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Hey, new to this forum though ive been on the Nexus for many years.



I recently got the idea, that I would love to have my provisioners equipped in Power Armor, and well that part is easy enough, lots of mods and even simple console commands, to get a settler into a power armor, and then assign him/her as a provisioner, no problemo. But then they "fart by accident" and only have the frame equipped, cause their armor broke from farting or from a run in, with a few bugs...


Here comes the mod request/idea:

Some way, to disable the breaking of power armor, on provisioners, without disabling durability dmg on ALL npcs.

I have been up and down google/wiki & Nexus, looking for a way to grant the keyword, that Danse has for example, to npc's (settlers) via console command, but it simply seems to not exist.


My idea is, perhaps a script to run when you assign a provisioner, that grants the settler the unbreakable PA keyword?

Or, perhaps a "constructable" npc, that can use PA without it breaking?

Maybe a bat calling a script on targeted npc?

I read somewhere, in my searching, that keywords cant be added, via console, but they can via scripting, sadly i have 0,0000001% talent, with scripting.


I have mods, that I can utilize to (for example) clone Danse..

But, having an army of poodle Danse's walking the wasteland, isn't really doing it for me..


I know, some of you guys are absolute GODS with scripts and mods, so I'm hoping, its something someone wants to take on, perhaps its actually really easy? (For a god, not for me.)

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This is what's available on the power armor, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5407 , it's called Unbreakable Power Armour. There is also, Companion Unbreakable Power Armour, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6685


I can be so blind sometimes, actually tried your exact mod, but removed it cause "it didn't protect the PA...

Gonna redownload an try it with open eyes this time, thanks SKK. :)

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