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Oh! The building is in progress. I have some details that need to get a draft of first that are text right now. Someone who is quicker at that building exterior designs could bring up some designs and I could check their portions to match the exterior. An architect sure would be nice to have around.


Do you have some skill at sketching on these pixel drawing board?


I don't. Or my avatar flying dragon would be a gif by now.

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The way I see it ... you have to build the whole thing ... then cover it up.

That is the geck side anyways ...

Game side you un cover it with triggers set up in the geck.


I like your mention of rock slides ... I think it is possible to make them happen in game.

And even see if it killed the player.

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Ya creative juices flowing >>>


But no I have no skill at sketching with modeling programs ... with a pencil sure. But that only counts when your rolling dice.


Otherwise I say whats wrong with utilizing the vanilla assets ?

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And everyone else who uses my mod.

Be sure you do not violate my property. Be sure you understand what I have written at the profile page for the mod allowances, for you as you are included when when describing how you and others including spirit forms who are outsiders who may only use my mod and not share it via any other method then directing people to the Nexusmods website to obtain their own copy for game play.


Your creation cannot be attached to my mod via G.E.C.K. travel links that your modifications is adding to or linking to and cannot be shared with any friends exchanging your added modifications to my mod, that you make that has linking devices to travel through doors etc for your game on your machine only.


Upload your creation with the G.E.C.K. to your files with none of my Seder Hotel Mystery mod in with it in part or whole you haven't designed. You cannot share my mod with any modification you made to it with any of your friends. You can only direct their attention www nexusmods com there to my mod so they download a copy to their computers for their own amusement. If they want to use your mod too, make sure they get a copy from Nexusmods of it too; to add to their copy of my mod.


Do not mingle or make anything of my mod and put it on any storage device that could be used to transfer my mod from any computer you or friends or demons or demigods or any spirit form :devil: can play with, even if it isn't modified in any way by you.


Point anyones attention to and everyone who wants a copy of my mod too to Nexusmods to download a copy of Seder Hotel Mystery.


Build your mod without any attached links for travel from any point to and from my mod, and do not put your work available to anyone outside your computer's game play with such links, as is with links to my mod, or load up your modified version with my mod in it, on your profile with your mod, other mods.


I must be able to see your work on your profile's page at Nexusmods and, like everyone else choose to download a copy from Nexusmods so I can see your work and chose to add your mod for the game play with your mod as any other mod for game play, i.e., any mod in Fallout 3 anyone can play, including myself. :geek: Lawyers! :devil:

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  • 4 weeks later...

The mystery.


My Seder Hotel can't be seen because it is just outside the borders of your imagination. It's where you will find what you are looking for if you use your imagination.


Use your imagination, like I did mine, too.


I hope the words above have meaning enough so you understand where I put the key so your imagination unlocks the door to yours.

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Okies then , if this is where you want to discuss stuff ?

Surely I can come up with stuff based on the information you have given me.

Or Ill continue to apprise you of idea directions as they come up before I invest to much time.

Which if you don't object then I'll assume they are fine ???

But even if I do most all the geck work from here ... you are still writing the story and dialogue ... at least 90+ % . So if stuff I do doesn't quite line up with your story narrative ... are you willing to adjust it ?

But for starters , I'll complete the structure spaces first in a rough fashion , linked together for an in game walk through so you can envision from the player perspective. And then we'll move on from there for how to structure the story ... sound good ?

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Why won't you tend to our grave yard? Why won't you tend to our families mausoleum and our headstones? Why won't you mow the lawn?! Don't you care for your dead anymore?! Are you family?!


:huh: There in my thought may be the problem... :geek: No one knows who their family is; anymore. :sad:


I guess I'll go buy another robot to mow and one to tend the garden spot on the lot. If I don't roll over out of bed into my grave first I'll have to change their ten thousand year recyclable rechargeable batteries so they will still be tending to this lot even after I am not.


Is Mr. House really alive?! :laugh: Was that insane laughter I just heard coming from under the house?

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I'm pondering your input. If I don't suddenly become enthused soon... Nothing yet.


A dark cloud. Haunting reminder of a sinister plot to shut down construction of the Hotels unique power supplying device. Yes.


Ah! I remember the Union leaders of the old Nuka Cola Nuclear power plants kept holding the contractor back by getting the permits to build denied. AH. Forming in my creative think tank at the moment is what the main theme which postponed the grand opening until the day the bombs fell.


I need a twist in the plot so it has someone who was a sinister character like the ones in Fallout: New Vegas trying to knock of Mr. House.

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