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Welcome to the MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries forums on Nexus Mods.


We keep all discussion for new games to a single forum to make early discussion on the game easy to browse through and find. If the game becomes particularly popular on these forums then we will manually add more forum categories to help split up the various discussion topics a little bit more.


But for now, please chat about anything and everything related to MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries in these general discussion forums.


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Anybody else having difficulty starting coop missions? got a mate and I trying to play but while in the contract screen, we both load to 100% and then the screen just says 'waiting for players'.

I don't know what to do, mate has no clue what he should press as nobody but the host can interact with anything... any help would be appreciated.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for help, just at wits end trying to find somewhere to ask at all.

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Awesome game. Took a few days off and been playing nonstop. Can't wait to see what the modding community is going to do with this one. :happy:

certainly no shortage of content that might be capable of being ported from MWO... clan tech... hell... with the way the map shifts over time... clan invasion could be on the cards for the future... likely officially.

I just wish there was some events to give the massive border shifts (even the establishment of the Rasalhague Republic which I couldn't believe happened until I 'rediscovered' an entirely changed region) and conflict zones a bit more flavor. It'd be great to have events/flashpoint quests not unlike the battletech game introducing us to famous people and groups that we otherwise wouldn't meet, the Allards, the Wolfs Dragoons - so many factions to play with.

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Anyone else having issues with extremely Looooong load times? 5 minutes plus for loading campaign to 1-3 minutes to load a mission?

also anyone know where the official MW5 forums is? I have googled, yahoo and bing'd it and gotten nothing.

thank you


I believe Epic does not support forums and I find that sad as I am looking for any solution to why the game takes an awful long time to load and I have to go to Task manager and at that time I am at the next screen, My specs on one machine is AMD 2700X, AMD 590 8 GB 16 GB Ram which is way above the Recommended. I am now installing it on my other system which is 6700K Nvidia 2070 8 BG and 16 GB to see if I get the same results. Just an update the game runs and looks beautiful on the 6700K and still have problems on the 2700X, all the video drivers are up to date. another update problem was solved as AMD did not put out an driver update until 12/16/19 and it plays very well.

Edited by Lonewolf1044
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Anyone else having issues with extremely Looooong load times? 5 minutes plus for loading campaign to 1-3 minutes to load a mission?

also anyone know where the official MW5 forums is? I have googled, yahoo and bing'd it and gotten nothing.

thank you

Some Specs of your system would be helpfull, but I think problem is specfic to your system, this would explain why google finds nothing. For comparison: My CPU is crazy old, I have Win7 64bit, I have 8 GB Ram (System) and a GTX670, game is installed on a old 2,5" SSD. Mission load lower than one minute, save game load lower than 30 seconds. But to compensate, Battletech heavy metall takes ages to load a save game. Thank you Unity-Engine. ;-)

Edited by christianerding2
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Awesome game. Took a few days off and been playing nonstop. Can't wait to see what the modding community is going to do with this one. :happy:

And there is a lot to do, but also for the developers:

Tanks and VOTL spawing out of thin air and preferable in your back and in weapon range.

They are all snipers and hit you with 98%. Two tanks can damage a Centurion a lot in seconds and this with maxed armor. Destroys that big bad Mech feeling, feels more like a glass cannon.

Carefull approach and scouting makes no sense, when 8 Tanks and 4 VOTLS can spawn right next to you.

Radar is blind like a mole, even blinder.

Hotas and X52 is unuable in this game, Gameplay is much to fast for joystick and joysticks are to unprecise to target the tiny tanks. No joy in the stick so far...

Additionally with lasers, you have to keep the target in crosshair to make full damage, easy with mouse, very hard with joysticks.

Missiles look very strange and cheap how they drop on a target.

Stomping vehicles damages your mech, running through buildings not.

Graphic in the " loadoutscreen" is VGA in best case, Battletech heavy metall makes this look like 1998.

Strangely the Graphic in the hangar is fine...

Crew looks very emotionless and artifical more like robots. Your lancemates and HPG hologramms are not animated, again battleteck heavy metall can do this much better.

Looks like some parts of the game received a lot of love and others not at all.

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