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[SAVE Request]


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I am seeking a save game that has EVERYTHING completed.

Not a "100%" save from the in game menu perspective, as that is often a reference to story completion and that is different from having everything.

Not "just" having all the compendium complete, as even that does not include literally everything.

I mean a save with all weapons, outfits, clothing, saddles, gold medals on missions (even side missions and strangers), variant colors for clothes, everything purchasable purchased, everything findable found, all animals compendium entries fully completed (the little bar beneath the entry), etc. All, fully, explored and completed to the degree that one has found every bit of content in the game and has as much of that content on the character as possible.

If possible, one for "bad" and one for "good" end, but even just one with ANY end would make me very happy.

I realise some people might say "just play the game yourself", and I am, but there is so much content in this game that I have no idea HOW to access, that at the end, I do not want to have missed something that I can't go back for, so when I am done with MY playthrough, I would love to have a save that just has all the things for exploring purposes.

If this is possible (or someone knows of a location where this has already been posted), please let me know.


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