patch\materials\models\character\pc\male..."


"Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines\Unofficial_Patch\models\character\pc\male..."

Edited by Hatemiser
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