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Quick question: seeking a mod Im not sure exists?


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Hey squad! This is my first post, didnt seem to find an answer elsewhere.

Im doing some pretty in-depth roleplay in my current play through, and Im hoping to find any sort of mod that will remove either (ideally both) the NCR and the Legion as in-game factions, in one way or another.

Im fine with an overhaul that makes them appear to be different factions, though I am particularly curious to find one that removes them altogether, as my current play through is focused on a non-courier character, and at this mid-way point in my story, Im hoping to role play that, unbeknownst to my character, the battle at hoover dam just took place and the courier has freed new vegas from both NCR rule AND legion presence. Therefore, I essentially want those two factions to leave the Mojave "overnight" mid playthrough. If anyone has any recommendations for mods that could essentially give me this effect, I would seriously appreciate it!

I had considered loading the "functional post game ending" and then suspending my current story to go and complete the whole hoover dam mission, but it doesn't seem to me that doing that would actually remove the aforementioned factions, just remove some of the lore-breaking npc dialogue. If Im wrong about that, feel free to correct me, and thanks again!


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