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Mod Help/Advice [Astral Travel]


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currently working on a mod and need some advice on it. basically, im trying to emulate an astral travel ability. so far, the idea is:

player stays in place (maybe concentration type or FFself on/off activation) then either creates an ethereal double of themselves that can fly while the players actual body/real self stays in place (either through dragon flight or activating "swim" state) or maybe activating TFC/ufo function while having the game move in real time. while in this form, detect dead,undead and life will be active. once deactivated or concentration spell stops, player "returns" to their body and continues as normal.

I saw an astral travel mod before and it was pretty good, but has been removed or deleted. while I did like it, I wanted to try my own approach. so far this is my approach:

1. made an actor, gave him invisible and frost effect which left me with a sort of floating mist, this will represent the astral form.

2. im trying to script this so that my player becomes restrained, enable AI and player controls on the previously mentioned actor as well as set camera to the actor (doing this through a summon spell right now).

3. once the effect is finished, actor goes away, player is unrestrained, camera returns to player as well as controls.

so im trying this through scripting but its not working. so what do you guys think? how can I approach this? is there an easier way to do this? any help would be appreciated.

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