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Immersive enchating


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I find it very non-immersive that enchanting is basically standing against a table that glows and suddenly an object in your inventory turns magical. Some animations where the chosen object, garment, weapon, armor hovers above the table or perhaps is spread out over the table and the player depending on the enchanting performs magic onto the item. For example, destruction in fire would mean that the player blazes the item with said fire but perhaps before hand uses the soulgem in a manner that makes the item absorb the fire. Then when finished the garment lays/drop to the table and its new found powers enamate from it.

Every kind of magick school has it's own "ritual" and depending on the "spell" the effect of said ritual varies, for example, destruction: Fire, lightning, frost etc

Thanks for reading, hope anyone finds my idea interesting and adapts it in anyway.

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