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Hwo to get a custom static mesh from 3DSMAX 2015 into FO4?

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Hello dear modders!


I just got into 3DS MAX and started making some meshes that i would like to get into the game ( the CreationKit ) .

I have 3DS MAX 2015 and the havoc-tool thing and I can save a model as a nif, so I think I have everything that I need.

I already looked up some tutorials, but those were not helpful.

So if anyboy knows how to get a static mesh with collision from 3DS MAX 2015 to the game, please let me know. I plan on just using the mesh itself (or a copy of it) as a collision mesh.

Back in the day with Skyrim the collision thing was easy with the NifUtils software, but I tryied that for FO4 nifs and it just crashed ;-(


I am new to 3DS MAX (i mean I know the basics) and to modding FO4, but I really would like to get into this ...


Edit: i just realized the title is spelled wrong, oops ;-)

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Awww man ;-(

I thought if 3DS 2015 works with the whole animations thing, it would also work for static meshes.


Looks like I am screwed (again).


I mean I really like FO4, but it is so hard to make custom content for it and to "work" with it! Skyrim was easier ... So I can see why only a few people make stuff for this game ....


Edit: Thanks for the tutorials, I think the 3DS "problem" is solved ....

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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