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Supply Locker Mod


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I have noticed that one of the mod modifies upper limit of supply locker by manipulating "MaxGuns" in "homesitelimits". Is there any more option available in files provided by game to change the behavior of storage locker like "Bonus Locker" of Outposts in "Facilities.xml" or is it hard coded to be left out from modding.

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In life-line, the standard base has two supply lockers with exactly the same content. It is my undestanding that they achieve this by setting an "outpost" within the base. Also the gates of the base act as enclaves as evident from the siege settings in "mission.xml".


Is this hard coded or present in xml files?

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The gates aren't enclaves. They are facility slots, the equivalent to the watchtower slots in the other game modes. (Two gates are part of the watchtower/defenses, one is part of the command center/radio)


The physical gates themselves are a part of the facility prefabs. They are destructable objects, and have on-map TagPoints and BreachPoints associated with them that are used to direct zombie and defender pathing during sieges.


The second locker is simply placed on the map. It isn't part of any facility or outpost.

Edited by qmjs
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I discovered mention of "Gates" in "tag_points_win.markup".


It is really hard to dig in prefabs. I have hit upon "hazmet locker and resource-generic locker" that are mentioned in every command centre except in millitary(Lifeline) .


By which name the locker is mentioned in facility prefabs?

Edited by pasmon79
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As i have looked through several entity files, i came across files describing animation relating to minute details like car transition effect etc. Now during gameplay it may seem ordinary but as perceived by the coder, the effort put in by the sod team is truly amazing.

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